
Fedora addition

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its sorel, FOY

those looks like retarded ww2 boots
t. never stepped in snow


rum down the gullet, paracetamol up the shitpipe

nowt wrong with a good fred perry polo


also don't listen to that yank twat about button downs being for the office

go out on a weekend night and literally every guy at the bars are wearing button downs

Both cunts

only manlets wear boots

cant decide if yanks are 7 years behind or 7 years ahead
15 years is the retro cycle right?

I know that slogging through snow in Britain is a rarity but a pair of waterproof boots is a necessity for winter in the northeast and Midwest US

drumpf sure is draining the swamp by appointing rex tillerson the former CEO of exxon

Chicken Connoisseur > ReviewRunt 2bh

why won't i die


stay safe boys

>tfw 20 and still get spots on my face despite being healthy and hygienic

Why can't I just finally have a clear face lads

isn't that death

lobster hands, skinny bitch

midwest and southerners are 10 years behind

coasters are either ahead or even.

likely ahead if were talking NYC or LA

3 days in the next week forecasted over 40
think I might off myself in advance


genetics lad

i'm a dirty runt and have never had spots

I'm 22 and still get them

Real new:

entirely down to genetics

also stop drinking milk

Do not reply to this post.

the CIA took a fake story from Sup Forums

>also stop drinking milk

>constantly talks about being gay


no, professionals always check their sources
or they'd never work again

>also stop drinking milk
That so?

What's happening in Mexico lad?

yup. never had pimples in my life, seriously never, until I started lifting at 23 and drinking loads of milk.

Their toilets also flush the wrong way

I'm not a skinhead
I have beautiful flowing hair

desu the only openly fascist things I have are a mix of Spainish + Italian patches/pins/belt and dagger from my great grandfather and a couple German pins.

The South doesn't follow stupid fashion trends you'll very rarely see people wearing skinny jeans and boots here or whatever the current fashion trend is

Fashion doesn't really change here it's polos and khaki shorts with a pair of sneakers or sperrys in the warmer months and sweaters and khakis with a pair of Clarks or duck boots in the winter

the source was a """journalist"""

that sounds like new england faggot fashion


It's a gay general you dip.
Doesn't mean you have to talk about being gay, just means you CAN talk about guys without being harassed.


They also frequently fabricate evidence which is a staple of intelligence services worldwide

wait so did trump actually do the piss thing or what


>roughly 50-60 years to go


you're right they dont. but there shit style has been around for like 30 years. they just do minor tweaks to it.

i dont dislike southern people, or even the south itself, but i fucking hate how all the people look the exact same with their clothes and pic related haircut

that's career suicide
how are they getting away with it?

No it was a watersports fetishist fanfic that someone posing as a retired British intelligence agent (a Sup Forumsack) sent to a journalist

Would love to kneecap those twats

so it is now possible that the CIA pay trolls in the internet

barely got them even at the height of puberty :^)

>Still have to swipe and sign for card transactions

Can't make this shit up

because fake info is often just as good as real info, and the CIA wants to push its shadow war with Russia.

when you realize that mexicANO is a ctr shill you guys will go freaking mental


hahaha yaaaaas slay queen!

That pic looks exactly like me and the lads from back in my college days

I didn't get many but they've persisted for years

Americans get angry and lash out if you ask them to use a chip, let alone tap

they already do, as does literally every other major power

don't usually get triggered by this stuff but that fucking bow tie

just why

This is why American Genocide is good and inevitable

i mean for example RT in espaƱol is filled of CIA trolls

Wow look at all this controversy just days before trump is sworn in, can you believe it! The very media that attacked him for over a year is now reporting on lots of reports about trump.

wonder if provincials have cycle lanes like us

It's all about pushing an agenda the truth doesn't matter to these people so long as they get the end result that they want
Such results often not becoming apparent to the masses until the damage is already done

Remember how Saddam had WMDs and there was irrefutable evidence of it until it turned out that he actually didn't?

>big attack on trump
>he turnes it into his favour with the #fakenews attack on cnn
the man's a genius


I think guys look cute with spots or shingles t b h.

Ahh yes 4 more years of every political story from America consisting of "LOL! Look at what Drumpf said/did! Legal experts say he will be impeached!"

any tips to improve the ol' tinder game lads?

>Bush and Blair bombing the shit out of an innocent country

ah yes good times

how the fuck did they both get re-elected

mad literally seeing trump supporters pretending they care about truth, accuracy, sources or reality when they support someone who's lied, repeated proven bullshit and been supported by literal paid trolls from the start

the world has gone nuts

Wonder if the bf is going to RP tonight. Means I can smoke weed in the bedroom if he does.

can you even IMAGINE??

No different to literally every yank politician for decades then
Literally all they go on about is how THIS is the time they get impeached

then you would love me darling


Not a fan of the Thai Amazon equivalent.
>order 2 things
>one comes within 5 days, the other was delayed until 24th Jan but has apparently arrived today although it hasn't.

continentals, when will they learn?

women are only for sex and making babies

furries still exist...

the same reason why drumpf will get re-elected despite of doing the same shit like oblonga


we really do know how to cause mischief lol



I have a Luger that my grandad got off a kraut he killed in WWII

mexicano replied to someone

what the fuck

>the truth doesn't matter to these people
>from a trump supporter

anyone above the age of 30 can't comprehend what is currently happening

tighty whitey ass nigga



It's always amusing to see celebrities who live on estates, behind high walls with armed guards, who water their massive lawns and gardens in the middle of droughts, who fly on private planes, judging the rest of the country, telling others how to live their lives and what to believe, throwing tantrums on live TV. And after eight years of silence when rights are being violated these people put on a show to make it look like they care about humanity. They care about headlines, they care about looking important, they do not care about humanity.

Can trump at least get a good tailor while he's president and stop his tie going below the belt buckle?

bout to embarrass myself


It's more that megamillionaire celebrities who live inside their elitist bubble have never been able to comprehend what's going

I really enjoy this photograph

he's a man of the people posh twat

barratt > concord pacific

Redrow Homes are the patrician choice