The answer, my friend, is blow it out your ass

>the answer, my friend, is blow it out your ass

>This is the end for you


God, it's good to see you






You people bring matches for Mikey, Sup Forums?

Mom... my nuts.



How did that movie even get made? It's honestly one of the most lazy and incoherent movies they ever showed

I think Raul drug it across the finish line. The movie was awful but he had charisma.

i think it was part of a series from a pbs station. note all the public broadcasting gags in that ep. and to be honest it's not even close to the worst movie they showed

Speaking of that (kinda), I don't think The Rebel Set was that bad. The title could have been better and it could have used some fine tuning, but the plot and acting are otherwise pretty solid if you ask me.

I didn't say worst, I said lazy (like stealing half the plot from Cassablanca and 10 minutes of film from some animal archive) and incoherent (he's interfaced)

I'd say the worst movie they showed is The Robot vs The Aztec Mummy

what did he mean by this

i sorta like the plot. read somewhere it was based on a short story

Aztec Mummy was awful but I kind of like those trashy poverty row horrors now and then. Monster A-Go-Go is what the crew considered the worst but I find the episode too comfy to objectively agree.

Starfighters is an awesome episode but it might be the worst simply because literally nothing happens.

>Hey it's Goosio, the famous Maltese children's character, Goosio

You have 10 seconds to name a better Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode than Final Justice

I accuse my parents and puma man are objectively the best episodes

High School Big Shot is my favorite. Over the years I've found that I'm the only one who likes this episode.

>blow it out your ass

I once had a man shot for talking to me this way.

ayy blow it out your ass, ya edgy cocksucker

I'll throw my doll at you!

>try to look up old b-movie on youtube
>it's all mst3k shit

sometimes the dvds have the original movie as an option