Why do critics worship Radiohead for Kida A but shit on U2 who did the same thing 7 years earlier?

Why do critics worship Radiohead for Kida A but shit on U2 who did the same thing 7 years earlier?

fuck off u2 are shit i hope bono dies

the album you should've posted was Achtung Baby

But Achtung baby is their Ok Computer and Joshua Tree The Bends

>Supports U2
wow this is really gay

>not one of the most critically acclaimed bands of all time

>tfw bono will never be this far in your mouth

>critically acclaimed

If U2 died in a plane crash after this album they would be considered rock legends

>critically acclaimed
By your mom and Rolling Stone?


Their 80s and early 90s work was hugely acclaimed by music publications across the board, even pitchfork. God, how underage can you get? I bet you probably deny that U2 was post-punk too.

Can you just answer why you're so gay?

Are you 12 years old or something?

r u gay?

REM too

No you just have bad taste the U2 thing is a legitimate concern in terms of music taste.

REM and U2 are two defining bands of 80s rock

>Pic related you trying to justify listening to U2

Go back to Sup Forums


Sensing thee OP




first time on Sup Forums huh?

bruh, their were new-wave not post-punk…

what exactly would make them "new wave" and not "post-punk"?

But Achtung Baby is considered a really, really good album by most critics. In fact, most critics would agree that up until the turn of the decade they were consistently really good.

because U2 aren't cool and therefore can't be post-punk

…is that a trap thread?


Kill youself Barneyfag

Uh oh, Sup Forums fags shifting to Sup Forums now that Trump is old news?

U2 are fucking legendary. They were literally never cool and literally always made incredible pop music.

>They were literally never cool
In the early 80s they were I'd argue. Not AS cool as some bands, but cool.

>Sup Forums fags
>implying everyone isn't shitting on your music taste because it's really awful

How old are you seriously? And how long have you been on Sup Forums?

How gay are you seriously? And how long have you been on Sup Forums?

U2 is gay

Am I on Sup Forums?

shut up fag


The fact that people deny the influence U2 had on The Bends and Ok Computer is so fucking retarded

and the fact that Radiohead wouldn't have reinvented themselves into an electronic music band from a hugely acclaimed, arena filling alt rock one if U2 hadn't done it first

>Being so fucking gay you have to latch onto the coattails of another band to make U2 seem less gay

I doubt that. U2 used electronics as a toy imo were as Radiohead actually ran it through their veins instead if that makes sense

Why are you so insecure that you have to hide behind irony 24/7?

U2 were brilliant through Pop. They lost most people's respect after that by recording album after album of power ballads.

That a fairly good album (All That You Can't Leave Behind) was the start of this makes it harder to think of U2 as having a good and bad period, the way we can with, say, Wild Mood Swings or 5150, or what happened with Echo & the Bunnymen. Everyone knows Echo & the Bunnymen are the greatest band ever, even though no one managed to sit through any of their last 6 albums. There's a clean break in the middle of that and then a reunion.

Had U2 split up just an album or two after learning to suck, they might still have their reputation. It worked for Siouxsie & the Banshees and The Cocteau Twins. A lot of people hate Let It Be, but it represents the end of an era and a document about why the band fell apart. All That You Can't Leave Behind is that document for U2, but some of it's great, and then they kept on making shitty albums for another 15 years and counting.

Finally, if their music was just bad or maudlin most of us would have forgiven them. But it's pompous. That does a lot of harm. It colors their earlier work in a way. It's hard to enjoy Rattle and Hum the same way after listening to 60 minutes straight of Bono crooning as though it were the end of the epic final song on a double album.

tl;dr U2 suck because they ruined U2

What really pisses me off is that they never released or re-released Original Soundtracks 1 under the U2 name. Had they done that, they'd probably be put on a similar pedestral as Radiohead, that shit is as out there as anything RH ever did.

Also, The Edge is probably one of the most influential guitarists around. I don't think anyone was doing the delay-based riffs thing before him.

Stay and title track are in my top 10 U2 songs

u2 never did the same thing as radiohead

what do you mean?