How come there's rarely any Sup Forums meetups?

How come there's rarely any Sup Forums meetups?
we should do Sup Forums meetups, drink booze together and do shit.

too many weirdos in one place

Because the last meet up I heard about was tricked into eating cum brownies


We're mostly socially inept, morally bankrupt faggots. That's why.

Meet ups with Sup Forums
If you want to get raped just go to a black neighborhood

i suggest you alter that picture by replacing myspace with a drawing of a coffin

Because of all the 14 year old edgy summerfags

I hate you faggots

>Sup Forums
>Going Outside
Okay buddy.


Do you want to die
>someone starts thread about what to do at Sup Forums meet up
>anons post about killing every one or raping everyone there
>random op does this
>everyone in meet up kill
>op called a fake summerfag because no timestamp

Seems about right dont you think?

Sup Forums meetup eh

>lets get un anonymous
Defeats the purpose

So generic still kekd

This is exactly the type of shit that would happen

because its garbage and no one talk to each other

cancerous newfags like you do it all the time and it's the cringiest shit

We ARE having meetups. It just happens here on Sup Forums.

I can confirm this happened, anybody has the pictures/screenshots?

The only reason id meet any other psycho wierdo on here like me is to bust a colombus or sandy hook, possibly a serious crime.

This. Considering all the possible psychos and rapists I don't trust you guys

Why so a newfag can film it and upload "epic Sup Forums meet up 2016 (rare pepe tradeshow)" on his yt channel ?
Fuck off

you want the honest answer OP

its because if everyone got together they'd realise everyone else on here is just a normal person in real life.

95% of people wouldn't have the guts to be as hateful as they are on here in real life, especially to other people. the illusion that this was once a taboo place would be finally ruined when you standing around making small talk to people about a hand full of funny meme's and that you where around for when boxxxy was queen

it'd just be a non-eventful affair

We can't be trusted.


>I can confirm
>No pictures or screenshot



Literally the worst fucking idea ever.

Ohh shit 777777incoming


Trump is the only way to save America

So close




>Faggot who thinks that Sup Forums is the only board on Sup Forums.

I've met with several different people from /o/ and /dbt/. A buddy regularly meets with random guys on /k/

/k/ has an annual meetup called Nugget Fest

My fucking sides


just seeing what was it

because this isn't a community.

Please do, reading about awful/autistic/awkward Sup Forums meet ups is very satisfying for me