When were you when Angry Burd killed Captain America?

When were you when Angry Burd killed Captain America?

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You mean the same way TMNT killed GotG for like a week then dropped to number 5?

1 billion. Stay mad and retarded DCcuck, as usual.


>Gets told facts

Why are MC***s so retarded?

You remembered? You are a man of honor and justice.

What facts? That Angry Birds will do 400, BvS 800, and Cap 1.3?

is he going to play Vegeta?

>My movie will make more money XD
Grow up you beta

Is this the beginning of fascistkino?

Redpillkino is upon us



Ah, 1.jpg man

Why don't you come and celebrate?

>arguing over capeshit
>arguing using box office when a fucking angry birds movie is dominating
>not seeing how retarded you look


lel silly DCuck

>angry birds
>civil war

Is this the new age of FascistKino?

>arguing over scraps when vidyakino is right around the corner

a few weeks from now, once warcraft has wiped the floor with your shit movies and earned $3 billion, you whiny manchildren will realize the futility of your arguments

What the fuck?

>months defending BVS
>Now says he hates capeshit and money wont matter


>BvS not even on there

>make a thread about money
>get BTFO
>who cares about money?
Are all DCfags this fucking retarded? I understand why DC doesn't even bother to make watchable movies, they know you're too dumb and will praise anything

>Capeshit still isn't dead