The Neon Demon

>"A horror film is what “The Neon Demon” is (sort of). It’s set in the Los Angeles fashion world, and it’s the kind of movie in which models look like mannequins that look like slasher-film corpses, and corpses look like love objects. Beauty mingles with mangled flesh, and each fastidiously slick image seems to have come out of “Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me” or “The Shining” or a very sick version of a Calvin Klein commercial. Every scene, every shot, every line of dialogue, every pause is so hypnotically composed, so luxuriously overdeliberate, that the audience can’t help but assume that Refn knows exactly what he’s doing — that he’s setting us up for the kill."
> – Owen Gleiberman, Variety

I want to believe.

Lol only a 15 Year old would be interested in seeing this pretentious shit. Its literally muh life as a women trying to be famous by being a whore. Pretty much what every woman on the planet secretly wants to do.

You suck.

It's probably good, but modern audiences can't stomach looking at the ugly side of themselves.

>"“I wanted to rub the human race in its own vomit, and force it to look in the mirror.”" - J.G. Ballard

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Winding is notoriously OCD about every last fucking detail in his fucking films. He is one of the most deliberate directors for all the bad and good of it.

At yesterday's press conference he stated that "The Neon Demon" was basically about living out his fantasy of being a 16-year-old girl through Elle. Now without wanting to reduce myself to "MUH DICK", I think this movie is going to be sexy as fuck.
Driver was all about male energy, heroic strength and cunning.
The Demon will be all about the heroic cunny.

Hey, I actually saw this.

The reason it's getting shit on so much is because the dialogue is really, really bad (think Tommy Wiseau) and all the color effects look really forced, while the light in general looks really cheap and fake. (Odd, considering how amazing those things looked in OGF)

so, all of it is bad?

Is he wrong though?

He's wrong for projecting his opinion on other people. That's just a sucky thing to do.

>essentially states the same thing as the director
>get garbage responses

At least put some effort into it.

the Cannes press conference was adorably awkward

Can't wait, actually. I like to compare his Hollywood movies to Valhalla and those other films with Mads.

OP here. It wasn't a statement but a quote. My statement was "I want to believe". Which implies that I'm sorta skeptical but still have high hopes.

Some of the acting is good, as are some of the visual concepts. All together it's just really dull. His worst film IMO (although I haven't seen Fear X yet).

>his worst film

disappointing, it seems drive was his apex and he can't come back from it

This is going to be a "horror" film in the same way that Enter the Void and Black Swan are: it isn't.

Love me a good body horror

I thought the Pusher trilogy was better than Drive, personally.

Collider review: "It’s the combination of the sound, imagery and design that keeps us mesmerized well more than the plot."

So, it's like 2001. Refn loves Kubrick.

I'm It kind of is a horror movie, but it takes far too long to get there. The first ~90% of the film is like the daytime in the original Halloween, and then the last 10% is the nighttime in the original Halloween (with a Refn twist). Almost all of the first 90% consists of unusually bad dialogue (Refn trying to write young women and making it sound like a 12 year old's anime fan fiction) and what is essentially filler. There's a little bit of character and theme exploration here and there, but not much, and most of it is handled extremely awkwardly. Like I said before, it's just very dull with Wiseau dialogue.

Not really. It's actually a very plot heavy film. It's just that the plot is so bad and boring that you have to ignore it.

Thanks. Won't bother watching it then.

Eh, if you've seen a Refn film before and you like unusual things, give it a shot. I don't care for it, but it has 'cult classic' written all over it. If you can sit through Argento's less inspired works you can sit through this.

can you confirm that there is a scene that contains lesbian necrophilia and cannibalism at the end of the movie?

heard that's what caused all the booing and walkouts at cannes

Yeah. On the one hand it's tasteless and you can tell it was improvised while filming (it was added just as they started filming and was not rehearsed and there was no pre-pro done for it), but it's also somewhat interesting because despite it's tackiness and tastelessness it's also quite genuine in a way. Refn and the actress (Jenna Malone) really gave their all right there.

Also, people were already walking out right at the start when the Amazon logo popped up and a couple times afterwards. At the same time, at the end there were far more people clapping than booing.

From what I could tell in the dark Refn was looking kind of upset at first, but as the film went on he became more and more excited by people getting so upset. At the end he was just sitting there smiling, that glorious motherfucker.

Superior actress, superior looks, superior personality... Superior Fanning.

What are you? A Cannois or a journalist?
All these assumptions are clearly done by someone who didn't see it and only watched the scenes available on YouTube.

Je ne te crois pas.

oh, hi Krager. Yes we know. You have made your point. Goodbye.

I kind of wanted to see it just for the visuals. Your reply sounds like the visuals weren't very well done.

Well, I do know, but I'm not Cannois (you can't get in as a filthy peasant anyway).

I work for one of the largest Dutch public broadcasting stations (which are a big deal in The Netherlands) and they were going to Cannes. One guy they had a ticket for dropped out and they had no direct replacement for him, so I just talked them into bringing me with them. They sent a huge team to TV-Cannes (I forgot the real name) earlier this year, but to them real Cannes apparently isn't really a big deal so they were like "sure, if you pay for your own hotel room".

hard to believe desu

>krager the fagger

gtfo krager, nobody likes you here. you tripcode faggit. you fucked your momma yet, incestboi?

Why would they be? Refn just likes to rip off Argento and Jodorowsky.

Hope there's a bunch of fappable scenes

>ripping off Jodoslavsky

I don't think anyone actually does this unless they want to make a deliberately shit movie.

I guess we'll just need to see for ourselves...
So far I honestly don't give a rat's ass about what other think of this movie.

>replying to tripfags

So basically this is black swan but insteasd of a ballerina its fashion models.

I actually want to see this. Hopefully it steers away from being too shit

who let you out of /r9gag/

>gtfo krager, nobody likes you here. you tripcode faggit. you fucked your momma yet, incestboi?
you haven't figured out Krager's actually Redwood yet, have you

Am I wrong to assume you spend your entire day on the internet?

when are we getting a trailer?

Refn's films are literally made to piss off critics, he even says so in the press conference. He is fucking based as fuck. FUCK ALL HATERS!!!




You are a fucking retard and if you're over 18 there's no hope for you.


Project much, bitch?