The internet. One of the most powerful technological creations that reshaped global culture, technology politics...

The internet. One of the most powerful technological creations that reshaped global culture, technology politics, and trade. Now imagine how the world today would be like without it, what do you think things would be like Sup Forums?


There would be no Internet.


I know what things would be like.
I was your age before the internet.
it was better back then.

i remember getting my first email, it was a juno account. back when cereal boxes came with cds and toys. those were the days... then came y2k

Hurdur better before. No it wasent, and if you cant figure it out:
The internet and other media let us see shit around the world with live feed and quality the past decade, before than you only knew local shit. But in total it was shittier. Nowdays ppl just complain about useless shit like its a world crises. But really its better now.

>420 ha
apparently people were unable to see the shit around the world before the internet. wonder how they got anything done...

yeah we get to find out about things sooner, and there are video recordings and other information to gain from online, ill give you that credit, you made a good point.

I would argue that to improve things you ust start at a local level which you pointed out all you heard was local shit, but you gotta start small. If someone walks in and showers you with bills you have to pay, youll start freaking out thinking how am i going to pay for all this? this is a big big problem. but you gotta start one small bill at a time. I would add that maybe there is too much information, and it is overwhelming to the point that when big issues arise, they get blown up, and unresolved.

things are better, oh yeah, but are you saying that wouldnt of happened if it was not for the internet? that people cannot progress without it now?

Did you live at anytime before 1995? It'd pretty much still be like that. People would probably have cellphones, and they'd use them for making reservations, purchasing items, etc...

Video games would probably come in on multiple discs still, or in flash drive form, but there'd be no add-ons and the ever-popular DLCs. What you bought is what you'd play, with none of that crap where companies try to install patches that fixes their shoddy programming or prevents people from exploiting glitches.

The library would still be a thing, as well as actual encyclopedias. Little fuckers would scour books for hours in the hopes of figuring something out and they'd know how to work a goddamned card catalog system.

It'd be interesting to see.

dubs and yes i did, those nice big cell phones.. classic

it would be interesting to see, i think that would make for an interesting social experiment of people who grew up with the internet today. no im not talking amish people, but people who grew up in urban cities/towns with the internet.

thanks for your thoughts

Good point, I will give you that. Ppl nowdays dosent really have the will to get information they hard way, trial and error. They just google it...but in general i would say the world is a better place even thou the primates running it depends on information not garantied and that anyone can change.

i guess a good question to ask now is, are people/ and or society/ morally better off with the internet than with out? is it the internet that changed us, or have we changed ourselves?

There wouldn't be war because Sup Forums would not exist

There'd be less fapping.

this is a scary thought

things weren't bad in the 90. less noise

Internet is a good thing
Internet culture is destroying us as a species especially in the us
People spend the majority of their time voluntarily staring into flashing screens filled with subliminal advertising and propaganda.
No one actually wants to do anything or get anything done anymore. They just want to stare at a screen and masturbarte.

Do you think there is a way to avoid this culture though? I think it was bound to happen

You wouldn't have to hear a billion shitty opinions shaping a vapid culture. You'd think it would make generations even more intelligent with all the information out there but instead people only use it to bitch and bully

idiocracy now
abrogate universal suffrage

all aspects of human society can be represented by the triangle/pyramid. we've put powerful things into the hands of the base that they don't care to understand. this should never be done. but see: greed and stupidity. now enjoy chaos.

Pandora's box for all people