5 oscar nomations

>5 oscar nomations
>never won

How come there was no Amy has no Oscar memes like Leo?

because she's old and irrelevant.

Because Leo can actually act.

Because she has a girly voice so no one takes her seriously

she's a perfect white cisgendered upstanding citizen. she will never win.

leo is a faggot pussy whiney loser, therefor he was guaranteed to eventually win.

Because she is cute. CUTE!

Because the good actress pool is pretty shallow

>shouting and squinting
>actually acting
Nice meme

because shes ginger.

not technically people.

she's not as famous as Leo and not as obvious in her choice of roles

women can't act, it's like asking why nobody cares about the winner of the WNBA MVP award


don't do this

>women can't act
Are you serious? They act all day. Men are autistic, women are empathetic.



Top tier milf desu

how did she look so hot in enchanted, and looks so shit in that pic?

Disney probably airbrushed the shit out of her before every scene

human pepe

Five ill deserved nominations.

what a difference seven years makes

Hollywood Patriarchy

Would hump

a tool with a digicam thinks he is kino-tier level photographer.

There is always a hidden agenda in oscars. only certain movies & characters receive them. just look at the roots of oscar instead of the branches.

literally the next Susan Sarandon in terms of MILF demigod

Because she's actually a very good actress and doesn't need an award to be recognized as such. Meanwhile Leo is stuck between mediocre and good depending on the movie but since he's a teen heartthrob and one of the last movie stars him getting an Oscar has been hyped forever.


>Amy Adams is now considered a MILF

Leo is a try hard Oscar baiter