Movies that stopped you from killing yourself

Movies that stopped you from killing yourself

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ghost busters.

This one turned my life around for the better.

Fucking love Ikiru.

I actually failed at killing myself and the first movie I watched was pic related. I dont know why but every time I get in that mindset I will watch Shakes the Clown and Martin & Orloff back to back.

BvS brought some sense to my life, now I can shitpost like no one else can

Go Kill Yourself [2008)

I should watch this again.

yes you should

Man of Steel (2013) and Batman V Superman (2016).

Movies in general keep me from killing myself.

I hate my life, sure, but what great movies would I miss if I offed myself? It troubles me that one day, there will be movies that I'm looking forward to seeing that I will never get to see.

I almost cried watching this

no, not movies that throw you into deep depression


I like Hertzfeldt based on other things I've seen of his but this movie seemed too Reddit for me.

"I'm so proud of you!"


don't be so contrarian

>too reddit

>letting your internet memes impact your enjoyment of film IRL

>too reddit
nigga what


Fucking this. Not everything is black and white, user.

the upcoming Marvel and Star Wars movies are 95% of the reason I haven't killed myself. They're the last thing that I actually enjoy in my life.

Inside Llewyn Davis

Truly shows what life is worth. It's also the only movie ever to bring a tear to my eye.

I think fanboys is One of the kino that save me.
I dont even like starwars

Can i find a way to watch this online without torrenting


>babby's first philosophical thought
>stopped you from killing yourself

You probably should kill yourself, faggot.


Reddit movies that literally only Redditors like general?

World of Tomorrow


stop viraling that shit site.

>Inside Llewyn Davis

Stop posting

I don't get what makes things Reddit apart from just a basic "DUN LEIK" response. All I got from this movie was how oddly accurately it described my uncle's last few years. The history of mental illness from one side of our family and how it affected him, the cancer, and the later stroke and dementia. The movie fucking nailed it and did it all while in that deliberate and odd presentation.

Yes, really.


Gurren Lagaan

Shut up reddit

Mario Mario &
Luigi Mario did something noice for once eh

