

That movie sucked. They wrote a concept but forgot to write the rest of the script and tried to fill in the gaps with long scenes of nothing. When it came time to film the ending they didn't have one so they just gave up and sent the film off to the production company.

>That movie sucked
Alright, let's see why.
>The rest of your post

>implying it's possible to not like the ending

It's good but Sup Forums acts like this, The Witch and The Babadook are the only good modern horror movies that exist

The ending is the worst part



The praise for "It Follows" is baffling until you realize what's really being said.

It's not "good", it's "good for that genre", which his a genre widely regarded to be so shitty it isn't worth watching in any case.

This is what you guys mean when you praise "It Follows" and "Babadook". These movies are playing with a handicap. And handicapped they surely are.

Cut the poetry bullshit and actually write a real critique, shithead.

this movie sucks and I bet your GAY

It's pretty good.

I have a feeling that a lot of the complaints about this movie comes from frustrated virgins who have a beef seeing teenagers having sex.

It's just meme shills trying to make people forget there's anything to talk about on /vp/ besides capeshit

This movie's biggest flaw is that there are too many rules established. It can't open doors, but it can smash windows and climb through them. It's invisible, but people who are unaffected can still physically touch it.

Also, why the fuck did they try to electrocute it by throwing a toaster in a pool?

Well has there been any decent horror movies released lately if these are shit?

The Witch was great

>It can't open doors, but it can smash windows and climb through them.
>He missed the reflection of consensual sex

It Follows isn't good for its genre either. It's just that modern horror is populated with terrible shit, so anything with a pulse is praised as ground breaking.
Nope. Horror has two modes now: mainstream jump scare crap, and indiewood hipster horror. Both are fucking awful, but the latter is often mistaken for good.

>This entire post
>Nothing but buzzwords
>No actual critique in sight

I wasn't making a critique, numbnuts.

Exactly. Make one instead of just saying "durrr its bad" with every post.

Huh? I'm a different user.

I'm a frustrated non-virgin who has a beef with teens being sluts.
It is most certainly not "good for the genre." Sure horror has a some garbage within it, but I don't think it's fair to put the genre down because of it.
>too many rules established
I agree this is a huge problem. When you give the viewer the rules, and you didn't think out your idea, the majority of your audience is going to find many different ways around your monster. There were a myriad choices they had, but they come up with a convoluted plot to kill it in the pool.

I've watched a good amount of American horror and I need one of two things to really pull me in.
1. A "bad" guy to root for and rack up kills. Someone I genuinely want to survive until the end. (Jason, Freddy, Lep, Pennywise, Henry)
2. A "good" character with either strong morals OR a real understanding of their situation and they act accordingly (Most of the Day of the Dead cast)

Things get really interesting when a movie has both of these, and I don't know who to root for. (Devil's Rejects)

"It Follows" gives me absolutely nothing I want out of horror. It gives me a cast who make it impossible to suspend disbelief (like Micah from Paranormal Activity). It gives me a lame, slow moving, castrated monster with no real power other than persistence. It makes the lead girl completely unlikable because she gives in to the curse, and tries to pass it along by being a slut. It takes away what could have been a satisfying kill and conclusion (the monster who had to walk through Detroit to get into an indoor pool, turn into the girl's father, and fuck her to death underwater, but instead they ruin the plan, shoot the monster, and run). The geeky childhood friend "wins" in the end because he gets to be with the now extremely used goods girl. I didn't like a thing about it.

Just watch Bava movies

ITT Doug Walker shills


>see this movie has like 90% on RT
>well i guess i'll watch it
>it's one of the worst movies i've ever seen
>check reviews
>people unironically liked it

What the fuck?
At least some movies are so bad they're enjoyable but this one just made me mad at RT for making me waste 2 hours of my life

>Wah, no one likes this crappy movie I like

>STILL no actual critique

>this entire post
>no valid criticism in sight

Literally just watched it for the first time and... wow.

Maybe its because i sat alone in the dark in the middle of the night in my parents' living room and watched it alone, but this film actually terrified me.

I havent been this disturbed by a film in a long time.

It's shit m8

"its bad because i says so, stop asking me why"

Likewise, you haven't made a case for the film. Set the bar.

>Likewise, you haven't made a case for the film. Set the bar.
>Literally "NO YOU" playground argument
Stop being a pussy and just fucking say why you don't like it. Or is it you don't actually know why, and are just shilling memes.

Why don't you read this then:

That virgin likes slasher films, which arent the epitomy of horror.

the All Night Long movies are great they're not really horror though

The OP is literally just a meme.

I gave my opinion on the film - it's rubbish. Unless you can challenge that by stating the film's virtues, I don't really feel a need to substantiate. This is Sup Forums, not cinemascope.


Modern horror is crap and it's linked directly with low production values and nobody competent writing it.

I like horror movies with cool practical effects

Kill List
A Field in England
Lake Mungo
Drag Me to Hell
We Are What We Are

Why are you still ITT? If you don't like it then fuck off, old IPs.


>terrible acting
>laughable premise
>didn't scare me a single time
>one of the worst plans to defeat the villain i've ever seen
>hey kids you shouldn't go around having sex with chads, ok? date the good guys!

I seriously cannot comprehend how someone over 16 can enjoy this movie, kinda like Donnie Darko. I'm sure I'm being memed here.

Wow... kill yourself.

>valid criticism, valid criticism, where art thou

Do you know any horror movies with good rape scenes?

By attacking the post's author, you're just proving you don't actually want to discuss any of the movie, you just want to provoke people under the guise of "just part of the bantz me and my buds down at Sup Forums.org do!"

>terrible acting
I don't remember any.
>laughable premise
Are you seriously implying this wasn't a good/refreshing/unique premise?
>didn't scare me a single time
Woah, tuff guy xD
>one of the worst plans to defeat the villain i've ever seen
It didn't work, and it wasn't supposed to
>hey kids you shouldn't go around having sex with chads, ok? date the good guys!
Now I just know you're an angry virgin NEET. That was not the motif/moral of the movie in any way shape or form.

It's just contrarians.

>Movie is critically acclaimed.
>time to rag on it to show how cultured I am

These are laughably bad horror movies. Stop posting.

When's the latest time good italian shit was made?

still one of the best

Who are you talking to?

who are YOU talk to?

>this is what passes for retorts from flaming faggots who claim to have good taste

Not a single actual critique of that other guy's non-criticisms. Shameful.
I tend to find a lot of modern horror to be a bit crap, along with modern action films. Has little to do with culture. These genres require a level of craft that is too nuanced in this day and age where advertising passes for filmmaking.

>implying low effort bait warrants a good reply

Memes xD

It literally was STDs: The Horror Movie, I didn't think it wad new at all.

>girl dates chad
>bad things happen
>girl dates beta guy
>best relationship ever

Please explain to me how that was not the moral/motif of the movie in any way shape or form.

Nevermind, I'm out.

Is there any film that approaches the oppressive atmosphere and tension of Silent Hill 2?

The Shining comes close but it doesn't have much scares.

>girl dates beta guy
>best relationship ever
You can see at the end of the film they're literally emotionally void. The girl is uncomfortable holding his hand, and it only lasts a few minutes before the ending, and It is still following them.

I am utterly convinced you're just mad you're a fucking neet.

>Nevermind, I'm out.
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way.

Because they are.

do you mean a movie with a lot of fog and shit? you should probably watch The Fog

If that idiot thinks we got a happy ending in It Follows then he wasn't paying attention.

Its much much deeper than that actually.

Its about the loss of innocence, after sex. The idea of growing up and accepting mortality. The false idea of great casual sex with Chad, but instead building a relationship. Its also about pregnancy and babies.

Youre just too plebby to understand the major themes.

>I don't like this movie.

>I don't like this movie, here's why.
>You must be a virgin.

>I don't like this movie, but I like these movies
>Wow, it's just because you like shit and hate greatness.

Talk about anything on this board outside of the horror thread with actual horror fans in it is plain exhausting. Nothing gets done. No fun. No interesting discussion. Back and forth name calling. Is that worth your time? Whether or not you're a virgin doesn't matter, but to spend your own time calling other virgins, thinking it's an insult, is not attractive behavior. If your goal is intercourse with attractive people, posting in this thread isn't helping.

I liked the Birds. Anyone else?

I'm starting a horror script. and I'm looking for your input anons. What make a good horror movie for you?
Personally for me it's characters that we can get vested in- that's arguably the most important part, otherwise we won't care.

2000s films with great practical effects

Jeepers Creepers 2
The Ruins

>all those words
>0 arguments

Youre just as bad.

Sure but why start with a 1/10 tween le spooky slender man youtube tier movie like It Follows?

Why not choose a good film instead?


I only care about gore and violence

No, I gave my opinion.

you have to be at least 18 to post here

They're much better than all the mainstream tripe t/v/ talks about these days

The Witch is a weak 6/10.

Babadook is a 5/10. Potential was there to be a lot better.

It Follows is one of the worst wide release horror films I've seen since The Strangers.

It's an instant pleb filter.

None of what you said was criticism at all, you mainly just used bullet points and personal preferences.

"No real power.." it's a nigh-unkillable doppelganger who's invisible to everyone besides the target. That's scary as fuck.

The main character isn't unlikable for trying to save her own life, she's a fucking teenage girl and scared out of her mind, so thinking illogically in a self-serving way is understandable. I'm not sure how the word "slut" is a criticism here since in the film since sex and youth are a huge part of the narrative.

Also having an ambiguous, or "unsatisfying," ending is not an applicable detraction in and of itself, I'm not sure where you were going with that. Or ANY of that really, because apparently if you had it your way horror movies would operate within a predefined set of rules in order to appease those like yourself.

Im 28. Nice meme though. I havent heard that one before.

>not liking the strangers
c'mon user, it was fun.

yes, i liked the birds. my grandfather is a notorious trouble maker in my family and my mother worked a lot when i was young, so i spent a lot of time at his house up the hill, he would force me to watch scenes from horror movies, the birds being one of which.

it's actually one of my fondest memories. he's still alive causing trouble in the "old people's flat's" he lives in

From last year, The Boy.

The monster or its rules don't matter as much as long as the movie instill the type of emotions its trying to upon the watcher

i completely agree that the pool scene was completely retarded. im sure the writer director or whoever could have done a better job of getting to the point that there is no way to ultimately stop the monster.

Despite that there were plenty of scenes in It Follows that got me very unnerved and it was that in almost every shot where the group was in public there was someone in the bacjground walking straight towards the camera. The camera never does anything to bring it to attention, but if you look outside of whats happening during their conversations you can see someone that looks strangly like its walkong straight at whats her face.

As for horror films.

The witch was a 5 at the very best.

Babadook was a solid 6.5.

It Follows is a solid 7 for horror.

thanks for the laugh


Youre welcome.

>Also, why the fuck did they try to electrocute it by throwing a toaster in a pool?

Because nightmare logic.

I don't know how this scene doesn't instantly click for people.

It Follows = The Witch >>>> The Babadook

Just remember that the point of horror is a lack of control. Competent characters are fun, but you have to make sure that their competence is only a delay for their inevitable fate. In fact, the more competent they are, the more frightening it will be, because it seems so impossible to escape.

I recommend Resolution, hardly ever see it mentioned.
It's about a guy who finds his wacky ice junkie friend squatting in an abandoned house in the woods so he tricks him and chains him to the wall for a week. Things get weird from there.
It's got a great sense of atmosphere and does a good job of slowly feeding you details that something is not right. Check it out people.

The movie wasn't fantastic but that's a great poster.

>For a horror

It was a 1/10 as a movie.

It barely even works as a horror film.

The Babadook I'm mixed on because I think it had huge flaws that offset a lot of the good stuff about it, hence the 5.

The Witch I bumped to 6 because it was so well made.

I saw The Boy not long ago. That was a strong 6/10 for me. Not sure why no one likes it.

I saw it at a festival with the director in tow. I enjoyed it a ton and was surprised it didn't do better.

Personally I like it when they're scary.

>Modern things are crap
>Too nuanced

None of that is deep or even all that interesting. Maybe if they had written compelling characters to convey it.

What annoys about hipster horror is that it's too self aware of its themes and its rule bending. Horror resonates strongly in imagery. It's seldom intellectual.

everyone knows horror achieved perfection in 60s/70s Italy

How many buzzwords can someone put in a post? Because surely you must have almost hit the limit.
