Did he shoot down War Machine on purpose to avenge his waifu?

Did he shoot down War Machine on purpose to avenge his waifu?

no, he shoot him down because he is black

>Stark blames him for hitting War Machine
Given the way his attack works and how Falcon dodged, it wasn't Vision's fault. Or did I not understand it right?

>Vision you copy ? shoot down the black man

He aimed them both. Even if his beam would have hit Falcon, War Machine was still in the way.

If you watch it, what makes it work is Rhodey called the shot, its his fault.

He should have compensated for Falcon's dodge. He's got a supercomputer for a brain.

If we're going with that kind of logic, then shouldn't he be able to solo Cap's team? Or at least fight them all to a standstill.

He shot down war machine because the movie needed him to.

He should. Its retarded how absent he was from that airport fight. I dont remember any scenes involving him doing any kind of combat with anyone besides knocking Giant-Rudd backwards and blasting the tower to block cap and bucky.

His scene with hawkeye was better than his presence in the airport.

He shouldn't have missed but he was distracted by Wanda. he says so in the fucking movie

Tony Stark may be brilliant when it comes to technology, but hes a fuckng mororn when it comes to basic logic

you dumb dumbs

they're implying the gem is purposely fucking with his head

he got angry and did it on purpose basically

What's even more stupid...

Vision's blast basically destroyed War Machine's suit and nearly killed him. Falcon doesn't wear armor, so what the hell was Vision trying to do, straight up kill him?

No... he is on the side of life.

Is Vision the strongest character in Marvel movies at the moment?

>forgetting about Thor and Hulk

vision felt bad because he was fighting his waifu
This made him perform worse and he fired a bad shot without thinking of all the outcomes.
It was to show that now he's more "human" than he thought

But Vision has one of the infinity stones, right? Is he weaker because he hasn't learned yet how to use the stone?

Do we even know what the yellow infinity gym does? Or what Vision can do with it? He can shoot lasers and pass through solid matter. What else?

Wouldn't Hulk technically be the strongest, since it's impossible to restrain him and he gets progressively stronger?

I have no idea, I didn't read the comics... I just assumed because he has the stone then has to be the strongest

He wanted to hit his wings, which just brings up the question how Falcon was going to survive the fall.

No quicksilver is from xmen

Quicksilver wouldn't be able to do anything to Thor.

Hulk is literally unbeatable. Not in a clever way, just because the writers always make him strong enough to defeat anyone. Ive never understood why you cant just shoot him while hes bruce banner and kill him that way

he even got rekt by apocalypse

Im pretty sure thats been attempted and he turns into the hulk as the bullet touches his skin or some shit

Because the gamma shit is still inside him so he regenerates and goes full hulk mode anyways. In any case he's weak against mind control and magic

Shouldn't he be the strongest Avenger by some distance? He has an infinity stone and he is made of Vibranium

is this pwr ranking accurate?

1. Reed Richards
2. Hank Pym
3. Peter Parker
4. Tony Stark
5. Bruce Banner

>just shoot him while hes bruce banner and kill him that way
Frank Castle does exactly this in "Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe"

Why is stretchy man the most powerful?

He says in the Avengers he shot himself in the head and the hulk healed him

2. Puny Richards
3. Banner
4. Stark
5. Parker


>pym, tony, peter

They wouldn't even be anywhere near top 5 friend.

>he's weak against mind control and magic
He is. But thats just like him being drunk or something, it doesnt last long or really actually hurt him

that comic is complete masturbatory fanfic

Honestly the whole thing was just a device to show that the Falcons had a slightly more maneuverable suit than war machine or Iron Man. If it wasn't for that everyone would have to question the usefulness of a flimsy wing pack and zero body armor over something like an Iron Man suit

oh I should have elaborated the power rankings are in regards to intelligence levels.

I know, you're not going to kill him but it's not like you can't neutralize him

Is this a ranking for smartness? Why is Peter above Tony?

MODOK is alot smarter than peter parker

I figured as much. DOOM belongs on the highest tier.

With magic he is only 2nd to Strange.

Nah he just didn't see so good.

Tony said turn him into a glider. I believe they intended to hit whatever was powering the wings and then allow him to glide down.

To be fair apocalypse is probably stronger than any MCU character so far(until Thanos shows up)

he can do magic? I honestly didn't know.. the F4 movies don't really showcase that ability I guess?

I thought he was just a smart dude in a metal suit that can conduct electricity or some shit.

Why wasn't he in the mission at the start? There was literally no reason for him no to be there. Maybe the Wakandans would have survived if he wasn't being a neet faggot playing chess in his tower all day.

Falcon has an emergency parachute in his wingpack that deploys when his wings are compromised.

Doomfags are the worst.

Dr. Doom has never been done any where close to right in the movies. In the comics hes a wizard, dictator, inventor and smartest or (second smartest) human alive

this. he says hes worried about the gem in his head because he doesnt understand it, and he doesnt want it to control him.

>Vision you team killing fucktard

Where was War Machine's parachute?

seek out "Triumph and Torment" it is essential Doomcore. would make a 10/10 "origin" movie for Doom.

keep fucking dreaming, he has defeated the most powerful being in the Marvel U effortlessly and constantly.

Vision did say in the movie that he missed because he was distracted by Wanda

Sentry is literally an emo faggot made to appeal to damaged people

Who is the most powerful being?


If you mean the Beyonder, he literally took his power back and BTFO Doom.

Reed owns Doom every week.

the iron man suits are pretty hard to terminate in one shot at this point. any weapon strong enough to rip through the armor in one blast would probably be aimed to kill

Not hard enough to stop a guy on WW2 steroids' fists though.

You mean Broly, who is literally invincible.

What the hell are Lex Luthor and Sub Zero doing in a Marvel Comic?

you should probably watch the movie again. even after both bucky and cap wailing on his heli suit (probably not him main one), and cap smashing his arc reactor, it still flickers and works.

i actually meant it to be plural because he defeated galactus single-handedly along with the beyonder, the watcher, etc. etc.

While Sentry has been portrayed as being pretty fucking edgy in some of his appearances his original story was really good. He's an interesting take on the Superman style of superhero as well, since he is literally his own worst enemy.

I think a solo Sentry movie would be pretty cool, especially if they end it like the original story. Would be a good excuse to have a lot of cameos, so long as they didn't do anything more with the character, as whenever Sentry is part of a team the storyline always ends up revolving around him.

Yeah, and the he lost hard. He died, in fact.

>wasnt present during the big fight from the start
>it wasnt a fight to the death and therefore he like everyone was holding back, otherwise he and scarlett witch would have turned the place into ground zero
>literally said that he got distracted by his waifu

Do people just not pay attention during movies? Is the turn off your brain meme real?

His punches did pretty much nothing to the suit. All the damage was from the shield or buckys arm.

Implying marvel has the balls to make a proper sentry movie at best itll be as deep as civil war

See, if they ever do use Sentry, it'd be a good way to reboot the franchise, if they include his reality warping shenanigans. Pretty sure they're gonna use parts of Infinity War to retcon, or try to explain, some of the shit that doesn't make sense in their continuity already.

Can some comicfag elaborate a bit what this whole 'being the smartest' actually mean. Are they just good at doing equations and building machines, or know a shitload of trivia stuff and could win jeopardy or something. I don't get it.

Can the Hulk fucking stand being torn apart by reality?


You know he probably meant to, cause his name is the Vision. Probably calculated everything and saw that it needed to be done BECAUSE the movie needed him to.