Childhood is when you idolize Nirvana

Childhood is when you idolize Nirvana
Adolescence is when you think they are overated shit
Adulthood is when you realise they were pretty great, but far from best band ever

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yeah pretty much

yeah pretty much

yeah, pretty much!

yeah pretty much

I agree

tfw skipped childhood because i refused to be like other kids

I buy it.

Childhood is when you are not aware of Nirvana
Adolescence is when you buy a Smiley t-shirt and think they are the greatest band ever
Adulthood is when you realise that they were responsible for bringing fame and fortune to Dave Grohl and that alone is unforgivable

Maturity in adulthood is realising that contrary to popular belief, Cobain was better at writing chord progressions than lyrics

This is actually pretty true. I still think that Lithium has one of the best chord progressions ever written.

even their b-sides were good. All /mu contrarianism and cynicism aside, he was a genius

this is actually pretty good
not cringe at all

writing bar chord progressions is pretty easy though

Yeah I can drink to that


yeah pretty much

>Dave Grohl had an entire fucking speech about how HIV wasn't responsible for giving people AIDs
>Given at a show people paid for

Honestly, I both love and hate the simplicity of the recordings they did.

Kurt was writing songs that deserved lush arrangements, but that just wasn't what was up at that time. Krist is a super mediocre bass player, so he adds basically nothing. Mr. Foo just hit his drums really hard and then really soft for "dynamics".

Kurt had that godtier voice and a very melodic sensibility to his playing/writing.

So, in reality they genuinely were the best band of that era and their legacy makes sense, but it just bums me out that there could have been so much more. I listen to shit like Come As You Are and think "yeah, this guy knew his way around a little ditty", and you still hear it every goddamn day in public spaces, but really that was more like a promise for more music. It was like a child genius who went to University at age 12, who then promptly killed himself before he could do anything substantial for this world. The music Nirvana left behind is great, but it pisses me off that they all really did was leave us these stupid little reminders of how much better material they could have offered. Not even just that, they would have released it promptly. They were RIGHT THERE.

Even the fucking Foo Fighters output, imagine if Dave Grohl was required to pass all of his ideas through Kurt? Can you imagine the quality filter?

i agree but this means i had no childhood

bro i started listening to nirvana at 11, wtf were you doing

I didn't listen to music until 15

>hear bleach
>think, "that's pretty great"
>nevermind comes out
>time passes
>hear in utero
>"this is GREAT"
>more time passes
>Sup Forums appears
>babies everywhere

t. gen x

I feel the exact same way about Biggie Smalls. He could have made much better music.

>Kurt was writing songs that deserved lush arrangements, but that just wasn't what was up at that time. Krist is a super mediocre bass player, so he adds basically nothing. Mr. Foo just hit his drums really hard and then really soft for "dynamics".
Please don't discuss music ever again

Writing good ones is not.

>Krist is a super mediocre bass player
You stand on escalators, don't you?

>tfw spending your late 20s regretting it

I can listen to Bleach or In Utero, but Nevermind is tedious as fuck.

This guy gets it...

not even on the side so people can still walk past you too I'll bet

sounds accurate, listened to them today and realized they werent as bad as i remembered years ago and definitely as good as i remembered even longer ago


The MTV Live album had some pretty good arrangements but that session was mostly covers and lesser known songs.

nirvana - the catcher in the rye of bands

No if anything the band should be represented by the book Perfume.

yeah, pretty much

In Utero will forever be my favorite album though

Nah, I think in the end Cobain was a lot like Ian Curtis, wanted to cement his legacy and had the self awareness to know he was at his peak, it's good that we got what we got and they aren't putting out embarrassing shit now. Too bad the Foo Fighters aren't as good as New Order

>bar chord progressions

what does this even mean? are you trying to say "barre"? and if so what the hell does that mean?

>songs that deserved lush arrangements

how so? that's like the antithesis of kurt's music

not him but power chord progressions is what i assume he means and they are not that difficult to write

also nirvana fucking sucked as did all of grunge

>power chord progressions is what i assume he means and they are not that difficult to write
good ones are very hard to write, and if you knew theory you'd know that full chord progressions in and of themselves aren't hard to write either, the real genius is in the melody, which kurt was amazing at.

>nirvana fucking sucked as did all of grunge
not the biggest fan of grunge but nirvana is pretty good sometimes

Chord progression from measure to measure

why the hell would it matter when the chord changes?

idk I don't really get what he was referring to


Skipped adolescence because insulting other people's taste is a waste of time

I think you mean power chords, pal

>that session was mostly covers
There were only 6 out of 14 songs were covers

>not that difficult to write

This is true, he himself believed that lyrics weren't important, and just threw in random bits of his poetry. Some of his songs sound amazing, but the lyrics are a bunch of shit that just means nothing. I still love him him though, enough to have his gay babies.

>subconscious word association what's that?

According to Google, it's nothing.

Works for me. Maybe you don't know how to google?

i listen to nirvana when i'm in the mood for some sloppy alt-rock with lyrics that occasionally have an off-hand profundity or a kind of vile humor to them that's charming when it's not too immature

that's about the extent of their value

can you two be nice to eachother

>and lesser known songs

learn to read you twat

i never thought they were overrated
and i never will

Look, the music was great, but don't forget about the attitude. They refused to play the game. They gave a big ol' middle finger to the industry. They would show up and be told what to do, and then do the opposite. It was rock and roll through and through.

I think it becomes cool to distant yourself from them, because they are so loved. So when you reach "adulthood" and you're a jaded hipster wanting people to think you're brilliant, you an't deny their talent, but you'll act like the latest pitchfork darling band you'll spend 5 minutes listening too is better.

Going left when everyone goes right is only self determination if going left is who you are.