WTF I hate white people now!!!

WTF I hate white people now!!!

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Blame redditors.

Do Americans really have to watch this shit in school?

You know the author of roots had to settle out of court for an undisclosed sum after a white man took him to court because substantial portions of Roots were plagiarized from his work?

I always find that little fact funny.


You put a backslash in front of the word thread and you use a lowercase t.

Stop trying to fit in, you dumb redditor.

It's history I don't know why not. No one should feel guilty though.

It's not mandated by the government but individual teachers can decide to make students watch whatever they want (within reason).

I was never shown Roots and I didn't watch a movie at school since 6th grade with the exception of that time we watched The Blind Side in high school.

I don't care. Yer nayme is Toebee, NIGGARRR!!!!! Say it ya bloody basterrrddd!!!

yall Nigars need to kook up bking soda wif kokane and sell it

>It's history
It's wildly historically inaccurate and has no business in a classroom. You might as well show Gladiator and 300 in Ancient History classes.

I wish I were Levar Burton.

>It's wildly historically inaccurate
how so

>It's wildly historically inaccurate

How so?

Should remake this with a white guy playing Kunta Kinte

>It's wildly historically inaccurate
how so?


most slaves in the south were white people



I watched Gladiator in class.

My ancestors never owned slaves, they were from Germany and Germans never did anything that bad

Most slave owners were black. The majority of slaves were whites. Whites are the most oppressed people in history. Did you know 0% of American presidents in the last 8 years were white?


Germans were the niggers of the Roman Empire


>whites being portrayed as running into a foreign jungle and capturing Africans with nets, instead of purchasing already enslaved Africans from other Africans at established trading posts and oirts
>shaky evidence that Kunta Kinte actually existed
>heavily criticized by actual historians and genealogists
>"Haley called his novel "faction" and acknowledged that the most of the dialogue and incidents were fictional."

>It's wildly historically inaccurate
how so

how so

Hey, wait a second...

>most of the dialogue
no wai? why din he use the audio tapes of the real dialogue?

how so?

dumb niggers had overwitten the tapes with their mixtapes baka

Obama is half white tho

>whites being portrayed as running into a foreign jungle and capturing Africans with nets

But, no shit the movie was fiction. That doesn't necessarily make it historically inaccurate.


You aren't fooling anyone user.

>source is wikipedia

Only now? I've hated white people since I was 12 and first watched a Spike Lee Joint.


The movie is historical fiction. The author also plagerized his story

i didnt watch the movie but i presume it shows black people having real feelings and emotions

>and incidents
>history classes should be shown programming based on literal fiction
He could have used actual accounts from surviving slaves.

>But, no shit the movie was fiction.
>That doesn't necessarily make it historically inaccurate.
>a fictitious movie being passed off as true isn't historically inaccurate
Nice contradiction. Again, it's like showing 300 in Ancient History class. Yes, the Battle of Thermopylae happened, but that is a terrible way to teach it to students.

>I don't know how Wikipedia works
>I don't know how citations work

>surviving slaves
>in the 1980s
yeah mang. there was lots of 140 year old slaves then.

>Nice contradiction.

We're talking about the movie. I know it's based on a book, but no one gives a fuck about the book.
Things in the movie except the dramatized beginning actually happened in some shape or form during the slave trade.

Jesus Christ, the whole introduction discussing that is just dedicate to say it all didn't happen. Some Stormfag wiki editor there. Imagine doing that on the Holocaust article.


Reminder the trailer for the remake shows Africans catching Africans and selling them to whites. The historical accuracy will be a shot storm.

>accounts aren't written down
>knowing nothing about Federal Writers' Project interviews from the 1930s

>I know it's based on a book, but no one gives a fuck about the book.
>no one cares about the fictional source material to this movie being purported as true
That's the problem, they should.

>Things in the movie except the dramatized beginning actually happened in some shape or form during the slave trade.
You could say similar things about 300. Doesn't mean it should be shown to history classes. I don't know if it was deliberate indoctrination or just lazy teachers looking for an easy few hours.

>don't have an argument when presented with facts
>nobody used any slurs or conspiracy theories
>start spewing buzzwords and calling people "stormfag"

Usually it's saved for later in the article not half the introduction.

>interviews with literal children
Yeah I bet they knew a lot as 2 year old slaves before living the next 68 years as free people.

If you actually read them, you'd know they were older than that and recounted specific and complex memories. They're more accurate than the lies of an author born 60 years after slavery enbded.

>complex memories
Can't be that complex if their granddad couldn't figure out how the wheel worked

Bitch where you when I was walkin'?
Now I run the game got the whole world talkin', King Kunta
Everybody wanna cut the legs off him, Kunta
Black man taking no losses

It's definitely considered passe nowadays, but when I was in junior high in the '90s we all had to sit in the cafeteria and watch it on a huge TV (no projector apparently).

They also had us watch the original Clash of the Titans and some Civil War movie, so I didn't put much stock in it beyond "here's a semi-educational movie for the kids to see"

I remember watching Forest Gump an awful lot in high school though. I definitely saw it at least 3x between 3 different classes, all History.

In English class we mostly watched "hip" versions of the books we read, like the remake of Romeo and Juliet with Dicaprio and Danner or Oh Brother during The Odyssey. Oddly we never watched 1984 or the animated Animal Farm, even though we read both books (and a bunch of others).

>i had to watch 300 and enemy at the gates on history class
>i had to watch matrix on philosophy
>i had to watch Hellboy on religion class (catholic school btw)

Fun fact: do you know where the word "slave" comes from? It derives from the term for "Slav," and that's because during the age of great Islamic Empires millions of people of Slavic ancestry were transported to serve as slaves and concubines in Ottoman markets. It's part of the reason that the peoples of Western Europe have historically seen Slavs as lesser peoples and not truly white. This connection was so strong that "slave" derives from "Slav" and not the other way around.

Furthermore the vast majority of people involved in the slave trade throughput history have never even laid eyes on a white person, not as a master and not as a slave. The amount of slaves in the Western Hemisphere pales in comparison to the number of slaves that have lived on the Indian subcontinent, even with the Brazilians working their slaves to death just so they could import more.

None of this is meant to imply that slavery was not a great historical evil and that ending it was both just and necessary. But many people in Western countries have been impressed with the idea that slavery was some sort of unique sin of white people enslaving black people. This helps inflame racial tensions and directs money and votes in ways that benefit progressives but are incredibly destructive to society as a whole.

Not only that, but Western society is historically unique for it's intense hatred of slavery and the incredible amount of blood and treasure it was willing to spend to end it, both in their societies and in the societies of other cultures. Westerners should be taught to take pride in their own history, not told they ought to be ashamed and disgraced so they can be re-molded as some maniacal utopian teacher sees fit.


stop pretending to be one of us, redditor