Did anyone else feel sorry for this guy?

Did anyone else feel sorry for this guy?

>wants to rid the ocean of pirate scum
>has to deal with rambling idiot savant
>gets cucked by a filthy pirate blacksmith

How did he end up anyway? I forget

Either way he did literally nothing wrong

haven't watched any of the pirate films in decades are 2 & 3 as bad as I remember? never watched them after opening night

He gets killed by Davy Jones.

he got stabbed to death while saving the girl who cucked him, if i remember right.

No, they're not that bad

Best character to be sure. The fact that Liz ditched him for blacksmith boy and then alcohol brain damaged pirate just to betray them, just goes to show how pleb she was.

Not really no. Nothing against him but no

He seemed like a decent dude trying to uphold the law that got severely screwed over.

I felt pretty bad for him in the second one. It was nice seeing him get away with the chest at the end.

I enjoyed 2 the most.

He was a good man. He deserved better

1&2 are the only good movies.
3 is shit and 4 is mediocre.

1 is great
2 is good, with flashes of great
3 is mediocre all over, with flashes of just plain bad.

He is a well done character yo.

>Comfy Sunday today
>Now have to choose between Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean

Bloody hell Sup Forums


Why was Dead Man's Chest so good Sup Forums?

The third one is literally the only movie that has ever put me to sleep in a theater.

Only because of based Davy Jones and his lads.

1 is a 9/10
2 is an underrated but erratic 7.5/10
3 is also SLIGHTLY underrated a touch by this board but does have a ton of problems.. 5.5/10
4 is forgettable garbage tier. 4/10

such is the life of a cuck

He was a good guy at heart, it's just that everything went to shit for him in the worst possible way.

Because it had a more interesting conflict than Curse of the Black Pearl. That one is way, way overrated for being a by the numbers Disney adventure movie.

He was a street-smart fish out of water in a world he never knew.

>Future bride snaked by a glorified shoe-shine
>Military career ruined by sea niggers
>Shamed and disgraced, left in Tortuga becoming the very thing that destroyed him
>Future redemption cut short again by Swann and shine's Father

curse of the black pearl is a perfect movie

What makes Dead Man's Chest better than At World's End?

What are some other good pirate movies?

nah he was stabbed by Bootstrap (once he'd gone into his 'part of the ship, part of the crew' frenzy) iirc

so he was killed by the dad of the guy who cucked him

His character dev. was terrible. They made him out of character for 2 then just a disposable accessory in 3.

Man, that's even worse. He had the worst luck.

>so he was killed by the dad of the guy who cucked him while saving the girl who cucked him

Wow. Supreme ironing right there.

You are far, without doubt the worst OP I've ever seen post on Sup Forums

Treasure island

Though it's not fantasy at all.

Doesn't he actually get killed by Davy Jones after he declines his offer to join the Dutchman's crew, tho?

No, he's already dying so Davy Jones goes to offer him to join the crew. Norrington stabs him before dying, but it does nothing.

But you HAVE seen me.

Underrated post.

At Worlds End could have been much better if it was just about an all out war between the Pirate Lords and East India Trading company, but it was hindered by that shitty Calypso arc and underusing Chow Yun Fat and the pirate lords in general.

Too much pandering to wacky Jack Sparrow, would have been happy if he weren't in it and focused on Barbossa.

thanks bro you just motivated me to watch the movies! next one comin out next year! cant wait

>next one comin out next year!
It is? I wonder if it'll be even worse than On Stranger Tide.

On a related note, On Stranger Tides looked like cheap video shit at times despite having the same cinematographer Ridley Scott has used for all of his films since Prometheus, just goes to show how much the director matters.

More like Barbrossa. One of the best PotC characters

Meh, I really liked Jack Sparrow in the first movie. They made him way too goofy in the second and third.

thats what wiki said

should be better than it then! you learn from your fuckups

Davenport and Hollander were GOAT in these films.

Was he? Dead Man's Chest is pretty much Jack desperately trying to avoid certain death, getting lots of people killed in the process and seriously contemplating sending a hundred strangers into eternal slavery to save himself.

Maybe goofy isn't the right word. In the first one he was quirky, but felt dangerous. In the other ones he feels more like comic relief than anything else.