Chart Thread

Last one died but I wanna keep superior chart threads alive

Other urls found in this thread:


its just gonna get reported again don't even bother

I like the rainbow

Damn it I wish I had saved my old chart.
Making it again.

This one's probably gonna get deleted too, unfortunately

Why is it gonna get deleted?

Damn good taste, early Beefheart kicks more ass than one would expect, honestly.
Good taste musically, great taste in vidya and comedy son

And here's mine again.

I bet the last thread got deleted because of the titties in front of Jimi Hendrix
homie I know you ain't watchin savannah brown for the poetry.

Well the last one was deleted. Just an assumption

thanks man like your pokemon and taste
you might enjoy The Books - The Lemon of Pink if you haven't already listened

which smash bros

Smash 4, I like its physics better

hard to comment as I'm not familiar with much on your charts :(


off topic would be my guess. there's a lot of filler on the chart to be music related.
>centipede hz
nice on the battles though,

>I bet the last thread got deleted because of the titties in front of Jimi Hendrix

Damn I hope not, fixed though thanks

I don't want to be an asshole, so I'm not going
to say more.
Glad to see The United States of America.
Your film is really good, and your anime is FUCKING GREAT..

Great censorship.

God fucking damn it I'm gonna comment on some while I'm remaking mine.

Really like your top albums. Good taste in food/drink

Like your top albums too. Surprised I see Kanye in the 'celebrity' section so much.

Cool stuff in the miscellaneous.

I'll comment more when I get it done.

Melee's fun but it isn't the best game of all time. There's plenty of things wrong with it. Even a fun community centered around it doesn't fix that.

Good artists
good albums
You picked the best AiC release and top tier movie
good artists
eclectic activities
let me guess, you're a male questioning their gender. Listen to Xiu Xiu.
I like your albums. Mu core but good.

Ok it's fucking done finally I'm pissed I had to remake it but it's done.

Anyway AMA about my tastes in anything. I already commented on other charts here.

such as...

Scarface is godlike.

I'd write everything, but there's conveniently a video showing the biggest flaws

mediocre taste in gundams honestly

none of these are flaws from a competitiveness or game design standpoint.

This took forever and I want to puke

most advanced musical taste

nice artist/albums/tv show/movie

Not a big fan of black metal live albums. Big cities are cool.

Cool guy.

Competitiveness is only as it is because people adapted to the flaws. Things that don't work properly (Roy's dash attack and up air, Battlefield's ledges), have farther reach than what physically makes sense (Marth's grab and Puff's back air extending far past their bodies), are incredibly overpowered (shine, Shiek's fair) or are inescapable (wobbling) are objectively bad designs. I of course respect the community for being so strong and dedicated to their game, but even the best players admit the game has flaws.

Cool celebrity, I LOVE Kubrick films, I LOVE Ergo Proxy, and I really like Don Quixote.

>homie I know you ain't watchin savannah brown for the poetry.
heh heh heh
this guy gets it
nice I live der
good album

Feeling too lazy to recomment on every chart I did in the last thread

Nice, thanks for saving us all

Should I be worried I gave away my turn-on on here?

>Eric Andre

You my god damn homie.

I already said this, but: "Heroes" = Bowie's best album.

Dude, Teens of Denial is SO FUCKING GOOD. And Shadow of the Colossus is just one of the best ever.

>"Heroes" = Bowie's best album
I can think of about 10 or so better ones, personally.

Ok, Bowie has a lot of really good albums... but 10 better than "Heroes"?

Great movie
Bunnyhop is pretty great, as far as videogame related channels go.
Cool animal. Red Robins is o.k.
Fantastic movie

I already said this, but: YES


I'm ready to be labeled as normie as one can get

Maybe not 10 but definitely a good chunk.
(I probably sound like a real dick right now I'm sorry)

Really love your picks!

Also, yay! A fetish weirder than mine! I can feel less self conscious!

> The Wall, Amnesiac, Pink Floyd.
... Damn. But White Light/White Heat is a 10. And Sister Ray too. And your favorite drink is my second favorite drink.

I can completely understand the hate for everything I've listed.
But something about The Wall just clicked with me this year.
Also, Amnesiac is wonderful. However, I can see why people don't like it.

Oh yeah, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea and Kid A are in my top 10 as well.

>Things that don't work properly (Roy's dash attack and up air, Battlefield's ledges), have farther reach than what physically makes sense (Marth's grab and Puff's back air extending far past their bodies)
These aren't design flaws but coding or visual errors
>are incredibly overpowered (shine, Shiek's fair)
Without any more powerful moves you wouldn't have the top tiers
Top tiers make melee good because they have so many good options.
Have you ever seen a competitive bowser in melee?
Without novelty factor, it's boring, because bowser only has about 3 good moves. the game loses a lot of its technical and mental intricacy
But if every character was top tier, tournament sets would be a lot more surprise-reliant and top tier matchups wouldn't be half as developed
Its a tradeoff
>or are inescapable (wobbling)
Wobbling is essentially a kill confirm, just like fox upthrow upair or jab upsmash, sheik dthrow upair/fair, cf dthrow knee
without kill confirms stocks last a stupidly long time and top level games get boring to watch because you can play super defensive and only die to hard reads (just look at brawl/sm4sh)

No real problem.

I never really get upset when someone disputes which Bowie album is the best because he has so many fantastic ones and I like pretty much all of them. It's easy to see how disagreements arise given the breadth of his discography.

>ass eating
nigga how long you been on the internet?

Now that I see... what the fuck is a "Rimjob"?

butthole lick

That was me... forget about it.

A while.
Okay I guess it's tamer than some others, but still, weirder than mine! Hooray!

Yeah I'm sorry it came off so dickish the first time I just like talking Bowie.

It's pretty low on my list T.BH.

hi anons

Kid A is also on my list. I want to read The Stand. I watched some episodes of Rick and Morty, pretty good. Your favorite food is my favorite as well.

Pretty good stuff.
What's the anime there?

I don't watch much anime but it's been my favorite since I watched it

I forgot. I LOVE Kubrick films. Though, Full Metal Jacekt is like my 4th favorite or so.

11/10 youtuber

I have a bunch of Kubrick films on my watch list, I've just been writing a lot recently so I haven't really made time for myself

Holy shit, didn't notice Turn On the Bright Lights, one of my favorites too. And Woody Allen is godlike, thought I think of him more as a filmmaker than a comedian.

i like these

kek, nice

Dat food.

new and improved chart

my father
my nigga
would give your music two repeated listens
not 18 or older
looks like an eggplant but a eggplants are cool so it's good
>gender : idk
>i don't watch anime
you had an opportunity to save yourself on either of those spaces, but you didn't.
still my dad
would be bffs with
would be gffs with if you were a girl
would marathon kitchen nightmares with, but would never interact in any other way with.
draw more, weed less
i'm upset at you
would trust with my electrical engineering papers
would be friends with if black
not 18 or older
best taste in book

> would be bffs with
Thanks. By the way, Monster? Great choice. One of my favorites (like... number 3 or so).

>would marathon kitchen nightmares with, but would never interact in any other way with.

what cartoon is that?


very nice

who is that porn star?

>who is that porn star?
kendra lust

Good taste in hip hop, also Black Dynamite is hilarious

Great taste all around, but I haven't seen your movie pick

You should explore more jazz, I recommend Davis's early stuff and Herbie Hancock. Nice movie and game picks

T. Rex is god tier, don't care for the picks in your bottom chart though

Can't tell if your taste is good or average, probably good though

You're crazy my man, Heroes is top 3 for me

>You're crazy my man, Heroes is top 3 for me
What 2 are with it, out of curiosity?

#1 - Station to Station
#2 - Heroes
#3 - The Rise and Fall

You're fine to love his other stuff but you can't disregard these or most of his other 70's albums imo

In my top 3 albums of the year

Also SotC is GOAT

I don't really 'disreguard' them they're just not my personal favorites. I prefer some of his other 70s works.

good albums, good anime, good youtubers
do you play bagpipes or do you just like them?
good albums senpai
new to Sup Forums?
are you that annoying 14 year old on my steam friends list?
all of this is good shit

>what cartoon is that?

The Problem Solverz. It was a short lived series on Cartoon Network with an art style that was its biggest strength, as well as its biggest weakness. Everybody complained the colours were too bright and the show was too weird, I happen to love its unique identity though. It's definitely the only cartoon I've seen like it, amazed it ended up on Cartoon Network.

who is that fucking youtuber????? I used to watch him but forgot his name

why do mods keep deleting these threads? have we ever gotten an explanation?

who is that semen demon

I assume it's because they're not explicitly music related


Savannah Brown is the best. Only vloggy type person I watch nowadays.

>here comes the indian
>the stand
>slice of life anime
>no tv
hell yeah, you seem cool
>that music
good job, although the comedian/food/drink/vidya/tv is questionable
oh nice, you're probably cool
you might want to spice up your life eventually but you seem sincere and water is cool

i don't really play much vidya league of memes is all i really play.
root beer is great yo
>the food is questionable
what did he mean by this?

also i have that animu on my plan to watch list how good is it and what's it about desu?

You forgot your fedora in thing you couldn't live without

>i don't really play much vidya league of memes is all i really play.
Fair enough, I know a lot of people that take it pretty seriously so I figured you were one of those fellas
>root beer is great yo
Yeah but A&W ? ?
>also i have that animu on my plan to watch list how good is it and what's it about desu?
I love it obviously but it's not for everyone. It's about a horny high-school kid who accidentally gets engaged to an alien bikini babe, although it's mainly episodic tales about weird surreal scifi/folklore shit they end up in. It kinda feels a lot like a western cartoon from the 90s except more subversive & stylish.

Is everyone on Sup Forums white american males around 19 years old?
Because it seems so by looking at this thread

You just found that out

Is just that I always assumed around 21 desu

I guess you just made an ASS out of U and ME buddy

the pornstar? riley reid
what is the location and food?

P good taste you seem like a cool dude
Good af taste desu
P sure I got you last thread but good taste anyway
I know you've seen the pilots, but man they are fucking amazing, better than the CN show imo. Still the CN show is great, too bad everyone has such shit taste

name of pornstar?

i think we could be friends who fuck and then cuddle to watch tv. right now im watching stevie live at red rocks.

is that m00t?