ITT: Post what you're listening to right now

If you guys actually listen to anything

Other urls found in this thread:




who /pink/ here?


cringe /thread and /you're lifes


no bully



Halfway through, pretty gud


Halfway through. Not bad so far. Pretty venomous desu


Just came out today. Really digging it, on my second listen



Can anybody explain the appeal?


price sticker marks are pretty triggering

good shit

I oughta check that out

Nice player.

Whats the skin?

Just had a scroll thought my library.. couldn't decide. So I randomly put this on.
I still love Fang Island. Might do Day of the Great Leap after this

Trying to get into this album cause everyone seems to love it, but he sounds like fucking Randy Newman here. The songs aren't even that good. I'll prob just go back to Blood or Highway

I liked the first track a lot. Rest of it was hit or miss for me.



I prefer 3 feet high and rising but this is a fucking amazing record

listen to stonehenge - bunch of bisons

r8 my pl8list


Supernova 3.0

too many repeating artists
still 7/10





are you liking it lad

good rec senpai thanks

Not lad but I liked it
Best Nirvana song

thats that good shit yah mean

first listen and really digging it. always get a good feeling inside when the Spacemen are playing

great comp imo. Klinsfrar Melode is so good
of whitehouse? i don't know. i need to be in a very particular mood, but when it hits the spot there's nothing like it. oddly enough i've found it to lift my spirits when i'm feeling worthless. plus the characters William Bennett creates through his lyrics are intriguing/hilarious
I am impressed that you have withstood that much Aube. that is one discography i will never finish

>He uses a DE

>not using a DE
ricefag detected


best ylt album

v good


Love this.

I am bored out of my mind and watching some dota 2 videos on youtube.
Can any of you fucks tell me whats the melody playing in the background here?
Starts at 1:00 but the recognizable part is more around 1:28

Minor Threat - Out of Step

My dudes

always a feel good


>tfw Megapleb

Hell yesssss love this guy


Walking In the Air - Mimicking Birds

Clipping's EP


not bad, not bad


some nice ass blues, really been getting into blues lately


squarepusher - ecstatic shock

this is the final track of one of his albums. it's got one of the best first ~30 seconds in a track i've heard recently, but it gets boring. the album is not what i expected from squarepusher too

christian tamburr doing a vibraphone cover of eleanor rigby

this is actually fucking amazing desu

Because I like being a sad faggot

Very good album.

went through spinnin mix while ago and now i got hardwell on air 297 on. if you like electronic music this is for you.



10/10 album

>Arch with a thinkpad on Sup Forums
Now I've seen it all.

go listen to no clear mind - makena next. its a good followup






can you post your wallpaper user?

Was in a few top tens 2016 so thought Id give it a listen only 30 minutes long. Love it. alt emo country revival


What can I say, I like my Ozzy.

This. I don't think this album deserves the kind of hate you people give it.


It's good but i still prefer lonerism

I've finally gotten around to listening to it and it's great.

Blatta, dsbm:

>listening to music in 2016
How fucking pleb is this board?

This album was amazing on acid. Past Life was orgasmic to listen to. Probably because I was peaking then but damn the song just spoke to me. I love what the song made me think about, very beautiful thoughts. think I like it just a little bit more than their other albums.

nothin to see here


xD its funi cause this is a music board and u sayin we dont listen to music, so funi

Have a (you)

Thought it would be ass but It's pretty good.