Why does no one discus this show??

Why does no one discus this show??

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never seen this, what am i looking at here?

a sexy massacre

Because they went back to shitty vampire plot.
I hoped for some Lovecraft this season because they could've done it.
Also the op pic is literally tge most forced subplot ever.
They should just get together again and kick some ass.

Dorian is literally a feminist cuque

this plotline is worse than dany in got
shame, i kinda liked dorian

>have sexy eva green
>have ugly tranny
>show tranny penis
>don't show eva pussy
that's why


I like it, but they are throwing TOO MUCH shit in it, now even the old west curse, come one, stop throwing in every old horror trope

>He doesn't watch Eva Green's naked spooky demon rape time.

Is it a biggun'?

They do, it's just buried under the 95% of Sup Forums that is DC/Marvel/Star Wars/pol crossposting

no it's small and cut an absolutely masculine penis

>that feel when you know you should kill her because she wants the apocalypse but you're having second thoughts because she's kinda qt


riff raff

because the writing sets actors and camerawork are awful. the show survives through tits shock death and cgi monsters the same way Got does. poor josh hartnett.

What curse is that? Something to do with the indian? I kind of don't pay attention to a lot of it

Stop bursting my bubble. This show is good this show is good this show is good

>cgi monsters

so you haven't watched it and you're just shitposting, cool

This 3rd season is weird. The fact that they do a Dracula this late in the show means they have no idea what to do next.
Also i'm not sure where they're going with the psychiatric part, but they might want to wrap this all up soon.

Also Jekyll/Hyde would have been a better idea for the vilain of third season. Though they might just set it up for later.

Who's the QT on the right?
I stil can't find anything on her in imdb

Dr. Jekyl is a fucking Indian? For what purpose? And why are they butchering Vicky Frankenstein? He went from being an interesting, amoral and asexual scientist to being this wimpering bitch swooning over an undead Irish hooker.


It's his first love

the guy in the middle is dorian gray and is magically immortal

the girl on the left, Lily, is a woman resurrected by viktor frankenstein and given biological immortality and superhuman strength

they paired up and are now hedonists together living the rich life as funded by Dorian

they rescued the underage girl on the right from being killed for fun in front of a bunch of rich guys, she was sold for that purpose after being used as a prostitute for years

Gray and Lily bought tickets to that event but it was merely a ruse to kill all the other rich people there. They freed her, tutored her for a bit, and gave her a choice to join their group and be a follower, as they want to be gods. They present to her the man who first owned her and prostituted her. She kills him. They have an extended threesome bathed in his blood

I like how they're being faithful to dracula and he can walk in the sunlight. Eva and Hartnett and Dalton are all John Clare are all based as hell and it is a joy to watch such engaging actors.

Eva being a neet is cool.

I could not care less about billy piper. I often think what do people even do and how can they stand company for so long without running out of stuff to do/ talk about and getting awkward, billy pipers plot is so much this, how do her and dorian and the girl not realize how silly and boring they are and go their separate ways?

I really like Penny Dreadful, but I'm wondering what the long term goal is for some characters who are disconnected from Eva and that main plot.

Well they just connected frankie monster to eva in the last ep.

She killed him, he will come for her at some point... And dots will connect

Because it's not a penny dreadful.

Justine (rescued prostitute girl) is such a cute.

Also having the actress who played th cut wife to play Vanessa's shrink is dope. Also the way they cut back and forth to Ethan's storyline in the west feels a lot less disjointed then I thought it would. Kinda cool seeing the West after being set in Victorian London for so long.

Really solid so far. Hoping for another Vanessa Ives flashback Ep as they're my faves.

I agree about Frankenstein. In fact, he's so useless that they might get him killed this season, i wouldn't be surprised and it might be better.

But an indian Jekyl doesn't sound that weird, even if surprising. When he transforms in Hide, he might look even more like a beast, and they might try to link it to some old indian cultural thing.

>yfw Mr Hyde poos in the streets of London

Stop. My penis can only get so erect.

Because Sup Forums has shit taste and doesn't like good shows like PD.