How much do you value method actors?

How much do you value method actors?

Do you think the actors staying in character before and after shooting improves the film?

i value them as good as any other acting


Leo is a hack and did not deserve the oscar for that role.

Gosh leo was such a pain in this, literally playing himself the entire time and his spitting and screaming was irritating. If the visuals werent so good I would have walked out.

It's irrelevant to the film itself. If it helps the actor deliver a better performance then good, if it gets in the way then it's bad.

It was a oscar to compensate the times he deserved to win and didn't. It was a lifetime's work oscar.

its not really acting is it then?

>the times he deserved to win and didn't.

which is never. You could make a case for Gilbert Grape but that's as far as it goes. He's a shit actor

"guise plz gib oscar...plz am begging u"

Viggo Mortensen basically lived like a homeless dude while he was shooting "The Road". As in he lived by a dumpster outside the studio and went about his homeless business when they were done shooting for the day.

>How much do you value method actors?

Not at all. They're hacks, every single one.

>Do you think the actors staying in character before and after shooting improves the film?

No. A competent actor doesn't need to be in character 24/7 in order to perform. The audience can't tell the difference if they actually know how to act.

>stop liking what I don't like
It's not you who decide if he's a shit actor or not, it's the critics and the majority of the population.
Get fucked.

>If the visuals werent so good I would have walked out.

Hello teenager

Leo winning the oscar just cements how meaningless an award it actually is. He's had better performances, you could argue if any were oscar worthy but the fact that he's had better performances is not even controversial. Dude did not deserve the award for Revenant and also Revenant was one of the biggest disappointments of last year.

Method acting is masturbation.
Literally an excuse to act like a retard on set.

You probably just didn't understand the metaphors with the trees and wind. The Revenant and Donnie Darko are surely the best films ever made.

So who deserved to win this year?

This. Brando didn't even know his lines when he turned up on set.
He even used cue cards.
Today's actors are overcompensating. DiCaprio was outshone by pretty much every other cast member in The Revenant.

Not that guy, but of the actors nominated it should've been Fassbender.

Overall Benicio del Toro deserved it the most though.

This. Reminds me of the "On Acting" section from Henry Fonda's wiki page.

>In the late 1950s, when Jane Fonda asked her father how he prepared before going on stage, she was baffled by his answer, "I don't know, I stand there, I think about my wife, Afdera, I don't know."

>The writer Al Aronowitz, while working on a profile of Jane Fonda for The Saturday Evening Post in the 1960s, asked Henry Fonda about method acting: "I can't articulate about the Method", he told me, "because I never studied it. I don't mean to suggest that I have any feelings one way or the other about it...I don't know what the Method is and I don't care what the Method is. Everybody's got a method. Everybody can't articulate about their method, and I can't, if I have a method—and Jane sometimes says that I use the Method, that is, the capital letter Method, without being aware of it. Maybe I do; it doesn't matter."

>Aronowitz reported Jane saying, "My father can't articulate the way he works. He just can't do it. He's not even conscious of what he does, and it made him nervous for me to try to articulate what I was trying to do. And I sensed that immediately, so we did very little talking about it...he said, 'Shut up, I don't want to hear about it.' He didn't want me to tell him about it, you know. He wanted to make fun of it."

Method acting is a meme acting style exploited by marketeers to shill their shitty movies.

>"Did you hear? Leo ate a real cow liver in The Revenant™!!"
>"Jared Leto is playing pranks on his colleagues during the filming of DC™'s Suicide Squad®, the absolute madman!"

>A story circulated for a long time that Dustin Hoffman (being a "method actor") stayed up all night to play a character who has stayed up all night. Arriving on the set, Laurence Olivier asked Hoffman why he looked the way he did. Hoffman told him, to which Olivier replied in jest, "Why not try acting? It's much easier."

That's stupid. Acting is always acting, it can't truly look 100% real. There are some twitches that you can do to improve that.