Brian Eno

More like this and Here Come the Warm Jets?

Well start with the obvious ones. David Bowie, Iggy Pop's The Idiot and Lust for Life maybe, Eno's work with David Byrne and maybe some of Byrne's solo work, the first 3 Talking Heads albums, Television's Marquee Moon and Adventure.

And if you like Eno's fuzzy guitars check out some psych rock and especially heavy psych bands from around that time and earlier. Also if you haven't already, Before and After Science and Another Green World. They're different, but still close enough to HCTWJ and TTM.

Hey user this is pretty shit advice

>posts terrible criticism
>doesn't provide anything to OP
Yeah I think I'm gonna go with "bullshit"

I don't understand why people on this board give general recommendations and not specific. "check out some psych rock and especially heavy psych bands" well which ones? there's no way this dude would know how to navigate that. most psych rock is shit.

John Cale - Vintage Violence

before and after science

ew, I don't listen to eno music

>most psych rock is shit
Exactly. It's not that hard to look up "good psych rock" albums on lastfm, rym or simply google. There's like a handful of actual bands out there, with some scattered single album ones here and there. It's a tiny genre.

Some of the major ones would be Cream, Love, Vanilla Fudge, Blue Cheer, High Tide, Iron Butterfly, Edgar Broughton Band, Grand Funk Railroad, Stray, since you're so lazy about it.

See the problem with this is you said good psych rock


How's your superiority complex coming along? Pick up any chicks with it?

>doesn't have an argument
>"n-no, shut up, you uh... loser!"
You're making it really hard for me to take you seriously, you know. Either actually say something or fuck off. Nobody cares and I don't feel like getting into dumb arguments over nothing.

You already have. Maybe you should learn how to convey your thoughts and not just be a holier than thou dick about shitty music.

Gonna second Cale, mostly because his voice is eerily similar to Eno's.

Paris 1919 is my favorite of his.

Until you come up with what you think is better, I'm out. Stay retarded, friendo. The world needs guys like you to make normal people feel better about themselves.

Hey there's that superiority complex again. You're shit.

no this is actually informative advice, don't be a negative loser

who gives a shit, you came here just to post this, you have no life

>It's a tiny genre.
it's a vast genre, you have no culture and you listen to commercial shit

>vast genre
Again with the shitty criticism.
Like what? Give me 10 heavy psych bands that didn't just release 1 or 2 albums and then disappeared forever.

Have you ever considered maybe you don't know everything?

That's irrelevant. Have you considered that maybe people won't take you seriously if you don't back your dumb personal attacks up with actual facts and information?

we're on Sup Forums bud. i don't know owe you shit.

Of course not, but that still puts me in the right by default.
>I say something, you say it's not true. Why? No response.
Makes sense to me. You're also the one who started acting like a tiny ass pussy bitch in the first place, pal.

No it doesn't put you in the right by default. Isn't Christmas break ending soon? I'm sure your high school english class will be impressed with your skills at debate

the vastness of the genre is derived partly from how many smaller artists existed you idiot

Oh boy, that's the most pathetic attempt at bait yet, you're clearly not made for this. If you can't back yourself up or handle the fallout, don't talk shit in the first place. Congrats on being a childish asshole and ruining a perfectly good thread. Hope it feels good compared to your daily life.

What are you talking about? That doesn't mean anything. 50 or so albums in total from smaller artists don't make a genre vast at all. Stop talking about things you clearly don't know anything about.

You truly are an insufferable person. Don't you have a repress of Disraeli Gears to listen to?

Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy. You started it.
That's a good album, and your jab doesn't mean anything because you just shit talked it without providing anything of substance or something else that's "better". I don't know how you expected that to upset me. In any case, I'm off to listen to the sick-ass album Sea Shanties by High Tide, a great underrated heavy psych/prog/hard rock piece from the United Kingdom from 1969, and I'm gonna have fun, so good luck with your shitty existence of getting into unwinnable arguments on image boards because of your boring sub-par life, according to what you've been writing so far in this thread. Good riddance, moron.

You'll reply to this

Are we not talking about his new album out next week? Are we not talking about his newest album The Ship?

I liked it.
Though it ends kinda abruptly.

The Ship? yeah I kinda thought so too which I think was a testament to how great it was but also that as I recall the last song switches gears drastically.

>The slave to host a pistody
What did he mean by this?

Roxy Music - especially For Your Pleasure (which actually had Eno on it), Country Life, and Stranded

Bardo Pond

liked everything before the cover of I'm Set Free, that was one of the worst songs I heard this year. it's not meant to sound so... dreamy and blissful, TVU's arrangement was perfect. the song needs that sparse feeling and Brian Eno's vocal performance had nothing on Lou Reed's, Reed gave it the perfect emotional impact, sounding like someone who's almost given up all hope finding a small ray of light. Eno's had none of that emotional strength.

super hyped for Reflection though