Seriously, what all the hate for this guy...

Seriously, what all the hate for this guy? He screams a lot but his content is really funny! There are no better scare reactions on youtube.

what stupit b8


>but his content is really funny!

No. That's just it. His content is about as funny as colo-rectal cancer. Just... no.



fuck that nigger

His fan base consist of borderline pubescent teeny boopy giggling girls and boi fucks that would spread their puccis for him.

Yes it's just your average dumb entertainment.
It's still funny at times and comphy to watch.

As much as his fanbase is a load of shit he is a really nice man. I got to meet him once and he was as cool as he is in his videos. Also sometimes he can be funny without screaming.

His Trypophobia video triggered many. Shame he can't get into Martzia's small hole at all

Shit wtf nigger.


TheRadBrad and the original fuck you chair will always beat the fag mentioned by OP

How is this bait you autist?


am i the only that realizes Sup Forums became a cringy shit hole

i deliberately don't watch his stuff on principle. he is the most watched/popular youtuber. therefore i'm naturally inclined to not watch his stuff because most people have shit taste, especially when it comes to youtube.

It pisses me off that this guy now acts like the guardian of YouTube when he cheated his way to the top by overreacting to shitty jumpscare games.

i'm sent to areobase

i wonder who could be behind this post

He represents the continued "fencing off" of the internet. The Wild West days are over. Entertainment is being consolidated to a few mainstream sites, who then do everything they can to destroy start-ups and older, smaller sites trying to offer alternatives.

He is the face of the normie internet of the future.

Because only the retarded faggots of Sup Forums would think anyone actually thinks this cunt is in any way, shape, or form funny. So people are responding as if OP was serious.

Gawd yer dumb.

dollars warning.

Wooow ok there champ. The autism.

that's not a jif OR a gif!! REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Do not confuse curmudgeonliness with autism.
Also: you're a cunt.