How do we save Sup Forums?

How do we save Sup Forums?

delet the entire board

more baneposting

What are you talking about?

Sup Forums has never been better, it sits among the top of the most influential boards.

disable phoneposting
ban OP

>disable phoneposting



That guy's eyelids folding over his glasses is pissing me off.

If normies enjoy it, it's because it's made for normies. If it's made for normies, chances are I won't like it. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

If you hate Sup Forums so much why don't you fuck off back to [other website] where you can circlejerk over your favorite meme of the month?

/ F I L M /

That was a glorious dumpster fire.

We move it.

30 day ban every poster in pornography threads (like when mods would ban every participant in a thread that had CP in the OP)
Ban 3G/4G IP blocks to remove mobile posters.
Crack down on memers


I don't get this comic

you must be fun at parties

>Ban 3G/4G IP blocks to remove mobile posters.
You know they had to specifically code a mobile version of the site to allow phoneposting? All they need to do is ditch that.

>More baneposting
>More waifuthreads
>More shitposting
>More OC memes

>Less Capeshit

well, hes autistic, so the only reason his permanent care facility doesn't just block all of Sup Forums is because he keeps insisting "blue" boards are worksafe.

to save Sup Forums we need meme threads and frog threads to be allowed as containment boards, one or two constant frog / meme / shitposting thread will have hundreds of replies and will contain all the epic memes. Just think how great it would be finding a meme or frog thread with 200 replies, lots of hilarious images, youtube links, lots of comments with lots of replies, but no, the janitor deletes a meme or frogthread on discovery so there are constantly new ones appearing through my VPN, proxy etc. Fucking idiot janitors.

If that actually happened there would be two posters left here. I bet they'd be quite civil to each other at first too. But after about half a day of jerking each other off you know what would happen? They would just start bashing everything the other liked out of sheer boredom. And the board would be exactly the same as it is now.

So defensive you get when the shit you like is shat on by a superior being.

Without memes this board would die in a week

>[other website]

Which website?

Penny Arcade forums?

that's the problem here. Sup Forums needs to be officially nsfw

I don't think you understand what "defensive" means.

Which really just feeds into the "autism" call.

Don't try to be funny ever again

Keep responding I can see your butt hurt from all the way over here.

I think hes talking about

Officially, all of Sup Forums is nsfw. As browsing it at work is grounds for summary termination.

>it's the weekend

god fucking damnit

shit sneaks up on me every goddamn time.

I'll sit and wonder why Sup Forums is so shit for hours before realizing, "its saturday/sunday yo."

Summer is starting too.



>>More baneposting
>>More shitposting
>>More OC memes

you're part of the problem

>How do we save the Roman Empire?

It's dead.

create /cel/

I know /cel/ posters will just claim "nuh uh it's tv/movie relevant" but at least it will be a start.

more cunny

actress threads are such a non issue on Sup Forums right now

Hey reddit!

JUST and e-celebs would fall under /cel/.

it's not just actress threads. twitter screencaps and celebrity drama need to go


more cunny

kys pls

honestly we cannot save tv

a board that relies so much on materialism and advertisement, is the exact reason why it has gone downhill.

the fact that Sup Forums is no longer a secret club you only heard about through your firends in real life.
its a bastion for trolls from reddit and payed shills to influence markets.

this is the 21st century. there is no escape from it on the internet.

kys celebrity worshiper

it's all part of the masterplan

>criticising OC


no. you must kill yourself one your own.


>Crack down on memers

You mean, like, EVERYONE ?

perhaps we could start by banning people who can't spell paid.

bans don't work. if anything it encourages people to use their phones if they can't evade IP bans on their PC

perhaps we should start banning people who care that much about syntax even when they still comprehended its meaning.

See: second line
>beause i do it everyone does it

It's Burger English.

ban that one desperate anti-Sup Forums spammer

ITT: Boards that aren't worth saving.

lol, how retarded are you? want to go to elementary school again?

Anti-memers are closet redditors

Don't trust em

Disable Israeli IPs

/r/movies website name is filtered

No create a board like /m/ for capeshit, it would greatly benefit Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Problems is that the mods don't see it as a problem because capeshit only floods the board during a movie release. It's similar to Star Wars.

considering most of that is paid marketing, you're trying to get a board for commercials, so you don't have to see them.

this is the intelligence levels of the average phone-poster

On Sup Forums roughly a quarter of the board is taken up at all times by films, tv and videogames because for some reason the mods think anything with a superhero in it must be appropriate for a comic book board

its in the site's news, yo. posting with phone browsers didn't work with futaba.

Fair enough. Sup Forums always appeared as a hugbox of sorts to me so I just assumed that anything cape-related was embraced.

I suppose Hiro could always create /sh/ - super heroes

>Bring back green oval
>Ban anyone who tries to start a meme ironically, especially if that meme is just a quote from a movie or tv show
>Commission a team to track down Davey and drag him kicking and screaming back to Sup Forums
>Create /cel/
Do these four things and the quality of Sup Forums will increase by at least 60%, guarantee

phone poster embarasses himself once again

>tfw I name all my images "image.jpg" to trigger autists

Also, I find that there has been a direct corellation between the decline in tripfaggotry on Sup Forums and the decline in the quality of Sup Forums as a board. I speculate this is due to:
1. Tripcodes make a small subset of the Sup Forums community accountable for the posts they make, because anons hate tripfags and their posts have continuity bc of their persistent identity
2. Having a common go-to enemy deters anons from turning on each other
3. Having continuous elements forces small samples of board culture to grow because trips bring their own little schticks and personalities to the board

There's only like 3 or 4 trips left on Sup Forums and that's not healthy for a population of our size.

You should probably use a tripcode too

so now you're pretending you were trolling, that's pretty ebic.

filtered :)

>bring back a forced maymay
>ban forced maymays

... lol, tripfags

S-should we make a baby tripfag?

Past successes are exempted, obviously. Not like I'm suggesting people can't post wojak anymore.
We could make a share tripcode :3

pic related its you after losing this argument
phoneposters stay btfo

>lol u lost argumen dats supported in site news

... mean I just don't understand you kids.

damage control

do you rationalize my response as some sort of victory?

damage control

last word

>change Sup Forums to /bane/
>it aint me playing on loop constantly
>delete all non-capeshit and non-memeposts
Sup Forums is saved


why do redditors think baneposting is some great thing?


What did he mean by this?

literally for a decade now retarded mods have tried "fixing" this steaming pile of shit that you call a website, and every time it backfires, EVERY SINGLE TIME. they just end up spawning new memes and making it worse

kind of like how a retarded politician turns into a legend because he gets assassinated

Because they fancy memes.

damage control

This is the suggestion with the most responses its contents must be enforced.
All who disagree are probably new desu

You're getting it

Sadly, you don't.


how to spot the 15 years old, Sup Forums reject who started posting on Sup Forums last week: he tries incredibly hard to fit in.
ironically, these kind of try-hard, militant Sup Forumsirgins are the real cancer that killed this board.

I do fellow memer

Even on my lunch break?

you're right lets go back to watching transformers tier shit based on the opinion of retards
also, checked.