And the award for the best Batsuit in the history of kino goes to

And the award for the best Batsuit in the history of kino goes to...

Other urls found in this thread: bulletproof material

Alfredo casero

the second clooney one is actually cool.

Chill out.

I like that the Bale suits actually look like useful body armor instead of just a muscle suit.

Michael Keaton.

This. The restricted head movement made the way he moved look less human which added to the whole effect.

first post best post


Batfleck was the best performance of batman so far

1. First Kilmer
2. Bataffleck
3. Begins Bale

Battlfeck is the best.
Keaton suit is a very close second.

Batman Begins is a power gap third.


bvs, everything else is literally meme tier

I like DK and then '89 and then Afleck.

Something about the Affleck suit just doesn't feel right.

Batfleck is objectively the best

it needs the underwear


That chart of a missing some suits


batfleck tbqh


Affleck, far and away

Only one to look actually intimidating

too wide

Did Clooney wear two suits in one film?

Batfleck is literally the perfect Batman.

Who hyped for the solo film?

Missing at least three

>the Clooney suit was handed around production companies, ad agents, testers, etc, like a condom at a frat house

How you guys think it smells?

It looks like cheap worn out fabric yet we're supposed to believe that it can not only take a bullet to the back of the head without denting it, but also makes batman not even phased by it, yet also can be peirced by a knife

There was a skiing scene


you're confused, the cowl can take a bullet because, as we're shown early in the movie with alfred, it has like a lead lining

the rest of the suit is like a cloth-kevlar weave thing, so naturally a knife could penetrate it

the cowl is clearly made of a different material from the rest of the suit

you barely see the BvS suit with all the Instagram effects going on.

looks better when you can actually see it

but synder would rather filter the fuck out the colors coz le darkness

My mistake there, but it still doesnt justify the bullet not even phasing him, his head is somehow impervious to impacts

he actually groans in pain when the bullet hits his head and goes even more ape shit.

not defending the shitshow of a movie just saying

The batsuit has 3 main areas of a reinforced steel like material

Cowl for protection, gauntlets for defense, and the symbol to provide a target

Do you even Batman lore

Needs more blue and brown.

looks like devil man

>doesnt justify the bullet not even phasing him
...Thinking you're cleaver because real world physics and situations aren't the same in a world where acid can bleach a mans skin, ghosts exist an a billionaire thinks it's productive to play dress up and punch people.

bobs burgers

I love it, it reminds me of the Dark Knight Returns Batman suit

No it doesnt, none of them do. Batman exists in the shadows meme dork. Go rewatch Nolan's le epic sunlight battle, leave capekino to Snyder and Affleck.


a bullet to the fucking head applies
to every world you fat shit

in this case it's because he has a lead helmet

That's because it's an artist's render - either concept art or for promotional material. It's the only one pictured that not a real picture of the actor in a suit. Also, THIS is why he actually looks like he has a neck in the picture.

The actual batfleck suit has no neck, it's just his head coming right out of his shoulders and it make him look dumb as hell.

arkham asylum video game

it looks like made out of wet newspapers

>what is impact force


1 7 and 9.

I guess after the nolan bat flicks where they show the construction of a realistic bat suit made me scrutinize this ones practicality harder than i normally would, like how supermans suit stays damageless if regular powered zod can peirce full kryptonian armor with a knife but the pajamas can withsatnd nearly everything

ur a towel

>make him look dumb as hell.
tell that to zod's snapped neck

He recoiled and protected his face with his hands before going on the offense again didn't he?

It isn't his first time getting shot, he will no doubt have been trained to think logically in a crisis, hence the entire scene

wtf is this shit

That's Snyder for you.

He makes films almost exclusively based on comics. MoS, 300, BvS and Watchmen are basically "read the comics for the lore while I recreate iconic panels for you fanboys to get hard over", and he does that well.

The problem is he's given full creative control to approach his films like this when WB want a cinematic universe that everyone can approach, not just fanboys.

>regular powered zod can peirce full kryptonian armor with a knife but the pajamas can withsatnd nearly everything
Well one is built from numerous pieces and one is a continuous piece of stiches material. Why would it show damage from some rough housing?


Cause zod was wearing the same material underneath his armor, presumaby jor el was as well. So if a knife can peirce it, how the hell does it withstand all that punishment during the supes-zod fight


Batman Returns is still the best entry in the franchise, IMO.

Penetrating damage versus blunt impact?

You don't understand?

If you had to give a speech in front of the WHOLE class, which would you wear? Keep in mind, you'd be naked underneath.

1) Dark Knight
2) Battfleck
3) Keaton

What was with the gap between his cheeks and the cowl though.

It was like the suit was molded before they got his measurements

Stuntman from Suicide Squad

Nigga you can punch a T shirt all you want, you won't tear it. A knife cuts the material.

I really liked the Arkham Origins Suit, except for the huge thighs.
Game was mediocre, but the suit looked great.

But what if that's some sort of non-Newtonian liquid inside a Kevlar sandwich? Or graphene? Or any combination of these: bulletproof material

Im sure kevlar doesnt come out scratchless after being smashed through skyscrapers, satalites and the atmosphere

huge thighs=power

Glass, steel beams, deisel fuel explosions, atmosphere penetration and gravitational pulses capable of terraforming might


forever or 89

Burton's Batman suit or Batman Begins

Batman Returns also had a suit inspired by art deco, but I thought the abs pattern was kind of stupid, almost skeletal.

>Looks like it's made of cloth
>Completely rigid
>Fabric clinging to a non-existent musculature as if someone is already in the suit


Dark Knight suit's leg area is a disaster. What kind of idiot would design something so shitty?

>8 logos
>9 suits

It's a material user

A material that is peirced by a normal powered zod stabbing with a knife. Meanwhile punches that can comprimise the integrity of spaceship hulls and smashing through buildings and concrete at mach speeds does nothing

Kryptonian invulnerability isn't just physical. It's an aura that extends to their clothing and can even be extended to other things they're in contact with. There's a scene that can be interpreted as Clark doing that very thing in MoS where he saves Lois but she takes the expanding fireball from the crashed escape pod to the face without injury.

It's also probably going to be how Wonder Woman "enchants" weapons and armor.

There are two Batman Forever logos.

Val Kilmers face looks like it was made to suck dick

Well that works for me, if only the spent some of the expisition time with lex to explain some of these properties in depth more


I'm hoping 1) that I'm right, and 2) that it's expanded on more in Wonder Woman and possibly even Suicide Squad.

Also, that scene after Clark and Doomsday eat the nuke and we see Clark hanging there sort of emaciated - that scene reveals another element of Kryptonian durability. In comic lore, it comprises all these things: the "super aura," which is by far the toughest component, Kryptonian tissue being far tougher, and Kryptonians being able to metabolize sunlight. All that debris hanging around Clark in orbit was essentially him shedding damaged cells and waiting for the sun to juice him up again. In essence Kryptonians have a super-healing factor on top of everything else.

Half of what makes batman OP is his manipulation of fear.

"You know what that is? It's fear. Breathe it in."

I fucking loved that.

BvS was so far away from The Dark Knight Returns though. If he just followed the comic like usual it may have been decent.

Keaton. Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking faggot. Affleck's looks like it's made from wool.

But they did. They just flipped the character arcs. Instead of Bruce inspiring Clark back to heroism through his sacrifice, it was the other way around.

Isnt that only close to a yellow(red?) star like our sun they get all these powers?

Yes. That's why Zod was able to stab Jor-El through the fabric back on Krypton - no aura.

Batfleck is the most intimidating. That Batman would beat the shit out of the others.

Wrong faggots.

THIS is the best Batsuit.

Perfect combination of highlighted muscle and armor.

I agree t.b.h.