Is Refn a badass?

Is Refn a badass?

Other urls found in this thread:

>The autist formerly known as Nicholas Winding Refn gets bullied by Lars Von Trier

makes sense

>The autist formerly known as Lars Von Trier gets publicly rektd by Nicolas Winding Refn

top kek

>I could live out my perverse dream of being a 16 year old girl
audible kek

i adore this man

Well Sup Forums, was it rape?

is he always like this? Why is he being all tough guy macho? I thought he was a qt

I think one of the saddest things that could happen in my life would if NWR dies before I get a chance to meet him

yes but when his wife did it it wasn't.

In other news, Refn finally got a chin.

Ha, he changed his accent.

Why is he so smug

acting so tryhard...

You can see that this was a forced kiss even for Refn.

Refn with Gosling, that was true love.

Did he get jaw implants? If so, that is disgusting, and disappointing; I would lose respect for him.

Is Refn a big guy Sup Forums?


But I loved her...

He is sticking his neck out and the image is face on which gives the illusion of chin

Ive seen fat people do it



Lars didn't bully. Refn just destroyed him in this press conference and even implied that Lars' wife was a slut.

Good God, she's beautiful in this picture.

You should see the other ones from Cannes.

The comments on this are hilarious, massive amounts of shitflinging from pathetic waifuists

what? are we reading the same comments section? most of the negative comments i see seem to be from hysterical hambeasts calling it borderline rape.

Lars has known Refn since he was a kid, wouldn't you bully kid Refn if you had the chance?


Why does he always do that?

Wanna fight?

Drive is the only thing he's known for, isn't he?

I haven't seen that image posted since OGF came out kek

The Pusher movies are pretty well known I think, at least in Denmark.

He wanted to fight.

Hell of a response to the last question

Seems like a guy that would be amazing to drink with

>director of Drive

Pick one.


pick two

He probably doesn't drink

Hes such a stupid fucking asshole.

>That literal non-existent jaw
>Those glasses
>That hairline
Poor bastard is nu-male to the core



Yet he has the balls to kiss Elle Fanning and get away with it.

>"My Wife's Boyfriend: The Face"


more like
>my free baby sitter: the face




He's autistic and just acts out. People let retards do their thing all the time.

holy fuck
my freind looks like refn.

>in this picture

Boy, have I got news for you.
Elle Fanning is literally the most beautiful being Hollywood has to offer right now.

I would fucking love to fight Refn

I would probably cum during the fight

He would whine you to death, dude!

>having elle as your weirdlooking-fu
Patricians prefer Kiernan Shipka.


>a magical place

But it works. Who cares if it's autism or audacity? IT WORKS. She closed her eyes. She laughed about it. She posted it on Instagram saying it was the "official kiss". You can't do better than that. You can patronize him and say that he's autistic but he just kissed one of the most beautiful women on earth and she liked it.

>le celebrity worship
Get a grip faggots.

>nu-male to the core
>listing superficial stuff

He's not even autistic dude. He's just not good with words. And yet he always rather clearly states the motives behind the making of his movies. And I have to say that I understand him perfectly well.

was that the experience that led to goose getting with the spanish mamasita and having a family?

Kiernan Shipka doesn't look "weird". She's a reasonably pretty girl whose eyebrows don't match her hair colour.
A problem which Elle doesn't have, since she's a natural reddish-blonde.


Context of the pic plox

So jelly of the guy who had to clean her pee from that seat.

so the consensus is amazing visuals, shallow story? So basically a Dario Argento flick?

What the fuck was that?

It's a scene from "My Life Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn".
What't there to "What the fuck" about?

She doesn't look as weird as Elle, that's for sure. It's just that if you were designing the perfect woman, you probably wouldn't design Kiernan. There's nothing wrong with her. Just some unconventionally attractive things.


I would believe that. OGF was fucking gorgeous but hitched to a drayhorse of a plot that even a middle schooler would scoff at.

a fun time?

The look on his face at the end was weird as fuck. I thought the autism was a meme but the guy legit seems autistic to me.


She most definitely lost a few drops there

>the way she puts her hands up after a second
>Refn effortlessly plays this off as he relinquishes his grasp

you gotta admire the guy, one smooth perv. If he held it even half a second longer it would've been way more obvious how uncomfortable he was making Fanning

That eyeliner looks shitty. But boy, oh boy. The way that dress hardly covers her left breast. She looks so tender.

Why didn't she wear a longer dress, bros?

Idk but man I'm so glad she didn't

>oh shit someone getting kissed close-by
>immediately checks phone and acts like nothing is happening


Oh man he's making a movie with Jackie Chan?!

he asked her and she said yes tho

>when geeks try to sound badass

>Turkroach shotgun
Pleb taste

will he have to stay in france now?

All these faggots should be gassed, with all those who rejoice at the death of spontaneity and a simpler way of living like men and women.


No. There is another.

>so he found some other slut
what did he mean by this?

that his wife is a slut but von trier found another

>slapped that pedo face
isnt elle 18


maybe the towel is sort of like cyclops's visor but for autism.


Womyn and men need to be separated into different living districts. Only extensive documentation will determine if womyn and men are fit to interact.

Murph? ;-;

No, it's Renesmee. Only plebs don't know that.

so whats the context?

Oh god, Elle absorbed some of Jena Malone's essence, lock up your daughters!

has this guy actually made one good movie?