

Because, why not?




Can we mutate this into a Guro Thread?

























I want to boop her nose.

So how did my filler do?


Pretty good, I'd say.

How are ya, Boop?




I am having a great morning. Woke up with my gf half naked in my bed. Must've been a good night last night for that to happen.


Glad to see others posting as well!

Sounds pretty great. Good to hear.

>TfW I was in the wrong s/fur thread.


Hey Cobalt, how's it going?


How are you doing this morning?

Slightly less bad than usual.

Fuck fiberglass boards



It's going man.

Good to hear. You just getting on?

That sounds like a good thing.





I've been here for a little while, not too long.

Sorta. I'm sleeping slightly better now, so that's good. Now if I could have more dreams like how I had last night, then it would be much better.



Please elaborate

JFC Kill yoursel-

Well, for one part of the dream I fucked a mare. Later I made out with and cuddled with my second favorite furry femboy, Sledge. It was all super vivid, too.

Dreams... The more positive your outlook on life the better ones you have. Try thinking about something similar to what you were thinking about last night.


>beat the shit out of a kid
>nearly give him brain damage
>gets away with slap on the wrist

I'm white and live in america
What's up s/fur

Dude, nice.

Not much, you?


Funny that you mention that. When I mentioned Sledge in my previous post, I was thinking about him a bit before I went to bed. Usually I don't dream at all, so it's cool that it was something nice for once.

Nice indeed.


so who is your favorite furry femboy





I'm envious. I find I dream quite heavily on sleep meds. Maybe I'll take more tonight. I'd like to dream about good things though.



hmm hes aight but it aint top tier

Good man I keep dreaming that I'm flying around in an endless void then I witness the bigbang



Cool. That's what seems to work for me at least. I don't have dreams very often though, I have a strange alternative thin I do while sleeping.




I should probably get some myself. I still ended waking up and going back to sleep about a dozen times after that dream. I only slept about 5 hours.

His hair is so beautiful. I wish I had hair like his.

What might that be?

I don't dream much. Apperently I sleep talk. Not just like random sentences but blocks of G&M code. I may work retail but I'm an engineer at heart.

I whisper entire blocks of G&M code in my sleep. Or so my gf says.


this is the most top tier boi everyone knows that

Kek, well that's interesting.

Long haired femboys best femboys.



Shut up, nigger. I'm the primary contributor here.

My gf thinks the same thing. She said that she's gonna write it down the next time it happens and see what it makes.

Cant tell if female or cuntboy.

>No wrong opinions

Who cares, faggot

MFA I'll never be smart enough to understand code

I'd like to hear it as well.

My opinions are objectively correct.

I could just, you know, stop posting and watch the thread die.

so? you post the same images over and over again
everyone has instant access to whatever porn they are looking for. this is pretty much just a place to talk

>I could just, you know, stop posting and watch the thread die.
please do
this place is better off without you

needs to stop

long hair nice but overrated
mine is meme oc so its best