Why would a country need an island that is unpopulated with no plans to develop it?

Why would a country need an island that is unpopulated with no plans to develop it?

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Military base if needed.

Usually for increasing your sea borders.

And hopefully natural resources.

Better to have it, and not need it, than need it, and not have it.

Really its quite stupid how a country can claim jurisdiction over places where nobody lives, or really just claim it over villages and towns who never asked for it

Hey guys I found this rock in the sea while I was up north.

Who does it belong to?

If it needed to be inhabited they'd just pay people to live there.

Increasing the size of your territorial wates and your Exclusive Economic Zone

humans aren't the only species on earth


moar clay

Territorial waters

rightfully dutch clay

we are the supreme seafarers so all uninhabited islands belong to us

>captcha select all water bodies


Does this help you in constructing a border wall?

France has the best unpopulated islands in the world. This allows them to have 12 times zones and the biggest EEZ in the world


pic related also a proud Danish bird shit island.

That is a British shit covered rock isn't it?

It's a disputed shit island

More like fuck all

fucking danes

stop trying to steal anglo rocks

We own this island inhabited by swedes, can we join to this island club too?

nice 1 m8