ITT: Your favorite album from a group/musician isn't their most critically acclaimed

ITT: Your favorite album from a group/musician isn't their most critically acclaimed

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THIS - 100% THIS

This album brought me through a lot of bad times



These are basically tied with After the Gold Rush for most critically acclaimed.

surprised to see love for this on here. i actually think it's a masterpiece


Well...2nd favorite, but it still counts!


Ohhh fuck ya



>Hellbound Glory
>Critically acclaimed


this is real shit

I'd say Harvest is tied with After the Gold Rush for most critically acclaimed



solid pick

>The Hissing of Summer Lawns
it's not even in the top four or five most talked about. No idea why.






It's usually anyone's guess after Blue and Court and Spark. I think people care about everything else through Hejira about the same. Some of the second half drags down HoSL.


Pink Floyd - Animals
It did ok critically, but was pretty far from their #1.


I think it's because it is the first Mogwai album I ever listened to.

Pink Floyd - A Saucerful of Secrets

There's just this hazy, elegiac atmosphere to the album I always really liked, and some of my first (and most dreamy and memorable) highs were to it. Still remember the pleasurable sense of confusion listening to Remember a Day, in a half-dream-like state sprawled on some blankets on the floor of a friends' blue-lit room, the silent television glow flickering nearby.

way overlooked, good pick user

well Clouds is more well known, and Mingus is somewhat notorious. I just rarely see it mentioned except in a full retrospective of her body of work

Neil has like a dozen albums that could be considered his most critically acclaimed.

It still gets love, but not as much love as the other albums. It's actually my second favorite, my favorite being The Queen Is Dead.

Nah, On the Beach and Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere > After the Gold Rush and Tonight's the Night

o but as for most critcally acclaimed, isn't it Harvest?

I'm pretty sure most people think The Ramones only made one song.


both nice choices

meddle was better


This album got me into them. Its the greatest album through my ears
