ITT: We provide proof we are fucking off at work

ITT: We provide proof we are fucking off at work

Unemployed. Does that count

This could be a good thread

No don't count but you could still prove you are just fucking off

Could be if people contrib

Here ya go faggots. Slow day in car sales.


Nice, feet up just chillin

Ask that guy what happened to his chin ffs

Why doesn't he have a chin?

He's kinda the new guy, we have a number of theories but I guess he was born that way

Lol wtf is that thing, why does it not have a chin?

Someone has a gnarly uppercut.

Either people on /b don't fuck off at work

Or Don't have jobs to contribute


bumping for interest. I'm a deliver driver right now but I miss fucking around at work the one time I was in an office.

Nice Work Boots

describe your job in a few words, please


well... FUCK!


Ty user. Going on 2.5 years. CAT boots is the only boots. I fuck off an awful lot now. Used to barely get 8 months out of a pair.

Run rock quarry. (90% of the time i fuckoff or load faggot fucking dumptrucks with "gravel")

>Faggot fucking dumptrucks

Wtf? Is that a human?

Its not running as fine as I wish...
Some real Work here.

underrated post.
This is the shit I come here for, honestly.

all young Sup Forumsteens can't understand the meaning of this picture.

I'm unemployed right now, but by choice. Have about $150k in the bank from a settlement so I decided to chill and just fuck off this summer. Feels good man.

I used to run 1. I know 90% of the drivers.

They can all go get in a fuckpile and leave me the fuck alone. Guess working alone makes me a cynical fuck most of the time. Oh well. Fucking hate people anymore...

30. No get. Bonus points for boot.


Dunno. Poorfag checking in.

Not much games sadly.

Buy me a dyson vacuum cleaner fam

DICK. How u get paid user?

I got hurt in an accident. Not the ideal way to go about getting money and if I could have avoided it, I would have, but I am trying to make the best of it now.
You know I was just looking at those today...

nigga step yo game up and get a vax

It's a slow day today at the shop cause it's rainy out

I work from home, so can't really show it.
Plus its 10:30 pm

But mark my words, tomorrow I'll wake up at 09:55, connect up to VPN and shit and then start my shift by jacking off

dick in shotgun or gtfo

don't deny the dubs

I see. Well, make the best of it user. I got to pay over $35,000 and a year off work. Crippled for life. Working for family friend building a church. No workmans comp, no nothing. Friend is friends and poorfag anyway. Not about to sue a church. Figure someone was mad at me anyway....

Lol! What line of work u in user or is it not legal?

LOL!!! well, good luck. Dont trip the slide if u pick that hole. Also sorry if your dick fits.

I hear you, my back is fucked and I'm going to have to do a 2nd surgery eventually. Good luck, fellow Sup Forumstard.

My dick ain't fitting in a shotgun, bud

hey dude where did u pick up that bouncy ball with the human face painted on the side of it- oh, wait


When I find the guy who stole his chin I am going to kick his ass.

O shit its the cops
Play it cool

thats because its meaningless you wizard


nice vans

What chin?

I aint your bud, guy

I do IT work for a school district. Pretty all I do is fuck off.

More like you're in school right now and you're inside a classroom eating with your teacher because you have no friends

Tony is that you

His teacher is his friend.


I should move to a different country just to fuck off at work, here in Germany i actually have to work 95% of the time in the office,even our internet activity is watched, you can only check the weather for a minute or some work related stuff without getting in trouble

Award winning chocolatier/drunk here

First time I've posted to Sup Forums straight from my camera

Ayyyy, I love in a little shit town called Clarendon, you've prob never heard of it.

Got some family who lives in littlerock but I've never been

>tfw also have no chin

No one ever takes me seriously and no female has EVER considered me handsome.
Shit sucks.

Its a service desk, IT.
Not one people would think of when talking of home office and all

kekd hard, thanks

took this in my office.

i guess it's not really "proof"

stop fucking off and help that poor man find his chin

dont even have work
get on my level

Nice try m8. That looks like part of your living room

Kill yourself, faggot. America #1, you autistic little faggot. Die.



That beer is very expired.... wtf


My friend works in a hotel so we get all the expired beer from events. Kind of rules.

Beer is never expired. Don't you know anything?
There's two types of beer. The kind you're drinking now, and the kind you're not drunk enough to drink yet.

It doesn't really expire either. The myrcene oils (bitterness in hops) just degrade and it starts tasting like cardboard a little bit.

So don't let anyone convince you aging us always good. Ipas do not age well. Only Belgian varietals and wild/sour beers really benefit from aging

>More dicking around from willy wonka.

Expensive war paint

what is general location, chocolate man? I love the stuff so much I could almost be a woman.


this is some quality slacking right here

Will not reveal.

We specialize in vegan dark.

So rare beans, special old Swiss refining techniques. We would give you multiple orgasms.

As far as competition... buy dick Taylor or Ritual Chocolate

Also note the brand of beer. People outside of Utah don't buy 4% because they don't have to

Ritual is the best in the United States.

Buy Belize single origin or Mid Mt house blend


. Supervisor. Going to check on my Mexicans building a wall, bought them beers for end of day for all the hardwork. No time to chill, will drink one now.

Are you a terrorist ? There is a lot of shit written in arab on your screen

Yea man, surveillance for another inside job.
I am a nightshift security guard at a university around me. I just listen to Pink Floyd, smoke some cigarrettes and keep the faggots away.

vapefag confirmed