If anyone on Sup Forums is an engineer, what type of wire is that, Sup Forums? I've never seen it before...

If anyone on Sup Forums is an engineer, what type of wire is that, Sup Forums? I've never seen it before. What would it plug into? If I wanted to wear this under a mask and connect it to some type of power source would that be possible?

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Pieces-Brushless-Cooling-Small-Micro/dp/B01406OSNE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1470239710&sr=8-1&keywords=micro fans

cut the adapter and plug each wire to a battery ?

Nigger what

it's just a power wire, there are plenty of those used in every day tech. it would definitely be possible to do that

those look like case fans, they are powered by a power supply.


Fans just need power and ground to run. Hook the black wire to ground and the red to power, that is small gauge wire so the fan obviously doesn't draw much current. Can't tell from the picture what voltage the fan is designed to run on but maybe it has a data tag that specifies the voltage. Could be 5, 12 or 24vdc.

Interesting theory, but I would rather keep the adapter on incase the wire somehow becomes torn.

>If I wanted to wear this under a mask and connect it to some type of power source would that be possible
if you could fit it which i doubt but why

It's a JST connection. Would be easier just to cut it off and splice the wires to a small battery

I'm pretty sure they would go into a pump, but I could be wrong, and I probably am.

You plug them into pins on your motherboard you faggot

those kind of fan doesnt cost that much anyway

>never seen this type of wire before
you've never worked with electronics ever?

here is the page i got the photo from amazon.com/Pieces-Brushless-Cooling-Small-Micro/dp/B01406OSNE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1470239710&sr=8-1&keywords=micro fans

Cut off the connector and peel off the plastic to reveal the conductors.
Then connect them to a 12v battery, red cable is positive+

What's a connector and conductor?

kill yourself

oh my god, you fucking faggot.
the connector is the little bit of white plastic at the end. the conductor is the metallic wires inside the plastic/rubber coating.

How would I go about connecting them to the battery?

Just apply a solder coating on the stripec copper contacts. Also you can just peplace the connectors for a more wideley used type.

3 pin wire, connects to Computer Motherboards

Or solder it to a battery box even..

What's a solder coating and I'm guessing striped copper contacts are just the copper bits? And how would I go about replacing the connector?

This thread is one big troll

Get battery
Connect wires

I'm trying to attach them to the inside of a mask so it won't get foggy. I'm not using it for a computer


>I'm trying to attach them to the inside of a mask so it won't get foggy.

Ah, then you want anti-fogging spray.


Unless you want your eyeballs to dry out from the airflow.

I've got glasses, I don't think my eyes will be effected that much

Us bikers used to give the inside of our visors a rub with a cloth dabbed in Swarfega. It used to stop the fogging up in the rain

What kind of mask is it? Usually people will splice it. They'll make the solder the end to a usb plug so you can plug it into a battery brick.

Get a soldering iron and some wire strippers. I mean, it's just wire. It's plain metal wire. Go to /diy/ if you want real answers.

First of all you'll need some more wire. From the red andthe black one too. To achieve higher cooling performance you have to spin the two wires together and tie a knot as the figure shows.
The knot must be very tight. (that's the most important of all) As you mentioned, you will use these to cool yourself. That means the knot must be strong enough to keep your body.
To make this sure, put the bow above your neck and step down from a chair or something. Don't forget to tie up the other end of the wires to something that will be able to hold your weight!
Follow this steps precisely and you will be cool.

connect it to the AC socket

It's a dye i4


It's a red and black wire.
It must suck being that colorblind.

I have a theoretical degree in engineering. It's red and black wire and you would plug it into a socket. Of course you can wear it under a mask and connect it to a power source. Glad I could help you.

Is for the raspberry pi idiot

Raspberries need liquid cooling, duh!