God Tier games, I'll start

God Tier games, I'll start.
Pokemon Go

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People are going to think this is bait. But name one other game in the world that has 15 million daily users.

pro tip. You cant.




pro tip you canting in 2016 muh kekkles

>15 million daily sheep


Sheep or not, No other game has those numbers.




Pokemon Go is a tracking system, prep for the Trump NWO takedown.

Number of players don't make a game good. Just look at Call of Duty.

>Pokemon Go

Should have been a main title in the series and deserves an HD release

Ingress. The superior AR game that implements real strategy into gameplay and actually works right.

If you have no point then the there is no point in talking to you.

Valid point. I have no rebuttal

It doesn't make it good. Just look at Candy Crush or Clash of Clans. Shit games with a lot of players.

Sadly Ingress died lol

>sheer player base means the game is good

Right, and I guess that also means the president with the most votes was the best choice too. Gtfo



Thats kinda the point of voting. But the system would have to work right first.


god tier




Just bc its got a lot of players doesnt mean its good mr.spergelord

remember ingress and foursquares? nobody wore tin foil hats back then, and both used the same geo-localization pokèmon go uses, suddenly it's a concern

you know what else uses gps localization? google maps. and the gps for your car, and your phone. shit you are robbed of your private informations (although it's likely you gave that away willingly) daily, but shit stay away from pokèmon go because they steal your personal infos lol

bet ya you use facebook, you normie

Not in the slightest. Many people in major cities like where I live are actively playing every day. Not to mention the live events still generate massive attendance and there are more coming up in the near future.


shit i remember this game. did you manage to get the little one to throw the molester down the train? i could get him stabbed and his dick cut off, but i just cannot get the second bad ending

log of shit

This was fun back in the day. Hard as hell though.

I highly recommend this to anyone who hasn't checked it out, the first 3 games are golden.

>constantly crashes
>no engaging game mechanic whatsoever
>mfw i reply to obvious bait





*posted on Facebook via muh smartphone*



Best RPG of all time

Too true.

6999999999 users
so basicly everyone except you

all the x saga was gold (and zero saga too)


What fucking brick are you playing it on? I'm playing it on a Moto G3 8GB model and it hasn't crashed once.


"Best choice" for what? If a majority of voters want to leech of welfare and waste away without a care for the overall economy or national security, then an extremely liberal candidate would be the "best choice" for them. If more people enjoy a freemium game than a piece of art that the creators poured their hearts into, the freemium is the better fame. Statistically, a random person is more likely to enjoy it, and, as shallow as it is, they can enjoy it just as much as you enjoy your favorite game. Besides enjoyment, what objective measure exists for games?


X4-6 were amazing but maybe not golden. X7 was absolute trash but they managed to fix X7's mistakes for X8. But yeah the Zero games and the others spinoffs are great.

Far behind star ocean 2nd story and chrono trigger, but it's pretty good

It's my favorite Square game, and game in general. Amazing elemental system, kick ass combat system, multiple play throughs, secret equipment, hundreds of challenges, awesome magic and special move animations, great story. My 10/10 video game.


such an amazing game. i remember cheating so much to get the weapons i needed to improve mine, you just had to wrongly mix weapons and you would constantly get the same result so if you knew, you could gain every weapon you wanted for mixing

stopped playing when i got a super rare grimoire from an enemy and died right after. such shame. but at that point of the game i was like at new game +9, i would oneshot anything, there were no scaling, turns way too easy way too fast





Log of Shit

By the time you get a prefect Holy Win it loses some fun. But then you do shit like speed clears, or punch everyone to death. I play it at least once a year.

Game was hard af as a kid



First one was so good. Ahead of its time

the second one was so unappealing. idk why but i stopped playing real soon

i agree with you for the first tho, such a great game

dude, it's a game with pretty limited replay value. ooh, exponential leveling on a mobile game, never seen that shit before. fuck apps, gemme a goddamn gameboy

I had that shit when I was like 8 years old too. Graphics weren't spectacular but the world was so huge and the gore was super appealing. Good puzzles even though I was never a puzzle kid I was decent at them. I remember finding that hidden human town protected by water near the abyss and was so fuckin hyped. I bought the second one in my teens and I agree with you, quit almost immediately. Tl:Dr I loved soul reaver and I agree with you as well

Can't get pic right now cause I'm at work on mobile but
>Coliseum Road to Freedom
>Monster Hunter
Both God tier ps2 games





still playing this


that game pisses me off.
how the fuck are you supposed to know which cards mix with which.
and how are you supposed to know which ones have the best output out of the ones that do mix.

Apparently this is a garbage tier game thread

>defined sneak for generations

Shut up butthole just post kingdom Hearts and kill yourself already

you all just lost. i still have this game installed and play occasionally

Says the guy defending a glorified camera filter

Play this game with headphones for hours and you forget you even exist


Same here, a damn gg.



log of shit

that's quite a beard


Actually I just commented on soul reaver, coliseum, and monster hunter. I could take or leave Pogo. I like the idea but they broke it its more frustrating than enjoyable now. So shut up butthole


Get rekt fgt

The master is here.

my nigga
