Can we take a moment to appreciate the bravery and heroism for Michael (the gingers do have souls guy) for coming out...

Can we take a moment to appreciate the bravery and heroism for Michael (the gingers do have souls guy) for coming out as trans? It always makes me happy when people accept themselves for the way they feel inside.

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i agree

Doesn't matter about his gender, still doesn't have a soul

found the ginger

agree, he''s gonna get a lot of hate on YT though

Transginger souls matter

He is suffering from TITS

The hero the UK needed


I imagine this kid is wearing a mumu in that video

As a transgender myself I find it odd that some TG guys want to do their makeup like that. I'm much more interested in doing makeup like a girl and not a drag queen.

To each their own I guess. Just surprises me.


God I hope he uploads the video from the other day.

Steerike 1, steerike 2, steerike 3.
>suspected manlet

Are you hot?


This entire SJW/transfag shtick is the new hippie movement

prove me wrong you shits

shut up nigger

Waste of space, send him to the gas chambers.

Ugh, being trans is not a movement it's just our gender identity. I really don't give a fuck about SJW shit I just want to be left alone to be how I want to be have a hot boyfriend and play video games.

taking bet s on when he'll kill himself

can't believe he fought to get his soul back, only to trade it for a boob job.

>the gingers do have souls guy

I can't believe you guys still fall for his bait.

This motherfucker is one the longest running trolls and you idiots still don't know this?

He does everything for attention so take every detail of his life with a grain of salt



It must be obvious he is only doing this for attention. If you watch enough of his videos it becomes clear really fast that he is just baiting and trolling

A few years I'd say

Was getting dubs part of your plan?

Ive been practicing makeup for about two months but I only have this one pic from the first time I every did makeup with one of my friends lol.

You can decide for yourself.

congrats on that 24/7 cosplay.


So I came out as a being that is above human. You are ants to me and need to worship me as your supreme leader and give me what I ask..... this is literally the same argument trans people make.......


If this was thirty years ago you would have either hanged yourself or been beaten to death. I hope you thank God every day for the Internet.

You look like a man wearing makeup.


You're kinda hot, I'm into it

there is no bravery or heroism in being a fag. You are born that way or you chose to be that way. That is not saving someone's life, that is not helping the community in any way, that is not even selfless in any way. Just a guy that likes dick or has some serious mental issues. Real heroes are those that help the community or save lives, usually doing it for free.

Your parents probably want to kill themselves

Ginger is an anagram for Nigger.

And both are soulless subhumans.

As a bisexual guy, I take zero pride in being bi. I am not ashamed either. It's just another thing I can't control. Granted, I'm glad I'm bi, because I think it's more fun, but it isn't any achievement.

Rot in hell

Damn, that is some nice hair. Is it real?

Fuck you. Everybody knows that Niggers got Soul.


>satan come up
>"ey faglord, be a girl and you get free soul, special deal, no scam"
>"k im in"
>still have no souls
>"got fucked"
>satan : "inb4 kys..."
>too late

gg scumlord

as much disdain as I have for the hippie movement at least they had some sort of reasonable platform at the time they were relevant, SJWs are purely insane/chaotic in their moralistic and logical intent and hardly have the grounds in this current society to argue that social politics are that fucked up. It's like taking a very schizophrenic person seriously on a political and societal level.

Did he?
What has the world come to?

Has cartman would say he's transginger


>Niggers got Soul
Found the apeshit nigger.

Fucking kek


I'd rather have a trap for a son than an autistic man child that sits in the basement all day fapping to MLP and posting on Sup Forums.

um... was it a part of yours?


You are gorgeous!

at least an autistic is a real retard. a trap will never be a real woman.

Thanks haha. Like I said my makeup is considerably better now. No more masculine chin and I got my jaw line to be more feminine. Also got better at mascara and eyeliner.

They don't know I'm bi or transgender yet, but even if I told them they wouldn't care. They are very open to this kind of stuff.
Hehe no it's not real. That wig was

Of course!

hippies were doing it for world peace and fighting the draft. They were anti corporation and valued human life over profit.

SJW's are fags that can't accept they are wrong. They want to censor people that think differently. They want to guilt others into thinking their way because of several insecurities they have. They are the losers of the school but with a voice now because of the internet.

>mfw its the same

Transgender faggot nobody wants you here

autismal neckbeard
>no job
>no gf
>lives with parents
>pathetic no life

>would move out
>strange but would lead decent life in theory

gee which is a better situation

>> trap
24/7 cosplay
can't menstruate
never have baby in womb
life of delusion
laughing stock
faggot man in makeup

Why dont people just stop having their dicks inverted. It serves nothing and certainly doesnt affect what gender you are.
I can leave my shit intact and still call myself a girl.

so basically both hypotheticals, you dont get kids or really a normal sense of pride, but with a trap at least you have a functional person sexuality and chopped dong aside. A neckbeard will never have a GF, never give you grandchildren, never get a job, and never move out. I'd say a neckbeard is much more pathetic than a successful trap. Also how is the average neckbeard any less delusional than the average trap?

i can wear a superman shirt. doesn't make me bulletproof.

got a cock? not a female.

You mean a cross dresser.

There is no such thing as transsexual or any other bullshit similar nonsensical made up name.

neckbeard is a pathetic beta loser, but they're not pretending they're a unique snowflake. they know what they are. traps are mentally ill and should be subjected to global eugenics.

Get help retard. You're fucked in the head .

He's a typical sjw faggot.

can someone explain to me how you're a female if you have a dick?

protip: you fucking can't

inb4 kys faggot neckbeard

You are who you are, and that in itself holds some real beauty.


Transgender is called a mental disorder for a reason. I feel like I'm a girl in a guy's body. Of course that's mental. To say I'm retarded though is ridiculous. I'm 25 and I'm in the top 1 percentile for annual income for my age.

have you even met a trap before? I've never met a trap that went prancing around proclaiming it, most you cant tell until they tell you. The kind of faggots who prance around and proclaim they are traps usually aren't internally and are doing it for attention because its socially relevant.

>global eugenics
LOL eugenics, way to invalidate what you are talking about.

So does cutting your dick off.


cut your penis off, even that won't make you a woman. still got male DNA... and not just up your asshole.

Is he also transginger?

Thank you. I appreciate that. I'm still trying to figure out if I want to transition to a girl. I'm happy where I'm at for now though.

>implying I want to cut my dick off or be a trap
you really like to jump to conclusions

He's trolling

Double kek

we have that in common. "i'm a real woman!"

What an attention seeking sodomite

>most you can't tell until they tell you
I mean unless you're fucking blind then yeah

>I'd rather have a trap for a son than an autistic man child that sits in the basement all day fapping to MLP and posting on Sup Forums.
If you had a trap sons you'd be raping him every second of the day u flaming Faggot


why do traps piss you guys off so much? Did your dad touch you or something?

What a retarded faggot nerd. Why is that cunt even 'famous'?

yeah, cause they all sound like a dude with a clothespin on his nose.

> (You)
>why do traps piss you guys off so much? Did your dad touch you or something?
Again with the boy rape fantasy. Faggot.

Fucking faggot.

anger? nope. just an endless source of comedy. why? because they're a fucking joke.

Remember Soul Train? Good times.