Itt: cancer of Sup Forums

Itt: cancer of Sup Forums

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Is this Sup Forums 2011 or Youtube?

whats wrong with the word 'cancer'?

He's implying it's an old term Sup Forums grew out of but it's honestly still relevant

its shitty Sup Forumstalk that shows your newness

see also "god-tier"


i'm pretty sure "god-tier" came from Sup Forums

there were actually other tiers at one point

Almost all you edgelord faggots who leave no room for real music like jazz and blues because every third post is the same and about some obscure "cool new" shit. You fuckers are your own cancer. Shut your dick sucker. I'm not finished. What the fuck makes being obscure cool? Do you bother reading about these faggots you listen to? Do you bother trying them on other formats than digital? Do they even produce other formats any more? You guys are fucking lame as hell man. Go try some opera or soul or something for a bit of education. Fuck your edgy fagmusic and especially the gay ass names you give that shit.

I hope this is pasta
I refuse to believe its possible to have a superiority complex this fucking large

t. a nu male

jazz is for people who think they are smart.

So is Death Grips.

Tfw everyone in the Netherlands is a Sup Forums newfag

I'm not finding any results. It's real.

Almost all you edgelord faggots who leave no room for real music like jazz and blues because every third post is the same and about some obscure "cool new" shit. You fuckers are your own cancer. Shut your dick sucker. I'm not finished. What the fuck makes being obscure cool? Do you bother reading about these faggots you listen to? Do you bother trying them on other formats than digital? Do they even produce other formats any more? You guys are fucking lame as hell man. Go try some opera or soul or something for a bit of education. Fuck your edgy fagmusic and especially the gay ass names you give that shit.

so is music

All the people in the Netherlands who use that word regularly are cancer

> who think they are
Good point. They just think they're smart, but actually they're mediocre or even dumb.

Hey mad asshole, what is your damn problem? Why do you care so much what other people like/discuss? You're lame.

People who listen to certain music because they want to be viewed a certain way are the worst types of people. That said, any and all music is valid. It's okay to like something that somebody else does not. It's okay to dislike something that somebody else loves.