Post the #1 film at the US box office on the day you were born

Post the #1 film at the US box office on the day you were born.

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Falling Down

Well im sorry to hear that


primal fear


Mmmm yah



Based. America's first Hollywood blockbuster


>Admission Price: $4.15.........

Christ I'm old

Hey, me too!


Fucking underage.












whatever was top on november 9th 1987




ok thats kinda noice


hey op we're seagal buddies

just re-watched this again last night too

Never heard of it.


fuck this gay earth

Ok this sounds fun, let's look it up...


Oh come on.

Holy shit i thought this guy was a meme. Fucking 90's, no wonder why they got AIDs

Me too, OP.

We are only a few days apart, bro!

what scene was this again


Can it be that it was all so simple then?

how old are you buddy



So now they have your IP, DOB, and Browsing Habits.


and the quality digits and movies go together

>Literally had their birthdays snatched

Is there anything he can't do?



literally me



It's funny because I too lost my parents at a young age to untimely deaths but instead of fighting crime I drink haha.

Outta my way, underage shits


Never even heard of this movie until now.

Look on the bright side.

I've seen this. It's a fun comedy. Probably the best thing Spielberg's ever been involved in (he was an executive producer).

Before Tom Hanks thought he was a serious actor and the Academy awarded his delusion. It was a simpler time.

>Probably the best thing Spielberg's ever been involved in

really user?

Don't know where you guys are finding daily BO numbers for the 80s and 90s, but this was the #1 movie the week I was born

forgot pic


me too my nigga. never even heard of it

How should I feel about this?

You can make a good guess based on the release date and gross.

Mr Mom, whatever the fuck that is, thought it was just a Simpson's joke.

Not bad I guess

I'll take it.

did you read the title of the thread ?

You were born the day after me bro, how's life going? There's quite a few people in this thread that were born in the same week as each other.


this thread got me all nostalgic bros

Weird, yeah. It's ok I guess. Had a decent career going but sidelined right now w/ an injury/disability. Working hard to get back into the swing of things. 32 is the new 22 they say, or at least I hope so. How are you, brother?

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

Good thread OP.

For true.

Really, my birthday?? Really?


I am surprised that a lot of these made it to #1, and that this was well received

>Roger Ebert, in his Chicago Sun-Times review of May 3, 1985, wrote: "This is a heavy-duty thriller, a slick, energetic movie with good performances and a lot of genuine human interest...a stylish urban action picture with sensational stunts." He gave the film three-and-a-half stars of a possible four. Gene Siskel in the Chicago Tribune also praised the film, writing: "Chuck Norris takes a big leap in his film career with Code of's been a long time between cop pictures that have any kind of gritty feel. Clint Eastwood's last two Dirty Harry films were cartoonish by comparison."

>Janet Maslin's review in the New York Times on the same day alluded to the film being "Norris's bid for a wider audience, and it succeeds to a considerable degree."

Farina's first too it seems, before Mann got him for Miami Vice

I'm actually kind of shocked to see Ebert give a good review -- or even review -- a Chuck Norris movie.


Well, I am surprised. Even if you don't like him generally, his career is so varied i'd assume you'd have to enjoy at least one of his films.

>Christ I'm old
No you're not.
I saw it at the theater.

Dafuq that was a #1 movie? Musta been a slooooow weekend

>all these movies form the 80s and 70s

damn all of ya'll are old as fuck

>tfw I've been baneposting with 30+ year olds.

It's shit. Remarkable, tryhard comedy. Basically a reboot of the superior Mr. Blanding Builds His Dream House

Pretty sure this was my first violent action movie too.

I always confuse this with the other MJF 80s movie about a young man moving to the big city to make it big. Pic related is the one based on a Jay McInnery novel, who was big in the 80s, along with Bret Easton Ellis.

It's a kind of fun really bad disaster b-movie.

I'm the same age as OP

Is that bad?

>not knowing one of the most popular 80s comedies.

Farina's first acting work was in Thief (1981).

I have this movie on my watchlist. It's from the same director as Above the Law and has the same villain.

There is literally nothing more pathetic than a person wasting their youth on this shithole. I suggest you turn the computer off and go make some real human relationships before it's too late for you.

How does it feel to stare into the abyss that is your future?

This one.
>No1 for 9 weeks
There's bound to be more of us.
