Don't Breathe

>pure distilled horror kino

Why the FUCK aren't we talking about this?

that.. actually looks decent. interesting concept and isnt just the same "evil ghost" storyline

Doesn't appear to be anything special, but it does appear plausible and well executed.
For the crime thriller genre, that's saying something.

>Doesn't appear to be anything special

damn OP. Nice, really nice. first of this genre im looking forward to watching in years. been too long

I dislike how they inserted some girl chained in the basement to make sure we don't feel odd about cheering for the burglars.

Saw green room recently this looks like a similar feel.
That really dreadful tense horror.

mite b cool

I think that's a demon or something.

just a human bean


>Plot twist is he ain't blind

Why does a blind man own lamps?

Thanks for spoiling that guys death in the trailer! Now I won't see it.

How does he know when to stop wiping after taking a shit?

That looks bretty good, OP. But since you're obviously a shill, I'm gonna have to pirate it instead of watching it in theaters. I really like watching these types of movies with a big group of my drunk friends so you just lost this production a decent chunk of change.

I hope you're happy.

smell it

using his hearing of course

Will this film bring back the much missed Levyposting?

I hope so.

Pretty cool idea for a movie

Are you guys dumb? This looks retarded.

oh wow the white male lead is a literal cuck

>not wanting to witness blindassassinkino

The blind man has developed super senses to detect the burglars

>He can smell crime

I hope so Suburgatory was pure serialized kino

How is this a horror movie, though? A bunch of dumbass kids try to rob 300k from a blind ninja? Why the fuck should I care about them, or even the ninja?

>teenage shits break into some blind old man's home

true horror. hopefully it ends with a happy ending and he blows their fucking brains out.

Because the chick is only doing to get her and her little sister away from their abusive mom and stepdad

this, could be pretty good. seems hard to keep the pace of the movie going without making the plot retarded though, im curious to see it

you look retarded too but managed to get a (you).

I hope she is like a nurse or something that he kept as a sex slave.

>Crimes don't count when women commit them because reasons

Is that it?

>He can smell crime

just niggers, that's why he is having a hard time finding these white trash.

>crime thriller

You american dont wash it after shitting all over your anus? Do you think just wiping and it would be clean. So fucking disgusting

This is the type of film you lump in with It Follows, The Gallows, Unfriended, Oculus, and Ouija they all have good trailers the protagonists are all really young and good looking but the movies are boring jump scare bait that is accompanied by terrible settings.

>interesting horror plot without "hurr durr this house has spooky ghosts"
Looks fun
>blind guy has a person chained in his basement
Now I'm slightly doubtful

So once again, Stephen Lang is playing the good guy but will be painted as the bad guy somehow?
It's Avatar all over again.

I thought it was gonna be something a little more straightforward, with the blind guy taking care of or locking up some spooky monster in the basement that the dumbfuck punks inadvertently let out.

Was pleasantly surprised with the concept, which seems pretty novel, but I don't give a shit what happens to some punk kids who commit armed robbery, and having them find some torture/rape cave in the dude's basement just seems like a hackneyed way to designate him as the villain.

It would have been more interesting to just have him be some crazy, trigger-happy son of a bitch who's just hunting them down because goddamnit he's sick of getting fucked with by all the punks in his shitty neighborhood, rather than a creepy murderer who needs to eliminate all the witnesses.



>Why is he paying for power

Refrigerator and AC/Heat depending on how his house is set up. He might also have a radio.

Lights are probably only on where the punk kids breaking in turned them on in the first place.

Protip, the girl in the basement is a local girl who ran over the blind guy's daughter in a drunken stupor and got off easy. He kidnapped her for revenge.

Fridge, air conditioning, heat, radio, phone etc. Are you retarded for real or just pretending?

Protip, watch the trailer

When blind people wipe, they fold the paper in half. If it sticks, they wipe again.

I though it was her daughter?

>blind people don't need to refrigerate their food

Americlaps, everyone.

Amerifats only eat fast foods straight from the joint.

>one murder, then cat and mouse games
>no supernatural elements

This seems to have more in common with Panic Room than shit like The Collector that you would identify with horror.

It's a complement, trust me.

>pure distilled horror kino

It's a thriller m8

And the bull dies in the first 20 minutes, because the black guy always dies first in a horror movie, even when he's white.

Pretty neat concept, they'll definitely fuck it up though.

>Captured girl and presumable torture room in the basement

They already have.

i use a wet tp to clean but im not getting in the shower for one shit , i mean bitches need to . But I shit at least thrice a day.

High fiber?

nice concept and now on my radar, thanks op.

Nah gas, im always bloated for some reason , drink alot of beer. But sometimes its just a muscusy fart that comes out like, literally mucous.

Let me guess, the white male dies, possibly in an act of self-sacrifice, and the strong empowered womxn kills the blind guy then rescues that girl in the basement.

Looks good, I'm in. It's nice to see a new Horror movie idea in the sea of remakes. Trailer showed too much though.

girl is probably someone else who tried to steal his 300k or something

keeps her in the basement as an alarm so he knows when more burglars show up