How many movie stars have you done cocaine with?

How many movie stars have you done cocaine with?

Still zero for me, for now

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None but I smoked weed with the guy who killed Method Man on OZ

Emma Watson. I was younger than her at the time, and she came across me doing my thing after a bad day of filming. We had a lot of fun, she really is quite funny if you get her going, but I wasn't allowed near her after that. Her people wouldn't allow it.

forgot link

I met a guy at a bar once who said he saw Sean Astin in a movie once.

That's about as close as I've got.

never cocaine, but got drunk and smoked weed with Liana Liberato at a wrap party.

Did coke with Romain Duris a french actor. And I'm almost sure Xavier Dolan sucked my dick.

Not really a movie star, but I did cocaine with Doug Stanhope once. He is very underrated as a comedian, actor or whatever the fuck you want to label him. Top tier guy, funny as fuck.

Shot up with Edward Furlong in 2012. Great guy.


>Emma Watson
>doing coke
>being funny

The most ridiculous shit I've read on Sup Forums, by a mile. Stannis the King of Aspergers is a stand up comedian compared to her, and she seems like the kind of twat who would snitch to the studio execs if she saw anyone do coke in and around her presence.

I bought a drink for the Blackhawks coach, does that count?

Only if it was at Binny's Beverage Depot

With Marta Stewart in a pool party.

Sold Sophie Turner a pill in a London club.

Does that count?

>celebrity paid for drugs

It's like you're not even trying

Eric Roberts gave me the little leftovers from his "working coke" when we were filming a movie with my phone.

I hope you made her pay double and crumbled it in your fingers a bit as you handed it to her.

>doing cocaine with jews

it's as if you want them to snort all of your coke with their big noses

Kevin James used to come into the sports bar I worked at
He's a good tipper

got drunk as fuck at a club with Mickey Rourke and Brittany Murphy right after they did sin city...Mickey was a fucking bro. he kept giving me and my friends liquor the entire night

I did coke with Brendan Fraser but it was powdered milk