Are there any writers you'd like to see craft a story for a video game...

Are there any writers you'd like to see craft a story for a video game? Seems like there are so few well written games available.

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I hope you don't meant to suggest that Infinite is one of those few "well written games".

it is

>craft a story
>for a video game

Did you mess up Sup Forums and Sup Forums in your tabs?this is the 5th time.

video games dont need a story

than what is my motivation in doing boring tasks?

Sup Forums has better taste/knowledge in/of games than Sup Forums.

Playing a fucking game. You want a story go read a book.


Name one good story element in that fucking game, and you better not say "TWEEEEST"

>Doing pointless grinding for nothing but digital swag?Shooting same type of fools on the same 6 maps.
you would have to be a special kind of retard

> playing games that aren't fun so you can watch a bad movie

you know there's plenty of bad movies you can watch without having to press a lot of buttons right?

qt girl sidekick,Vox being bunch of faggots and there not being any le revolution dick sucking,plagiarized music making you think about the whole "there is nothing new under the starts",songbird,that Chinese gun maker.

But none of those are good story elements, you dumb fuck.

Infinite did nothing to innovate story telling.

You are, effectively, a retard if someone tells you to play a game and you pick a MMO. Or CoD or whatever that 2nd game you're alluding to.

Bad movies don't come with puppet models you can make do whatever you want.david cage can't truly convey his obsession with ellen page with just movies

>innovate story telling
it does not have to revolutionize the fucking genre. its as good as a mediocre book or a tv show you would not dump after the first episode and that is good enough.hell if it was a TV show I may have dumped it but mix of interactive kept me engaged till the story got good

well what the fuck else is there?RTS so you can spend 5 hours building up numbers and doing combat as boring as spreadsheet? horror so you can wonder poorly lit setting with nothing going on? indie games so you can play as a big headed faggot in a world written by a pretentious student? Japanese rpgs?tetris and ping pong? name a game that would be good without story?

But no. Suddenly platformers, shooters, puzzle, sports/driving, action and who knows what else are irrelevant because why shut out morons who can't actually be bothered to learn how to play a game and not just deliver walking simulators and QTE shitfests for morons and entice them with subpar stories in lieu of actual honest-to-god gameplay.

You're the cancer killing video games.

>someone actually enjoyed bioshock infinite's story

Holy shit what the fuck.

How could you enjoy a story about a man who travels to an alternate dimension to kidnap his own baby from himself but leaves his baby's pinky in the first dimension giving the baby dimension traveling powers meanwhile the man who got his baby kidnapped travels dimensions to fight his baby's kidnapper (himself) who he ends up killing before realizing its himself and then finding out theres a ton of dimensions and his baby from a handful of dimensions ends up drowning him


this game was fucking trash

Sonic. Mario. Galaga. Puyo Puyo. Theme Park. Doom. Tony Hawk 2. Streets of Rage. Tempest. Descent. Skyroads. Pirates!. Mount & Blade. Elite. Fucking Peggle. Solitaire. Stunts.

How fucking ignorant are you?

haven't seen that vid in a while


Firewatch had a pretty neet story with a bitter ending

I want Sup Forumseddit to leave.

Also Infinite sucked ass
1>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>elephant shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Infinite

Charlie Kaufman should design a video game

more like

>qt girl sidekick

Who's implementation was fucking terrible. The source of her powers makes no sense, her motivation makes no sense, and she's completely inconsequential to the gameplay.

pay us to care crossie

>Bad movies don't come with puppet models you can make do whatever you want
you made me sad

>The source of her powers makes no sense
implying any explanation in any time travel,superpower story is ever good.
>her motivation makes no sense
wanting to get away makes no sense?
>she's completely inconsequential to the gameplay
she gives you buffs and can open doors,set up turrets,etc. what do you want from her?

OP is a massive fag or a b8r but I'll answer anyway

vidya is an interactive medium so it demands a different form of storytelling

currently, story focused games are basically (bad) movies that have been cut up and require you to perform a bunch of complex actions before you can watch the next piece

one of the big companies can hire all the amazing writers and directors they want, pay them a billion each and have them make the bestest vidya story ever but the result will just be a (good) movie that has been cut up and requires you to perform a bunch of complex actions before you can watch the next piece

Just ignore the memeposters from Sup Forums.

Bioshock Infinite is not a GOOD game but it had a decent plot, yes. Never thought of it trying to be too deep, but it was a nice piece of story telling.

Some faggots don't like the whole travel through dimensions twist and disregard it as a week plot device, but who fucking cares for those people? It is nice, it works, and it is refine later on, in my opinion is the best thing out of the whole bioshock series, burial at sea. The tie in with bioshock is indeed pretty nice and emotional, when you think that it is meant to be a goodbye to the fans and a love letter too.

Bioshock 1 still is the best. Bioshock 2 is okay.

OP here

So anyway, are there any writers you'd like to see craft a story for a video game?

I'd like to see a movie or television based entirely on a world generated by dwarf fortress's legacy mode.

best Star Wars game purely for the mods

Bioshock 1 > Bioshock Infinite > Bioshock 2

are you 12 or just mentally defficient

that game gives me simulator sickness.They should make new one with fallout 4 gameplay in sw skin

I want games to be games again.
Games first, story a tacked on second to necessitate moving from level to level.

Only good thing that came from Infishit was SFM porn

In all seriousness I feel that most vidya game writers are either aspiring or failed TV/movie writers who would never make anything considered average in the latter 2 mediums

Bioshock 2 is much much better than Infinite

I only half read it but why would shepard need a coming out party?its unlikely that in a setting were interspecies sex is ok gays would still need coming out? its getting pointless even these days since when people come out the response is usually "whatever"

>one of the big companies can hire all the amazing writers and directors they want, pay them a billion each and have them make the bestest vidya story ever but the result will just be a (good) movie that has been cut up and requires you to perform a bunch of complex actions before you can watch the next piece

Douglas Adams wrote the adaptation of HGTTG for Infocom and nailed it but this is arguably the only major success.

How about Uncharted 4? It's a pretty simple but great story about brothers and obsession over a singular goal built around a fun, exotic pirate-treasure adventure. Interesting villain, really loveable characters (you can't not like Sullivan), lot of detail about the world and story hidden in plain sight if you're willing to look.

If not that, just look to the Dark Souls series, and Bloodborne, which do a great job of building an expansive world and lore as a framework for gameplay.


it's definitly better than something like The Witcher for example

>mfw these Sup Forumstards think the things they are playing are so intricate and compelling compared to Infinite

> slutposter tries baiting for the first time

>he actually does
videogame elitism is fucking autism

He is right though


wow, super wrong.

especially because I'm assuming that you prioritise story-telling- this is Sup Forums after all.

whattttt a fucking mess of a game

Minervas Den exists and it part if BS2


Minerva is possibly better than BS1

>implying any explanation in any time travel,superpower story is ever good

They can at least be internally consistent.

>wanting to get away makes no sense?

Wanting to kill Booker makes no sense.

>she gives you buffs and can open doors,set up turrets,etc. what do you want from her?

To be a meaningful gameplay element instead of a glorified ammo dispenser. The Last of Us has the exact same problem. They need to have multiple characters because they don't understand the medium enough to tell a story without constant dialog. But they don't put in the effort to integrate it in the gameplay. In The Last of Us' story, Joel is protecting Ellie. But in the gameplay, Joel only has to worry about himself and Ellie is a non-factor. In BioShock Infinite's story, Elizabeth and Booker have a symbiotic relationship but in the gameplay she's ignorable. How about if Elizabeth's powers had a bigger effect in combat and you had to keep her safe to get the benefits? Maybe they were afraid of turning the game into a long escort mission, but then why write a story that's a long escort mission?

It's funny, Doug Church of Looking Glass studio, after finishing with the Ultima Underworld series, felt that AI wasn't advanced enough for immersive character interaction. As a result, he came up with the novel idea of having all dialog be postmortem with no face to face character interaction. System Shock told a better story in a more sophisticated way than Infinite, which 20 years later, is everything System Shock tried to avoid.

But it kind of is

just let them be, Sup Forums already made up their mind so they don't have to.

But does it really? Sup Forums is full of the same exact plebs and kids that scourge those boards

It shouldn't matter in that universe, especially since in Mass Effect 3 one of the people on your crew mentions that he had a husband and there isn't any thunderous applause for it. Maybe there are some holdouts in the universe but at that point most of the bigotry is against actual ayy's.

It's just hamfisted diversity, and it's not a big reason as to why people hate ME3.

Bioshock Infinite is the worst in the series for storytelling. I also felt like it was a worse gameplay experience since it was lacking a lot of the exploration of the first two games.

I was willing to forgive the story in all honesty until Burial at Sea's ending.

This is a game I preordered like a dipshit, by the way. I had loved 1 and 2 so much. The levels of immersion in those games was really off the charts for me. To go from them into Infinite was like meeting up with an old friend who decided to join some obnoxious cult.

In terms of story? It's hard to say if one is better. I think they're both pretty equal. Minerva handled its plot twist with a level of maturity and thought that's hard to come by these days, in any medium. I had actually owned BS2 for years without playing through the DLC, but when I finally did, I felt like I had made a mistake not doing it sooner. It might be my favorite story add on to any game I can think of right now.

What is your beef with Burial at Sea's ending?

It is!!


Bioshock Infinite was so fucking bad, I had to uninstall it. I own Bioshock collector's edition so it's not like I hate Bioshock or hate popular, highly rated, triple A games. Infinite was just so shitty, it felt insulting.

But why? You uninstalled one of the better games made in the last ten years. Explain why it was >insulting