
"I have to be leaving but I won't let that come between us"

"The rest of y'all know when I durn to yah"

"For you"

Hey bitch, wait til' you see my dick
Wait til' you see my dick
Hey bitch, wait til' you see my dick
I'm a beat that pussy up

'Bruce Willis was a ghost all along.'


no one will ever believe you

Probably something like, "We'll be seeing each other again."

>I'm gonna get you

"I hate to disappoint you, but rubber lips are immune to your charms."

I did this youth mission thing in Mexico and I got really close with one of the girls in the group. When we said goodbye at the airport, she hugged me and said, "I hope you remember me" and left. I just insert that.

>The ovens at Treblinka would have had to burn over 8,000 bodies per day, to make the purported death figures accurate! Yet no ashes or bone fragments have ever been found at the site! Now ain't that just quacking crazy?!


"around blacks never relax"

batman forever?

It's actually a Marvel Cinematic Universe prequel.

This is Black Widow meeting Hawkeye from the future. He was telling her that Tony Stark was the key to all of this, thus triggering her Iron Man 2 appearance.

at this point does it matter if its real or not?

nobody will ever believe you

Nah. I was raised Catholic but it was a Christian group. Did as something to put on college applications

I played games and watched anime. still got a law degree so I don't know why people feel the need to do stuff for college applications

whatever he said i bet it was just right

literally what I said to my ex gf

nobody cares

I did :(

'hail hydra'

I visited your home this morning after you'd left. I tried to play wife. I tried to taste the life of a simple woman. It didn't work out, so I took a souvenir... his pretty head.

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams

I can smell your cunt.

probably tylo be chillin

Two bombs was not enough

"Always read your contracts before you sign them, they have been harassing me for Ghostbusters 3 for a decade now"
And she didn't listen, as proved by signing anything with marvel.

>I'm glad this shitty movie is over

Allah akbar


"You're a slut"

I came on your feet when you fell asleep.

"ure waifu a shit"