Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:



Stella's mine

Top, Jungle, some bot as of recent.
>kennen bot kicks ass
No, u.
>how was your day?

I'm not your guy, pal!

I'm offended that you would think I was!

I was image positivitying you

Why do you do this to yourself?

Ok, I see what you want

Reminder that claims don't count unless you post a picture.

Cute pic

mandatory cc claim

its probably his first time so be patient.
he will be confused throughout the whole experience but i'm sure he will love it.

i aint paying

already seen it
its pretty good


Trips confirm that it's a cute pic.

Yours is cute aswell.

That's true, but cheating

Claiming Lilly and going sleep.
Thank guys


Mercy claimed. Niggers out.


I find your image catcalling offensive

Harley looks fun in that movie


>its probably his first time so be patient. he will be confused throughout the whole experience but i'm sure he will love it.

Sounds like gay butt stuff

Because I find my hidden insanity on the edge of consiousness.
Also vidya.
You wear it under the shorts don't you?~


Cirno is the strongest!

Doll claimed.

Aloha, you

My internet is being retarded send help

Cirno best ice loli

Am I the only person in /waifu/ that hasn't seen FLCL?

>Not going to sleep when me, Shizuru and Kyouko did.

Welcome back. Again.

Would they still count if you posted the wrong picture even though that wrong waifu within the picture still had the right name?
>E.G. If I posted a picture of the Yoko from Gurren Lagann.

So close.


QOTT: What is the best possible statement or principle to base all law upon?
>No victim, no crime.

I main support, but I also play ADC and Top

That Leona though

I'm wanting to see A Monster Calls

I didn't mean to eye rape you! Please forgive me

That's why I'm going to be there to help him through it!

It is

It's still not good for you though!

~~i might be able to wake you up~~

Well I don't the the problem with taking them off aswell.

Put out these fires in my head space
Because I'm widw awake
Why am I awake?
The city sits below and we
Take shots at the moon
I wanna give it to you

I'd have to agree.

Is FLCL fooly cooly?

honestly no fucks given about harley, never cared for her character.
i just wanna see what they're doing with the joker.

it is.
i wasn't hiding it.

watch it.

yea, it looks pretty good.

make sure everything is sanitary before you start.

Hola. How are ya?

Leona best support. Because fuck letting them move.

revenge through the system.

Good point~

Doll face

Applicable to all

Only fair considering what i do to you~

Really? shit, she was great in the animated series back in the day.

Victim is a broad term though. SJWs would move they are victims of the crime of oppression.

>Sotire mizore


Not bad, currently at work. How about yourself?


I also read the book back when it came out, and really enjoyed it

I know, just needs an anal douche

She is the best, and that project skin!

And Soraka is also pretty good, heal their poke and silence them when they try to go in

W-what do you do to me?!

Very nice, wanna show a bit more?~
And what about you? Like to join in?

Is this part of your tease folder or that 3rd one?

You'll have to excuse me, I get lewd when I'm bored

places for that elsewhere, not in here please.

yes, but they had to change a lot about her to make her this way.

i haven't read it yet though it has been recommended to me.

u got one?

Is it the lewdening already?

Read .
>Also wew.


"Victim" is hereby defined as and implicitly understood to mean "one who has been physically harmed, actively harassed, stolen from, actively exploited, put in danger without their explicit, informed consent, or actively prevented from exercising their freedoms of speech, movement, or self-determination."
More libertarian.

What you don't know can't hurt you~

No one hasn't at least once



It is a bit of a mind fuck

I am getting one soon actually...

It seems

Nah, full anarchy

I need to know!

Not yet, I'll only post a lewd very rarely
Well I'm not at home, but I'd probably put that one in my lewd folder, not the tease folder

Pic related would be a tease folder pic

religion of peacefu

Wrap me up in Chanel inside my coffin
Might go to hell and there ain't no stoppin'
I might be a sinner or I might be a saint
I'd like to be proud but somehow I'm ashamed
Sweet little baby in a world full of pain
I gotta be honest I dunno if I can take it
Everyone's talkin' but what's anybody saying?
Mama said if I really want it a can change it, yeah
RIP 2 My Youth
If you really listen, then this is for you
Mama, there's only so much I can do
Hard for you to witness, well it was for me too
I'm using white lighters to see whats in front of me
RIP 2 My Youth


Yo Yuuko, what's up?

Ah what do you work as? Just playing League at the moment.

I prefer pool party for reasons.

Soraka's so annoying to play against, but so good to play

>Against Darius top.
Plz no.

You guys had a slumber party?
>Like it? Join in~
Awww, but they look so good~

Sleep calls, I answer. Night.

Let's dress up as loli girls and touch each other's buttholes in Second Life.

Imagine chara with you, but lewder ~

Sexual harassment.
You know the usual. You?


This shit is so pathetic and retarded.

I run the tech side of software that runs 400 automated fuel sites across the US. At least, that's the TLDR

Lewd reasons?

That's why I play her

Have lewd dreams!

We have only sent each other hentai links! That is all the lewd we have done

And you can call this the funeral
I'm just telling the truth
You can play this at my funeral
Tell my sister don't cry and don't be sad
I'm in paradise with the dead
Close my eyes and cross my arms
Put me in the dirt let me dream with the stars
You put me in a box with with the oxygen off
Gave me the key but you locked every lock
I was naive and hopeless and lost
But now I'm aware and driving my thoughts


It's ok, everyone does now and then.

It's a nice pic.

is it? i must read it now.

nice, mines broke, don't ask how.

bit lewd there for my liking buddy, chum, pal, friend, bud, chummy friend, pal, buddy.

R.I.P. to my youth

And you could call this the funeral
I'm just telling the truth
And you can play this at my funeral
Wrap me up in Chanel inside my coffin
Might go to Hell and there ain't no stopping
Might be a sinner and I might be a saint
I'd like to be proud, but somehow I'm ashamed
Sweet little baby in a world full of pain
I gotta be honest, I don't know if I could take it
Everybody's talking, but what's anybody saying?
Mama said if I really want to, then I can change, yeah yeah

R.I.P. to my youth
If you really listen, then this is to you
Mama, there is only so much I can do
Tough for you to witness it but it was for me too

R.I.P. to my youth

And you could call this the funeral
I'm just telling the truth, yeah
You can play this at my funeral
Tell my sister don't cry and don't be sad
I'm in Paradise with Dad
Close my eyes and then cross my arms
Put me in the dirt, let me dream with the stars
Throw me in a box with the oxygen off
You gave me the key then you locked every lock
When I can't breathe, I won't ask you to stop
When I can't breathe, don't call for a cop
I was naive and hopeful and lost
Now I'm aware and trapped in my thoughts

What do I do? What do I do?
I don't believe it if I don't keep proof
I don't believe it if I don't know you
I don't believe it if it's on the news or on the Internet
I need a cigarette

R.I.P. to my youth

And you could call this the funeral
I'm just telling the truth
And you can play this at my funeral
Tell my sister don't cry and don't be sad
I'm in Paradise with Dad
Close my eyes and then cross my arms
Put me in the dirt, let me be with the stars

Why thank you... Rin and chokers go so well together~

Amen to that.




That is implying that everyone named David is the same person.

Don't be a dumbass or a smartass so you don't get dumbass or smartass answers.





Past ich


Hey shitposter-user, you're back!

The twists are pretty good

I'm scared to ask...

And what are you using for?


Hey man, how are you doing?










I can agree on that, they really do.


I'd normally like its genres, but something is repelling me away from it kind of like Akira did.

It was a coincidence that we all went to sleep around the same time, but yeah, I'd call it that.
>Lewd thoughts and dreams, not lewd acts.
>>You forgot to read the FLCL part.
Get some well-needed sleep.
>Trust me, it did wonders.


will get it next time i do a book haul.

i can see why...

cleaning... purposes.

I'm fine, had some nice grapes as a snack


I looked up a few of these records, and whoever is posting them should get better taste in tasteless music.

And Kyouko is just a general cute~

>hasnt seen flcl
>hasnt seen akira
have you seen bebop
please tell me your not a hipster

Oh sweet, I was actually with my friends in pizzeria. Haven't met up with them since like 2 months so we shared some shit with each other. Was pretty fun.

That's like your opinion, my friend.


