Any of y'all fuck with XXXTENTACION?

Any of y'all fuck with XXXTENTACION?

I do.
Did he really hit his girlfriend?
He's doing his third time in jail now. Seems like he's getting into a pretty big downward spiral.

Also, if anyone could share Members Only Vol. 1 in good quality, that would be tight.

>trying to sound black

fuck off nu-male

all his shit is on dat pizz

nah im not 14

He looks sad

he's retarded but i like his music

that little bitch got her throat fucked

XXXTENTACION makes music for ex convicts who can't stop popping xanz while watching dragon ball z

yeah but she deserved it anyways, bad for him though

how do you pronounce his name? is it extention or tenacion? what does it mean?


his worst song, fuck off hypebeasts

ex tent ass ee un

ex ten tay see on

i dont really care that he hit her im all for smacking hoes but why did she deserve it tho. was she playing him?

This guy's fanbase is 99℅ white people that think they are black, IE r/hiphopheads

he's a sad gay little baby

I wish this gay little bitchboy would try to put his hands on me, I'd knock him out and piss on his stupid face.

are u sure about that? florida dudes really arent afraid of death

novelty act. some of his stuff is cool but some is so corny


>florida dudes really arent afraid of death

They're not afraid of sucking baby dicks either, or meth. Or fetal alcohol syndrome

He brought his sadness onto himself with his whole "bad vibes only" thing. Honestly, i love his music but i've never seen a dude create so much misery FOR HIMSELF before.

Talentless hack. Same shit as Suicide Boys, Ghostmane, Rozz Dylliams. Honestly, just fucking garbage.

fucking right, and whats worst than person doesnt care about thier own wellbeing or themselves at all