Sup Forums how can I step this up?

Sup Forums how can I step this up?

> 18 year old virgin
> Free house
> She lives a couple houses down
> Friends as Children, recently reconnected
> Horny right now
> She was recently dumped
> 2 years older than me
> I'm blue, shes gray

>"why are you so tall?"
You're already in user if you fuck this up you're mentally retarded

ASK HER. "hey what are you doing later today"?

she already wants your dick. just show up. by that i mean, plan to do something together, just you two, preferably at night, and she will most likely jump your bones. just dont fuck up and you win. but from the messages she's sending, her overall tone, ect, she wants your dick

Yup, if you're smooth you'll hit it with ease.

> 18 year old virgin
> 2 years older than me
> Underage b& gtfo

Good idea. Tho she did say her depression is stopping her from going out

NO I'm 18 she's like 20

Lets hope so

holy shit you moronic asshat who is in a situation i would kill to be in

tell her it's cool if she doesn't want to go out, that you're more than willing to just hang out with her with a movie to help her get her mind off her depression. god damn it go and lose your virginity

Then learn how to write correctly, faggot

I get you fam, thanks

say "I know you don't wanna go out but would you wanna just come over and watch movie/let me cook for you/chill/hang out/talk about [insert common interest]

dude then just ask if shes hungry then play dumb by asking if she wants to grab a bite to eat out and since she doesnt want to go out which you already know, invitte her over for dinner, then throw on some netflix and you fucking win

Yeah it's gonna be hard to mess this one up

3-D chess right there my man

cripes, you are literally IN. It takes special skill to mess this up.

Yes dude
>why are you so tall
Impossible to fuck up, however made me feel bad cause I'm only 5'9

>"why are you so tall"
>'to balance out for my enormous cock'

OP do this

OP if you dont do this youre a fucking retard

I understood what he meant perfectly. Maybe it's you who is retarded?

i understood. how autistic are you?

Don't feel sad, 5"9 is average for a male

>shes thinking about him
>mentions his height, so she probably likes tall guys
>attracted to tall guys, user is apparently tall
>Randomly compliments OP

good 7/10 chance right now

Send a dick pic and ask why you haven't fucked yet

yeah OP i was gonna say the same thing. go for this and dont fuck it up

So many of you responding, I thank you all

nigga if you dont do what this user saidthen you retarded

Thank us by not being a Virgin tomorrow m8

This should be simple OP, she doesn't want to go out so tell her you'll cook for her. Women love that. It doesn't have to be anything hard to cook and if you fuck it up you look human and can just order out. Be nice but make it obvious why your there, she's doing half the work for you by complimenting you. She is basically saying I want you to give me a shot of vitamin D. If you pick up what I'm putting down

This nigga is doing you a service.

yeah make fucking spaghetti. also OP needs to give us an update

You'll stay a virgin if you don't hurry up and be alpha about things

And be cursed with 10 more years of virginity if you don't give us a fucking update

This, Jesus fuck OP. If you fuck this up kys.

Ask her for dinner and cook it yourself and surprise her with abig thing of flowers bitches love getting flowers

Hopefully OPs lack of update is a sign that he's balls deep right now. I'm pulling for you virgin fag

I disagree with the flowers part. It looks a little too try hard

Getting there !!!!!

you have to be a newfag

Now get nudes OP. And then go slay!


Ask her if she wants to come over

this is when you play smart, don't show too much interest but arrange something to keep relationship going.
Don't go full sperglord but just message her
"Hey, doing something (insert date here)" then ask if she wants to come over/you could come over/you two could go anywhere
wait to be a horny fuck once you nail it. In fact, you should be fapping right now so you could stop yourself from spaghettying on your chances.

Go for the throat.

No wonder you're a virgin you goofy bastard.


Not bad advice

This OP. You seem like the type of virgin cucklord that needs something so don't go and fucking waste it. Nurture it

When something significant happens I will deliver, just hard to talk to her and you guys at the same time you dig?

Here's some moar advice OP.
>the term "you dig"
>don't use it with her
>in fact don't use it here either

when it's clearly " ya dig"

Don't listen to this cunt either. He's clearly a degenerate.

dubs and u fuck off mate

was referring to these dubs here

by those I meant these dubs

I rest my case. A degenerative at it's finest

I was actually talking about these ones

Fuck, it's like a baby learning to write.


I meant these, checkem!!


actually meant these

reference to these

You should really consider killing yourself

in reality meant these ones here

when I was actually talking about these ones

You have terminal autism sir.

which were just a taste of these

I honestly meant these dubs

Ssshhh. You don't want to alert the patient to it's degeneracy. Just leave it be. Something will kill it anyway

if we're being honest now, checkem

now I'm completely honest

and I mean CHECK




Check 'em



user is going to fuck this up, but i'll safe you. Ask her if she is into feet (just as men many woman are into feet stuff.) just be direct and say she can play with your feet. With or without socks it doesnt matter. also include that in the message.


She wants the D

MODS!!! Please? Surely we can call on you for degeneracy? This newfag is clearly having some sort of mental breakdown. Sup Forums may not be the place for him now

let's cut the crab and checkem

You're 18 and a virgin? Did you not have a childhood or something? I fooled around with a girl in 5th grade. Lost my virginity during 6 grade. Didn't get anymore until freshman year of highschool but then after that I got laid at least twice every year. Lmao @ you guys

by em I mean these

when I actually mean those here

This thread appears to have been hijacked by an autist. All I will do now is wish luck to the OP

cant get dubs, sucker.

all the time talking about these

that's terrible twice a year fuck I got laid 8 times already in the month of August lmfao

You got dubs, will you STFU now?

yeah I'm cool bro.

yeah well i already got laid 9 times in september

For anyone who is concerned with the initial point of this thread opposed to dubs, me and grill have effectively agreed to meet since there are apparently shooting stars where we live tomorrow

only 8? really?
I got laid 13 times the last five minutes

September isn't here yet you autist

i bet you rehearse this in microsoft word processor. user, you don't have to lie to chill.