Making an online RPG, anybody interested?

Making an online RPG, anybody interested?
Dubs decide a feature to add in the game
Posting stream link if there's enough interest.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Gay and transexual romance option

Feature: every hour there will be a funky music for 3 minutes and every character can do nothing but dance

you can talk ingame and text is spawning in buble... little bit like habbo

no saves what so ever.


Your name is automatically Adolf (characters family's last name) and there is no way to change it unless you go to some police departments

Also what is the game gonna be about?
like you have to have an idea or you will just get bored and quit

You can make the fuck

fuck me, wasting dubs


thanks bud, do it op, also make a funny dance animation, that would be cute

Rolling for being able to rape

fuck you


Some sort of building mechanic as something to work towards. Can we get the name of what it will be so we can know about it when it becomes playable?

Bring oldschool Runescape back.


Black wizard hat that gives the wearer the power of an aoe fire attack, from the sky.

Ye you should make fuck a thing in the game, like corruption of champions

Columbine High school as the main town


Old World.
I'm streaming right now on twitch (debugging and running test clients)


whats your twitch

Magic jet fuel that has the power to melt steel beams.

well, link it

Add procedurally generated villages that can become big cities that war with each other.

Become everything dwarf fortress wanted to be.

Post it or go away with your fake bro.

The ability to do drugs? And spiral into a dark abyss.

Make recovery a quest.

I might have found OP


>twitch tv/oldworldrpg


race war

Today, OP wasn't a faggot

No, that's not me lol.

this is me

ayy, found your twitch- what music is that supposed to be? link to game please
also link to game please- wait fuck a song just played that just gave me fucking nostalgia so hard holy fuck

Add a gay faggot nigger to it


I would help ya...let's do something more like the old habbo but with different goals and shit...lets do something that fits in the history of anonymous!



Make Harambe a tribute

Pokemon OmegaRuby/Alpha Sapphire

already planned


Different armor that represents all the major boards on Sup Forums or all if you have the willpower.

Also some armors should have capes because capes are awesome.


this guy OP

roll. add a fedora.

FML. Rerolling.

Redditor's fedora hat: -50 intelligence, -25 fashion, -25 finesse, +20 euphoria, +75 magic resistance.



Multi-phase final boss fight

That would be awesome. Rolling.

>twitch tv/oldworldrpg
diffierent gadgets like special goggles that you need to see secret loot locations

I like cats

add this shit


have an option to be hitler


Please add this

At midnight everynight everything will go to fucking shit there will he werewolves and vampires and niggers with spears and demons running around it will be the fucking visual aspect of hell

Windows 10 is spying on you man,stop using it.

You can ride horses, and they go super fast. You'll have to tie them at certain places, or they will wander off.

pic unrelated

Party member betrayal

This op

Add a NPC named Nigger Faggot that always follows you and screams Hitler speeches

so much this

Hide this guy somewhere in the game

rpg genre is dieing out. last it will hit WoW

Where can i play this?

Forgot pic

lol i somehow destroyed this card today in my local store


Rolling for this

i dont have anything to hide

make jews killable mobs that you grind for gold.

A village of niggers (those sssssshhhhhhhiiiieeeeeetttttt ones) one can kill and pillage and they spout off stereotypical black people shit (dindu nuffin, i can break these cuffs, its the popo, etc...) and no ingame bad shit happens to you AT ALL

You can kill and or have sex with anyone/anything. Including tree knotholes and holes in the ground.

this is the most retarded shit I have heard in my 70 years

3D graphics

That is a large reason I want capes. Ever since the Incredibles came out Capes have gotten massively shit on.

Believe me, one of my primary boards is /k/. I recognize that capes are impractical but they are still bad ass and it is a fantasy game so...




make it a holocaust game. you start off with the option to be either a jew or a nazi. the jew campaign have to survive and find ways to escape the camps while the nazis can either run the camps and keep it in order or plot to take out Hitler.


well i guess i have no choice now

you can fuck any girl npc to replenish health, kinda zelda 2 style but not just prostitutes because protagonist is alpha as fuck

Game name?

waifu system

>Dubs decide a feature
When the player pushes an arrow key, a poison gas is released into the developer's irl living quarters.

>implying OP will add your sugestions in the game

There should be an object that you can interact with before the final boss that deletes your save and makes you start the game again as a troll

I'll roll this one again


