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Promise me, Ned. edition

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Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Rana is the best Game of Thrones character?

>Reminder that all the normies who watch this show haven't watched season 1 and 2

Reminder that this board is Sup Forums and as such this is a place to discuss the TV show, not whine about the books. Whining about books makes you a bed-wetter.

Examples of bed-wetting behaviour -

Genuinely believing Stannis is still alive (delusional beyond belief)
Mentioning "Darkstar" (whatever that is)
Trying to cast characters that will obviously not even appear in the show
Referring to the White Walkers as "Others"
Crying about some goofy zombie Cat Stark story being removed
Calling the Three Eyed Raven "Bloodraven" like a complete oaf
Not realising that saying "frogfu" is as beta as it gets
Whining about 104 year old Barristan Selmy being outnumbered and killed
Bringing up Reddit in any context
Using terms like "bookfag", "showpleb", "normies" or any cringeworthy variant

Please stick to discussing all the good and bad aspects of the TV show only. No bed-wetting.

ravage me, Ned

Who /unironically rooting for CIA/ here?

>Brennie lied, stannis is alive
>he spent all of season 6 rallying the clans of the north to Jon's cause

Screencap this fucking shit anons.

You think D&D are stupid? It's all going according to plan.

Promise me ned

>Pryce says he looked through the season six scripts when he got them to see what happens to his character and found a scene that was just unbelievable. Later he quite openly describes the (setup of a) scene from a future episode concerning Cersei’s trial. It is going to take place at the Great Sept and practically everyone is said to be present there. The High Sparrow has grown over-confident and believes that Cersei simply has to show up, even though he gets informed she has not left her chambers. At the same time, there is a great deal of scheming taking place behind his back, in the immediate vicinity. The Sept slowly fills with people and the High Sparrow is still pleased with the situation, with everything apparently going according to the plans – little does he know that fate has an unpleasant surprise in store for him.

>Who /unironically rooting for CIA/ here?

Who /team chaos/ here?

nth for Preston


Ironborn in a nutshell

Promise me, Ned



>Promise me, Loras!


Ask an extra anything

delete this

will davos rape and murder melisandre when he finds out what happened to shireen?

>rallying anything

no one in the north gives a fuck about the guy who burned his heir because some whore told him so.

Full agreement. The beta brigade who whine about every tiny detail must piss of to /lit/

no they are best friends now

>will davos rape and murder melisandre when he finds out what happened to shireen?

I'm actually shocked he didn't kill Brienne yet.

how does it feel to be a freyshit?




>Ironborn in a nutshell

Could someone explain to me the purpose of the Ironborn?

>I'm actually shocked he didn't kill Brienne yet.

Implying that he's capable. He's a bgger cuck than Jorah.

who's this?

Looks like shit desu senpai

did your sword come out?

how did they field an army that size, cavalry and all, from within winterfell? its not that big, and it doesnt have the agricultural land and storage space to garrison an army that size

>MFW my showfag friend told me Davos wouldn't care because Stannis "murdered" Shireen

Someone make one of these for season 6

Did you fuck any of the cast members?

Is stannis dead?

"Who cares?" -- DnD

>MFW my showfag friend told me Davos wouldn't care because Stannis "murdered" Shireen

>it look Davos 4 episodes to ask what happened to stannis and Shireen


who /bran/ here?

More or less the same, but with more fighting between bookplebs and showpatricians, less Stannisfags, and more >Promise me, Ned.

>he literally only asks about shireen the one time, gets ignored and doesnt ask ever again

is it because he already knew the answer or just shit writing

Actually yes, you can see me on S6E07
Will update
Lol no haha


>just shit writing

Let's go with this one for 500.

literally the worst fight scene in the show

Fuck you, now i got a boner

>I'm actually shocked he didn't kill Brienne yet

Why would he kill Brianne?
He's only loyal to Jon snow now.
It's a shame the writers of the show pushed it that way, it ruins both his and Stannis' character..

Lady Stoneheart?


>Ramsay kills Osha in self-defense
>everyone is disgusted
>Sneks ambush and cowardly kill Trystane
>everyone laughs

what did they mean by this ?

Lord Stoneheart

Reminder that if you complain about the Ned/Dayne flashback scene you are a worthless, whining, edgy loser with no friends, no job and no life. You stink of piss and shit, your underpants are filthy, you have a tiny penis and a coat of slime on your forehead.

Give us a synopsis of everything that happens that you saw.

i assume they'llhave to revisit that one. t would TWD level of poor writing if they glossed over that.

after his own kids died, the only person in the world davos had an emotional connection with was shireen, and that crazy bitch had her murdered for some agenda related to her religion, which he has expressed open opposition to many times before

honestly if davos doesnt annihilate her i'll lose a lot of respect for this show

What happened to it?

fucking normies

Tommen has it.

Doesn't Tommen have it?

it was buried with joff

Needs Euron


>stannis forces have been routed
>the only person to return is the red woman
>shes literally known for burning people alive
>Doesnt say anything when davos asks about shireen

I know he's supposed to be pretty dumb but I feel like he has to have pieced this shit together

What leads you to think that?

>burying a valyrian sword

>implying the Lannisters would give up a Valyrian steel sword

Does anyone else here think it's dumb that it was Davos who went to melisandre to Rez Jon?

Do freys die? Frey pies?

>Does anyone else here think it's dumb that it was Davos who went to melisandre to Rez Jon?

Yes because Davos had no emotional attachment to Jon.

What's the point of the thin leather on your chest?

as if cersei wouldnt have demanded it

>Upon Joffrey's death, it passes to his younger brother, Tommen Baratheon.
>A Storm of Swords, Chapter 59, Sansa IV.

I'm sure he has it in a scene in the show but I might just be misremembering.


You're saying that it's dumb that the guy who hates magic goes up to a witch and not only begs her to revive a man he barely knows, but also has to remind her that there is a magic spell that can revive people?

>watching any kinds of reaction videos

hang urself


He also had a lot of negative emotions towards mel

Plus one of Davos' scenes is him bitching at Stannis for using black magic, at this point they don't give a fuck about anyones character or intentions. It seems like they're rushing to finish it and moulding the characters to their needs.


>ywn have fun with your normie friends at Burlington bar

Why does Davos always pick people who kill children?



>black hair

Because Davos is the Barristan Selmy of Westeros. Always pledges himself to another failed cause and terrible person.

>Why does Davos always pick people who kill children?


>one-headed dragon
it's from some shitty b-movie a couple years ago

They're pirates, matey.


He would need a shotgun

Reminder that Dany is a villain worse than Ramsay (ramsay is still evil edgy)

>Feels she should rule and own every thing

>Leads an army of dickless mind slaves who will do her every word.
>Savage horse riders known for raping women and killing innocents.
>3 dragons willing to burn people alive plus children

She has no political skill. Selmy is dead. Jorah is gonna die. And she still thinks like a mad women.

If she came to westeros her army would cause death and rape. Dragons would burn houses and crops. She would kill off more families. More lives ruined

best Lyanna incoming

Dany is GRRM's retarded take on Sauron. Someone misguided who wants to "Rule them All" and can be seen as morally gray. Or at least more morally gray than whatever the fuck Sauron was supposed to be.

>She has no political skill. Selmy is dead.

>political skill
>pick one

Post the best reaction videos.

Fuck this bar. Fuck everyone in it. I hope someone bars the doors sets the place on fire.


These are not normies m8.

Yeah, someone should knock over one of those candles.