Character goes to a bar

>character goes to a bar
>orders a "beer"

Other urls found in this thread:

>character farts
>doesn't shit pants

>horse character goes to a bar
>orders a "carrot"

>Character goes to a nightclub
>Doesn't finger popular tv show host

>character gets a (you)
>doesn't print it out and put it in his Youbook

smart frogposters


If you go to a bar and say "beer" the bartender will serve you the house lager


>character goes to bar
>doesn't just get drunk at home due to social anxiety and lack of friends

>frogposter makes a post on Sup Forums
>uploads "frog"

Let me see that frog1 m8

>character walks around in white boxer shorts at home
>no shit stain

>Character goes sober to a bar
>Doesn't have a few cheaper beers at home first to save money

Fuck Norway

>character doesnt walk around naked at home

> American goes to a bar
> Orders something that isn't the watered down gnats piss that yanks drink

Suspension of disbelief ruined


>hangs up phone
>doesn't say bye

>american character walks around with shoes on at home

>English character goes to a bar
>doesn't get raped by Muhammad on his way there