Post pictures that would look good as album art and others will guess the genre

post pictures that would look good as album art and others will guess the genre


pop punk


something varg would make

midwest emo
some post-internet shit

meme bandcamp music
modern medieval music

industrial dance
crossover thrash

industrial dance meant for

emo folk
something blur would make
make that focus on the statue and change to black and white and it would be a metal album

inb4 the entire thread is shitty bandcamp tier images. Remember your rule of thirds and strong subject. The subject should be what your attention is drawn too right away.

Experience trumps theory nerd, I bet your work is boring as hell
The OP image is great I'd say, although I don't like the others either

No you dumb nigger, industrial dance album art looks like edgy cyberpunk megacorporation logos with gasmasks in the background and shitty photoshop filters and neon green.


ok user

Same person, I also took this pic in my last trip

Just snapped this from my window. What genre do I live in?


Industrial dance is a thing you know, it's not just something you just made up.

It's been a thing for about 15 years.




Beautiful view, user. I'd say IDM.


Is that the new Grouper album?


Bandcamp-core electronica



Isn't that the new Grouper EP?

pop punk


Some sort of trap music you'd find on Soundcloud

I know that >Industrial dance is a thing you know
I actually know that.
My respose was me agreeing with you about the fact that my guess was indeed terrible.

boring bandcamp shit

>clip art makes for good album covers

Comfy meditativ noise
(Maeror Tri - langage of flames and sound)


I dig it. rest are meh

Cold ambient

Musique Concrète




Well I just took it yesterday walking home from the grocery store. I've only had my phone a month and never took pictures before.





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