God tier acting

>god tier acting
>god tier score
>god tier story
>god tier action
>god tier feels
>god tier sets
>god tier cinematography
>god tier dialog
>god tier costumes
>aged like a fine wine

Remind me why we hate Lord of the Rings again?

LotR circlejerk thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Who the fuck hates Lord of the Rings?

We don't, we hate The Hobbit.


>implying 1:18 doesnt usher in the greatest cinematic moment of all time

It's an objective masterpiece. One of the few.


pls no

No one fucking hates LotR! There might be some contrarian faggots that might say they do, but again just being contrarian. The Hobbit on the other hand is shit that they smeared and dragged on the floor. It should have been a single movie.

Have there been any quality reduction edits?

That would be an empty film tho

>implying 1:14 - 2:29 & 3:44 - 4:28 doesn't also usher in great cinematic
>mfw when 4:11
>the music
>gandalfs charge

Fuck, what I meant is have there been any well-made edits which reduce the trilogy into one quality movie?


Because the story is completely destroyed by the eagles thing. There's no getting around it.

If you have any kind of rational thoughts in your head, that makes the movies unenjoyable

Edits like that are usually for films that are already good. Like the original start wars trilogy edits that cut George's garbage stuff and corrected colors, audio, etc while keeping in the right stuff. Imagine the original New Hope but with all the quality additions from the special edition.

You cant do with The Hobbit.

Nazguls would have rekt the eagles

"By all that you hold dear, on this good Earth, I bid you stand, men of the west."

Would these movies be released today?

only thing i didn't like was the ghost soldiers that came in the last second.

The first one?

The combat was disappointing with the shaky camera. It's mostly just pretty scenery with dramatic fantasy music, the best part was the mines of Moria.
All of them were insanely drawn out.

I don't know, but if they do they're dead to me.

2016 edit:
"If you kill Sauron, he wins"

When will the eagles meme die?

There is a 4 hour fan edit that is actually really well made, i.e. the cuts are unnoticeable. Check trackers.


>Using the eagles to fly to Mt. Doom

Might as well fire a massive flair outside Mordor when its pitch black outside

Aragorn would be played by a black guy guaranteed.

>The orc refugees displaced by our irresponsible invasion of Mordor MUST be accepted into our society.

How comfortable would you be riding on those things while being hunted by 80 bazillion orcs and draculas and shit? One well placed arrow and Frodo's dead.

>Gee whiz boss, an eagle with two Hobbits
The end

They should have given the ring to a brave eagle martyr and had it fly into the volcano.

Or maybe have Gandalf ride with it to provide a shield of light.

they would steal the fucking ring from frodo like LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE IN MIDDLE EARTH WANTED TO DO YOU FUCKING MORON




Does the extended edition of the last hobbit movie have an actual resolution? I distinctly remember that in the cinema version only Bilbo got an ending, while it's never resolved what happens to the Erebor, or Dale, Thorin is never buried, Dain never crowned, etc.

That was my biggest disappointment. It was an action movie with no plot whatsoever yet they still didn't get the endings right. Lotr had a 30 minute ending that made you cry over and over again

Contrary to you OP, I already was an adult when I first saw this. That's why I can say objectively, without nostalgia clouding my judgment, that this is a really average movie.
Nothing god tier about it at all.
Just average, maybe even below average.
I'd say a 4.5/10 movie.

A few problems

Elrond and Aragorn were either miscast or misdirected

Jackson ruined Elves and Dwarves. Elves aren't Vulcans and Dwarves aren't morons

No tom bombadil in EE

Overall they're three phenomenal movies

This scene was pure kino



My dad was almost 50 years old at the time the movies were released and he didn't give a crap about movies, and even he thought RotK was an amazing production. One of the few times, if not the only time i remember him say something about a movie like that

It triggers me when retards/plebs call Theodeon "Theoden King" as if that's his name..or some stupid shit.

It's like they don't fucking understand that he's just being referred to as Thedon COMMA KING


It's not bait

Yeah Thorin's burial and Dain's coronation is all there.

> I am no man!

this is why LOTR is bad. its the start of SJW feminsit bullshit

>No Tom Bombadil
Even in an EE he would have taken up too much valuable time, and he would have broken the pacing completely.

>Elrond and Aragorn miscast
Yeah no.

>Elves aren't Vulcans and Dwarves aren't morons

He got the Elves pretty good, but the Dwarves are used way too much as comic relief.

No one hates lord of the rings

If they do then they're objectively wrong

>Even in an EE he would have taken up too much valuable time, and he would have broken the pacing completely.

Why are you arguing against more content in an extended edition?

Christopher Lee would have made a better Gandalf, more intimidating and powerful like in the book.
Ian McKellen is too soft and comical.

Nah not really. Eowyn later realizes her place and becomes a loyal housewife and healer.

Her short career as a soldier is just a phase brought on by her depression after being rejected by Aragorn. So she seeks a "glorious death" in battle.

> "I stand in Minas Anor, the Tower of the Sun; and behold! the Shadow has departed! I will be a Shieldmaiden no longer, nor vie with the great Riders, nor take joy only in the songs of slaying. I will be a healer, and love all things that grow and are not barren."

he wasnt acting in that scene

Because the movies were long enough as they were. What exactly would Bombadil bring to the table? Thirty minutes of nature santa cracking semi-cryptic jokes?

>b-but eagles bro! Epic plot hole xD

Idk why everyone bitches about this because the answer was simple

The Eagles would have stolen the ring, the ring corrupts almost all sentient things

Even Gandalf couldn't carry the ring

The reason Hobbits can carry the ring is because Hobbits are really simple and humble. Even then Frodo couldn't even destroy the ring, it basically got destroyed by accident.

Fucking idiots need to shut up about the eagle thing

Then who would have played Saruman?

Every goddamn time, at 4:12 when the music hits that crescendo and the light rays get bright, I cannot physically stop myself from getting a little choked up for some reason. I don't get what it is about that sequences that elicits such an emotional response. But I think it's the most epic moment in a fantasy movie I've seen.

>What exactly would Bombadil bring to the table?

A very good section of the book? There's a good reason people were mad at his absence, peter.

That's his last name you idiot. And it's spelled Kingh, like the Indian name Singh.

>muh ghost army

Fucking kek


I don't know why but I always loved that shot of them riding up the hill at 2:03 with the banner flapping.

>not knowing that the title King is derived from a surname in a 20th century anti immigration propaganda trilogy

What's even more funny is that Christopher Lee personally knew Tolkien and Tolkien himself had promised Lee that he would play Gandalf if they ever made a movie based on his books

That moment is the greatest moment in all three movies

Every time I watch it, it just tugs at my heartstrings and makes me feel all weird and spiritual

>No tom bombadil in EE

And thank fucking God for that.

Reminder sauron did nothing wrong.

>and not a single horse died that day

>They have direct download bluray ISOs linked on their site

How do they get away with this?

IIRC by the time filming started Lee wasn't capable of doing the amount of horseriding or physical exertion the role required.

it technically isnt the film
legally speaking it's the same as uploading clips on youtube

It's really candid and intense. Like, you know some serious shit is about to go down.


They're wouldn't have this and it wouldn't be worth.

they're all 10/10 in their own way
>FOTR is god tier comfy core adventure film
>TTT has god tier drama and war planning
>TROTK is god tier action film with the perfect amount of feels and drama

wind was so well used for the atmosphere in two towers

>we will never get a cinematic adventure on par with LOTR again

Why even live?

This is exactly right.

For starters LotR knew when to quit. It wasn't a CU and was never meant to be. It wasnt milked (save for the hobbit) but fortunately it's ending with that. There are deep whispers of a Silmarillion film, but that'd be like making a movie of the bible.

I think I heard somewhere that the banner being ripped down by the wind wasn't planned, and that it just happened by chance.

Ignore, thought you said Cinematic Universe.
im retarded

Is LOTR redpilled?


The values of honor and resistance against evil invasion would never be allowed in a film today.

>"... I bid you stand, Men of the West!"

If you got a good director i could see The Witcher being a good cinematic adventure.

>that obvious racist violence against oppressed orcs

>men being men
>women know their place
>fighting the evil foreign hordes
>no gays
>wisdom comes from immortal beings and not half-truths on facebook


elves = white
orcs = black
gollum = jew

>Bernard Hill gives one of the single best performances in the entire trilogy
>no nominations for awards or recognition


No, fuck off.

It's amazing how much the PC movement has corrupted modern cinema in just the past 15 years.

I fear that given another 15 years LOTR will be branded as 'regressive' and culturally opressive...

>Nine cis-white males? And not one of them is a villain? Oy vey!

There were loads of other worthy supporting actors, both in Two Towers and other films. It wasn't an easy call for the academy no matter how you look at it

I remember being triggered like never before when derick from mega64 said that he prefered hobbit to lotr. I thought it was impossible for a male to not love lotr. Lotr is one of those things that you are grateful to be alive if only for experiencing it.


Isn't that Warcraft's premise?

Yes. You see the problem. Autistic 15 year old WoW addicts who were still sucking at the breast when LotR came out are calling Warcraft the next LotR.

I weep for the future.

The entire normal race of people is called Men. That alone would be enough to get it banned throughout Europe and SJWs would be rioting in the streets and making death threats to Jackson

>I would have followed you my brother...my captain...my king...

I could watch this scene a thousand times and it would never get any less emotional for me. This scene coupled with the scene where Boromir is talking about riding into Gondor with Aragorn at his side is fucking heart breaking.

What about Saruman?

If you havent seen the extended edition of RotK, I highly recommend watching this scene adding backstory to Boromir and his family: youtube.com/watch?v=nwj9JmreP7k

Like the utter basics who refer to Dany in GoT as "Khaleesi", like that's her given name. Fuck, morons have even named children Khaleesi, I despair.

I loved discovering the extended editions recently and getting to experience all these new scenes for the first time. It was so glorious.

I fucking balled my eyes out during that scene when I watched it at home for the first time. I fucked up in the theaters by using the bathroom.

At the end of the day Boromir is a good guy trying to save his city, his people and his brother. Feels fucking bad, man.

>yfw Boromir literally did nothing wrong

>tfw shaun is supporting the Clinton dinasty

There are so many great scenes in there. Favorites? The Saruman scene was one of my favorites, even if it replaced the sacking of the Shire.

Extended scene of Gandalf telling Pippin some backstory on Gondor. Cool for lore fans
