GoT - Episode 5 Leak

Bran will learn that all that White Walkers want is to get south because north is too cold for them now when winter is coming. People don't understand them.

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poor walkers we to add them as rapefugees

I empathize with White Walkers now wtf???

This comment hit too close to home.

Bran should have a bath the grotty little cunt! It's been YEARS!!!

I'd fuck bran right in the pussy.

>race of ice people
>winter is too cold for them

What if there's something worse than the walkers out there, and they are escaping from it?

What like a horny fat chick?

Pls bow to bran

D&D would redeem a bit

I would have once, he looks awful now.

i remember the show talked about ice spiders

fucking retarded

It'd in the books in Nan's stories as well. Others ride spiders into battle... maybe.

He looks just fine, you pederast.

Don't believe old nan and her lies. She's a spy for the others thats why she knows so much about them.
> mfw lady of the house likes me and i love her back but old nan cock blocks me

Old Nan's stories were the best.

Now that Stannis is dead, are the Whitewalkers our last hope for Westeros?

Stannis is dead?

fuck off reddit

based white walkers

what happened to old nan??

I'm pretty sure Ramsay's men kill her


The walkers were created by the Children of the Forest to keep humans out of the land beyond the wall.

The actor died, so she died canonically as well between s1 and s2.

Nah this episode, Bran wargs unsupervised and the Walkers find him and Bloodraven and burn they motherfucking ass up.
Bran and Meera escape and are aided by the guy seen in the trailer. Im hoping its Benjen.

oh people are still watching this shit

That makes no fucking sense. Probably means it's true.

It's Coldhands.

They should have made that character always have his testicles hanging out and named him Coldstones.

That scene where Joffrey shows sansa ned's head on a pike he also points to old nan's head

That's Septa Mordane. Old Nan never leaves Winterfell. We see her telling stories to cripple-Bran, who didn't wake up until after everyone left for King's Landing.

its a vision most probably

The woman playing her died so she was quietly written out of the show. D&D have said old nan died in her sleep.


There is: the Drowned God. He's risen from his watery tomb far in the North

angered by euron who has proclaimed himself as the new drowned god

the final episode has a showdown between euron and the old drowned god akin to something like this:

euron proceeds to rule unopposed for the next thousand years