ITT: Celebrities that probably browse Sup Forums

>"I [sneak onto fan message boards] all the time. I never comment because commenting is adding fire to the arguments….I enjoy watching it."

Other urls found in this thread:

Bet he enjoyed the fappening


All he had to do was post a timestamp and he'd be greeted with open arms by hairline shitposters


You forgot about the obvious baneposting reference

>"Ben is a very large guy"
>Ben sounds like bane

I'd let him gently fuck my ass and I'm not even gay
>you will never swallow Godman's steamy spunk while still being heterosexually intact

>Henry Cavill will never chain you up in his basement and whip you repeatedly and leave for in the dark for days at a time

Trolling happens

>ywn watch Henry peel off your skin and stick In a fryer and eat it while laughing at you

Paul Dano

In all honesty I would let cavill take my anal pussy cherry. No homo.


Superman really is the quintessential numale from when he's saving the day to when he puts his balls in a vice and tells Tyrone and the crew to get gapin


I said "no homo" you degenerate, stop projecting

It's 2016 you fucking cis gendered dunt

Henry Cavill literally almost missed the casting call for MoS because he was busy playing World of Warcraft and didn't want it to interfere with his raid he was in.

Of fucking course he browses Sup Forums

He probably jerks off to feet pictures he takes from a spy cam

Ooooh hooo hoo nononono

Stop shitposting Henry

You got me

Posting from an extremely south of the border joint and let me tell yku i wish cavill was here downing beers with me

How's the Justice League shoot going?

BvS is kino, don't let anyone tell you otherwise

Henry Cavill is like pure China white and Channing Tatum is like stepped on shit Get your fake shit outta here

>Henry Cavill will never derail your threads with baneposting

Don't listen to the haters. You are a GOAT Superman and I'm looking forward to what you do with the character in JL.

>Aiden Gillen will never post on Sup Forums
>Henry Cavill will never post "Say that to Zod's snapped neck!"
I don't care if Batman has to say it!

I feel like he could be a governor

You can see a glimpse of fear in Michael's eyes.

>Britcuck just watches the arguments on message boards
>Implying BASED Jacko, Helmsy and Rusty aren't the ones who are fueling those flames


>was in that thread
>my posts are marked for deletion

What the fuck mods?

For a second, I thought she had a tattoo of wojak

Henry is cool. I dislike the direction of zack Snyder but like him as superman.

Tell that to Zod's snapped neck.

>yfw Caville started the Evansposting

fuck you

I work for ScreenJunkies and I'm literally sure he browses Sup Forums, don't know about Sup Forums but it's very likely.

Caville probably made that obnoxiously long copypasta about how deep BvS was. He's like a triple agent.

Looks worse and worse as she ages, that plastic surgery had a lifespan of 2 years, whudda thunk it?

Evans > Cavill

I hope they cast him as Arthas.

just a glimpse?

>"I [sneak onto fan message boards] all the time. I never comment because commenting is adding fire to the arguments….I enjoy watching it."

he's talking about reddit or dcuck forums, not Sup Forums you fucking morons

Well, that manboy cryin autist is hardly welcome here

on the off chance that it's actually you

BvS is the best superhero film since the Dark Knight and one of the three best ever made

keep going strong

I don't believe it, only because his written style is so distinctive and very redditish that he'd give himself away.

Aussie here, I hate the hemsworth brothers so damned much.
And Hugh Jackman hasn't been good in over a decade

Cavill only partook in TONY HELP ME posting

Go to bed Mel.

Arthas isa long haired blonde, I can't imagine blonde Cavill

>Evans: Whatcha doin' Henry?
>Cavill: Ah nothing.. just shitposting on a some Chinese image board

You make Christopher Reeve look like a paraplegic corpse, keep on keepin on Supeymans

Arthas isa long haired blonde, I can't imagine blonde Cavill
Tell that to Arthas snapped neck!

was about to say the same thing. looks like she had a marilyn monroe tattoo there that's in the process of being removed and now it's a fucking feint wojak tattoo

What does it mean?

Where do you think all the John Landis jokes come from?


WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?!?!?!??!!?!???????!?!?!??!?!111/?!/1?!?!

wow i think cavill would actually work as arthas. Who would play jaina proudmoore, i reckon that olsen twin would be good


>Henry Cavill !!lYMcZr8AuQt
>Henry Cavill !!gVL0FyzPeMv
Nice try.

blizzard pls


Henry if you're reading this I just want you to know that I'd blow you so good mayne nohomo

Cavill confirmed for TAKBIR posting.

they are supose to be like 19-23 years old

IT would be that vikings chick prob tho.

>don't know about Sup Forums
Where else would he be?


/f/at pants

Sup Forums maybe?

I love you breh suck my dick no homo

also use your million to become guts from berserk. You can do it

Seth Green
Christian Slater
The MC of Roadtrip
Tom Green
Chapelle probably lurks /x/.
Tila Tequila definitely lurks /x/.
The one with the teeth from Fallout Boy.
Michael Cera
Warren, Andrew and the third one from Buffy.
That dude banging Christina Hendricks.
Most English-speaking voice actors that do anime.
Snoop's kids.
Trailer Park Boys
The Girugamesh goth
Prince before and after death.

Cavil is pretty good actor, its too bad because he is either miscast for man of murder, or hes just not being utilized right(damn u snyder)

He seems like a total bro

dane dehaan.

Tila Tequila lurks Sup Forums tho

Who else would defend this guy's movies??

She also used to post /x/ conspiracies. I wonder if she doesn't just switch favorite boards until she's all meme'd out.

dude, can we hang out? (srsly)

Fuck you, my waifu is perfect.

Henry is 4sure a Redditor. He would never come to this shithole.

she probably goes on /x/


Which one?

Her twitter is fucking hilarious.
She really gives no fucks.

Timestamp or GTFO.

In the unlikely event that this is really Henry

You are an amazing Superman. If Snyder would just let you speak, everyone would see how perfect your casting is. JL could be amazing and BvS had so much potential. Don't let anyone get you down, Henry.

No he isn't.


Shut up Henry

Tom Hardy
Dane Dehaan

I'm with this guy. Henry's an awesome Superman.

I hope you make a Man of Steel 2 Henry you are a great Superman!!

UNCLE sequel when?

Based Henry: have you read the book that we made about the kinography of BvS?

Jackmans was amazing in chappie

Henry go to bed man

Help us Henry! Disney's turning this place into an MCU hugbox. We want our old shithole back where baneposters ran unfettered across this blasted cultural wasteland, powerstancing to their hearts' content and people could talk freely about the movies that they love!

>make threads one after another that are 100% copypastas and reposting pics over and over in a vain attempt at proving that some manchildren capeflick is somehow deep
>surprised they get deleted