OMG - Goddesses of Korea and Feet edition

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crayon pop

Can attest to this


even bacon's fucked up deformed arm is kinda cute i'm surprised you can't see it more when he's dancing

that guy is blatantly staring at her ass

jiholy hiding her face

>tfw no sleepy arin daughter


yea i see. it seems to be some dumb meme

is this meme still funny or did Sup Forums ruin "our guy lex" ??

>tfw no soles in that pic



it's indonesians saying "honk the horn". i don't know why it's coming up now
fucking savages

oh my gook

Does OMG even have good songs?

He's perfect

truly the worst people


i'd kill for arin soles dbh


I'm sick of seeing Sana acting like a 12-year-old girl. I really hope Jackson is waiting for her at the dorm to give her a good dicking.

Discovering Bona is a life-changing experience.

tfw no sea muslim qt gf...

that jieun mini is pretty nice



you can be almost certain of it

Taeyeon isn't even the prettiest in her own group.

baek's bowed arm is cute as hell

binnie biscoito


gaypoppers wya

t. boylover

i don't care if it's music or not
where is this from

stop trying to force your shitty meme yozoh

stop forcing yourself faget

stop trying to summon them...

here but i dont' have anything to talk about desu

i'm not yozoh

suck my fucking dick you fucking retard

he is one

>that one guy who brings up yozoh at every opportunity

What's his story?


hello ipaet, how are you feeling today?

if twice is so great how come they have to resort to shitting outside?

they aren't great


the yurishitter is obsessed with him idk why

thank you. really thought the one girl was chaekyung for a moment
how much do you suppose he has to pay them for this


guys look i found a decent picture of leo if you ignore how tiny his head is

wow kpg is still up even though the best gen of kpop groups have all gone
(GsD, 2NE1, 4Minute, afterschool/orange caramel, secret)

imagine the smell............

f(x) too is as good as dead

hey you're right, good find. too bad the pants are awful



probably not very much at all. i'd imagine girls like that are desperate for any exposure they can get

Can Chaeyoung even draw?

>tfw twice will never fertilize your wheat field

the new gen is already surpassing all of those old groups


Feel bad for OMG fabs They're waiting patiently for a song of Closer tier quality but theyll probably just get another reggae track instead.

where'd all the /snsdheads/ go?

I wake up from a nap and there's no soshi in sight

Remember that day we made 9 snsd threads in a row

they released too many boring songs this year desu

Tzuyu doesn't look good when she does this

those socks need to come off

i don't thikn so, 4walls was successful and their comeback is next year

all i can say is lol

good times

word that outfit is even worse with the uggo metalic vest and fuzzy bracelet pom pom things.

was that reggae album a meme or something that's actually happening
i don't see what would lead wm to conclude that it's worth trying a third time

>tfw you'll never kiss like TOP

we just prefer her as an ice queen

Groups like IOI and Gfriend are already bigger than Miss A or 4minute were


SM: Comebacks planned for TVXQ, EXO and S.E,S. Super Junior's Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Siwon will be returning from enlistment. More debut stuff planned for NCT. No mentions about a new girl group debuting.
YG: T.O.P will enlist. Sechskies planning to release new songs in January and April, they will also hold an encore concert. Member changes in WINNER, rebranding as four. WINNER, BLACKPINK, and iKON to release new music in 2017. AKMU will be making a comeback January 3rd with new album WINTER (extra info: Chanhyuk is planning to enlist after this album).
JYP: TWICE, and GOT7 will focus on both domestic and international activities. Suzy scheduled for solo debut in January. 2PM will focus on individual activities, dramas and concerts before enlistment. Baek A Yeon, Baek Yerin, and Park Jimin will also have activities. DAY6 also planned to released something. Nothing planned for any rookie groups to debut.

>SM: Comebacks planned for TVXQ

why would you want a new girl debuting during the GOAT comeback?

she always looks good

he looks better with contacts. it makes his weird face work

lucky faggot

Look at this uggo

there's 3 too many men in this screenshot

damn, time goes by so quickly

shut up stupid idiot

>Chanhyuk will enlist

Makes sense, it will barely be noticeable with their release patterns anyway

i don't like twice desu but momo is so cute

rich man's mijoo

you're in the club with your gf and this guy slaps her ass
what do you do?

looks like mijoo

fuck you, faggot

and here is your (You) btw

take em both home



literal japanese tranny

i want to go to town on tiny taeyeon

useless luda

