ITT: Geographic misconceptions you use to have

ITT: Geographic misconceptions you use to have
>thought Catalunia was under the earth
>thought The Netherlands needed a barrier to keep the sea from swallowing the country
>thought Bosnia and Herzegovina was in fucking AFRICA
>thought that Arabia was a country
>thought Greece was an island
I found out that Bosnia was in Europe during the 2014 world cup. If it wasn't for that, I woulld probably still think that it is an African country.

>thought Brazil was in Africa

>implying Mexico is any better than Brazil.

>implying that Mexico is any better than Brazil.

I thought Ukraine was a province of Russia, until Russia invaded Ukraine.

>thought The Netherlands needed a barrier to keep the sea from swallowing the country

Holy shit, you actually have one of those?

We have barriers everywhere.

I mean, in my mind they were huge walls keeping tulip gardens from being flooded by the ocean, but still.

You mean these?

Well, aparently I was right all along.

me too!

>thought that all countries where circulars islands
>thought chile was a rounded country like every other
>thought that usa had a frontier with chile

i thought togo was a pacific island until a few years ago

It isn't?

it's in africa

Y-yeah I know, I was just joking.

There are some rivers that flow to the sea. But if the weather is bad they get closed off.

i thought trinidad and tobago were near india because the people from there look like it

I used to think England was called England. But apparently it's called the UK.


When I was younger the Dutch people and Deutschland always confused the fuck out of me
Just fucking why, why are Netherlands "Dutch" but Germans are Germans and from Dutchland?!

Also thought Taiwan and Thailand were the same cunt until just recently.

Then there's Austria and Australia

I thought that Mexicans spoke Chinese and that Spanish was the native American language.

>England = UK
>Portugal is in south america
>Paraguay has sea access
>Ireland is scotland, scotland is ireland (both independent) of the uk
>Florida and California is the same
>Texas is a country
>central america is part of Mexico, not different countries
>After realizing Ireland and Scotland were different things I thought New Zealand and Ireland were the same
>The netherlands is not a country
>East Europe = Russia

I thought Brazil was a good country.

What's wrong with it?

-Electric showers
-Bad music
-Taxes on electronics
-Tropical diseases
-Other things I can't remember

>contains nearly half of the 50 top murder cities in the world
>only makes up >>>>>>>>What's wrong with it?

Not the truth

Yeah, but we also are the best country in the world to have a plastic surgery.
Doesn't sound so bad now, does it?

>violent and vain

This is roughly what the borders of nations were in my head when I was little

By accident coloured Slovakia the same as Russia in this map, I always knew Slovakia was its own country

Ah, michael's decided to go old south america way, eh?

I thought the Equator was closer to North Africa/the Mediterannean. Also, the similar shape of New Zealand and Japan throw me off to this day when someone posts them separately with no context.

>thought Catalunia was under the earth

German engineering is just a meme compared to Dutch engineering.

Is the light blue thing New Zealand? kek

>parents always tell me italy look like a boot
>think arabian peninsula is italy

>mercator projection made me think Canada is a lot bigger than it really is

>the city I lived in was a dot on the map, I thought all the little hamlets in northern canada were just as big

Le mandela effect

I used to think that Poland was real.

I used to thing that
>portugal is just a region of spain
>brazil speak spanish
>the flag of England is the UK flag
>there are no other balts but Estonia

When I was a child and we had to read the Bible I thought that Israel was a province of Argentina and thereforeJesus was an Argentine

Also I thought that the entire continent of South America was Argentina

Later, at the age of seven, I learned about all the countries and capitals of the world

I thought Portugal was in South America because we had a Brazilian neighbour growing up and I knew they spoke Portugese and were from South America but not that it was the language of Brazil.

I unironically believed, till I finished high school,, that Russia was a first world countrycountry

I thought Portugal was a South American country
And as a kid I thought the guy in our currency was allah

>thought The Netherlands needed a barrier to keep the sea from swallowing the country
Wait they don't?
I thought that island of Malta was Sicily

Japan was located between Taiwan and South Kore but still to the right of theminstead of next to south korea and Russia.

I constantly get Algeria, Albania, and Armenia mixed up.

I also used to think Wales was an Island and Syria was in Siberia.

>Thought that Stonehenge was in the *north* of Britain.
Turns out that it’s the opposite.

>And as a kid I thought the guy in our currency was allah


>thought Portugal was in south America
Glad I'm not the only one

Also thought Russia was rich, it just seemed like it somehow

I was always pretty good at geography

I didn't know about 9/11 until 2003

>tfw no hilariously uninformed Chinese posters on Sup Forums

>didn't know about Mercator projection
>thought everything in north was really just that big
>thought Poland was further east than us

I thought Monenegro was in south america, somewhere near French guiana or in central america.

>hilariously uninformed Chinese posters on Sup Forums
Lack of Chinese posters aside I feel like most Sup Forums posters are relatively good at geography regardless. I'd like to think we all share a common curiosity about the world and aren't all here to shitpost.

I think we're all here to do both

pretty cool desu

too bad you'll your cunt will still become part of the Atlantic eventually

Greece is practically an island

>thought Catalunia was under the earth


I used to think that Turkey was an African country

None. In Russia we have good geographical education.

> thought Portugal in the South America

All we did in geography was fapping on the different russian maps such as economical, physical, etc.
Nothing useful about the other part of the world

Maybe it's because you're a faggy gaggety fag.

So you think it's mine fault that russian education system is dead, yeah?

I thought Denmark was a more relevant country.

Wew la


>thought Catalunia was under the earth
>thought The Netherlands needed a barrier to keep the sea from swallowing the country
>thought Bosnia and Herzegovina was in fucking AFRICA
>thought that Arabia was a country
>thought Greece was an island
No offense, man, but being THIS uneducated. This is just a joke, r-right?

Espoo = London

I thought the capital of Australia was Sydney, the capital of China was Hong Kong, the capital of USA was New York, the capital of Spain was Barcelona

I thought all that stuff when I was 5 years old or younger. The only one that lasted longer than this was the Bosnia one.

We have a similar phenomenon here in orkney so your error is understandable

Believed Scotland was a country

So basically you lived in a bubble

>I thought Iceland was Ireland and Ireland was Scotland
>I thought California was a country
>I thought Greece was next to Egypt (it kinda is tho)
>I thought Indonesia was part of India
>I thought France was the biggest country in Europe
>Until a few months ago, i thought Brazil had a border with Ecuador

In the 6th grade I learned that Poland existed and I was confused because I thought Germany and Russia just shared a border with each other.

>>thought The Netherlands needed a barrier to keep the sea from swallowing the country
you were correct

i always thought new zealand was australian territory

We're talking about misconceptions mate

I thought up until age 19 that Brazilians spoke Spanish (or rather, I had never given the country or continent much thought).

It wasn't until I met a group of them while travelling through Europe that I found out they were the ones that spoke Portuguese in South America. Much to their amusement.

>Geographic misconceptions you use to have

Cyprus was a lot father from the middle east

The USA was bigger than Canada

The Falklands were part of Argentina

It's this bit

Me too

I've driven across that.

We stopped at a little café in the middle to have some greasy chips with mayonaise, and looking out into the muddy grey water with the overcast clouds stretching all the way to the horizon I grasped the essence of the Dutch soul.

>Until a few months ago, i thought Brazil had a border with Ecuador
>guarani education

i thought babies came out of the bum

That's not very geographical, is it?

That's true though?

I used to think the earth was round.

when child, probably everone does

>thought Catalunia was under the earth

We demand some explaining op

Literally no reason, just thought it was a community that existed under spain.


It is

You don't necessarily need to include "that" in your sentence. There's nothing grammatically incorrect in the phrase "Implying Mexico is any better than Brazil".

It's basically a Puerto Rico, and everyone knows Puerto Rico is not a county

Not really geographical but I thought Europeans still lived like the middle ages and talked like Shakespeare