4x4 bread

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What're you gonna do today, user? How've ya been?

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well I just woke up, it's almost 2PM, no clue how today's been yet

Alan Licht - Four Years Older

not been up to much really
I'l gonna go to bed soon I need a nap
after that I'll probably play skyrim or something

good noisy stuff
have you checked out the new blackfield yet?

not yet, did it leak or something?
I thought it wouldn't be out until next year

I think I remember your chart from another thread, inspired me to check out Porcupine Trees, good stuff. Get some lunch, that's what I'd do

Shit I didn't know The Beach Boys made a Christmas album, nice

Thanks user. That Fugazi album is good stuff

I'll check that out after my current album ends. though I haven't found it on slsk yet

I've eaten an apple and some red cabbage, might get some zucchini soup in a bit too, it's feeling cold today.

++motion graphics

uchoob only



i dont like loveless

cant I get some recommendos

Try Duster and Boris

You might like:
Destroy all monsters
Conrad schnitzler
Tony Conrad w Faust - outside the dream syndicate

Cardiacs more like CIRCUS MUSIC WHO WIT ME

That tha alkaholiks song you linked in the other thread was neat, hard to believe it was produced by madlib
Did you see that the song avalanche was officially released a few days ago? Madvillainy 2 might be in our midst

I fucking love mallgoth circuscore

whats with all the pop

fully expecting some flack for deadmau5 but w/e. I wanted to see what his "I literally only produced this album because I needed money" was about.
I've been okay, thanks user. Semester is done and I passed all my classes. Since I only work Fri-Sun ima probably daydrink with a friend today. Plus to Infinite Body by the way, that was one of the first things I ever found via Spotify. Good shit.

how was that mewithoutYou album? I haven't heard much outside of Brother, Sister.

"Secant" - Ben Frost
"Heaven" - Popstrangers

Any recs based on Frozen Niagara Falls? Specifically Dragonflies to Sew You Up? I like the industrial side of Prurient more than the straight noise side.

forgot to attach my collage gj self

Brian Jonestown Massacre, Mazzy Star arre pretty similar to Galaxie

>Any recs based on Frozen Niagara Falls? Specifically Dragonflies to Sew You Up? I like the industrial side of Prurient more than the straight noise side.

pleasure grounds maybe?

i wish i had weed

try the men- immaculada

>Shit I didn't know The Beach Boys made a Christmas album, nice
yeah it's okay, I wasn't a huge fan of it though

>whats with all the pop
idk I like pop

>how was that mewithoutyou album?
Tbh 10 stories is the only one i've listened so far.It's pretty good,mostly indie rock/folk with a great story.