Apologize americucks

Apologize americucks

Sorry we drop only two.



I'm sorry we didn't kill all the gooks, but then if we did, I wouldn't have had Nintendo so thanks chink monkeys for that.

Sorry that we're so fucking awesome.



sorry you japs didnt surrender earlier

Suck it you yellow cunts.


Sorry you suck at waging war.

Go suck on the buisness end of a shot gun you worthless nip

i'll do even better than that.

You're welcome.

Should've gone with the bat bomb instead

It was war. They started it. We finished it. Get over it.



Fuck off before I do it again.

See, this shit right here, this is why you're hated by so many countries. Because you're a country of ignorant assholes.

Sorry not sorry


So has Japan apologized to China?

More people would've died if the bombs weren't dropped

Apologize for unit 731 first then ill think about it.

No but they do not eat shit


nope, japan already surrended a few days earlier.


You need to learn your history Bro.. We didnt just randomly bomb them.. Their stupid leader kept attacking and pushing for war. Despite our request for him to stop, which he refused, we defended by dropping one bomb. We requested that he stop war'ing again, he refused. So we dropped another.. No-one to blame but you fag.. its called retaliation. Go learn the history.

i'm sorry i got a little fiancée and i want her to survive

Imagine a Russian invasion and an American invasion Millions would have died sense the emperor expected civilians to fight to the death. The Russians alone would have taken out millions.

No they didn't! What the fuck are you on? Libreral hippy America Hating class or what?

Sorry friendo but you're wrong


True but it's was a conditional surrender.

Russia was going to invade the northern end of Japan, and they hadn't capitulated.

I think its pretty fucked. We freak out when terrorists kill like 3,000 civilians, when we are the biggest civilian murderers of all time. Having said that, I didn't personally have anythingt do with it so I'm not really sorry

If they surrendered we wouldn't have bombed them dumbass

>nope, japan already surrended a few days earlier.

August 6, 1945 - Little Boy and Hiroshima go boom
August 9, 1945 - Fat Man and Nagasaki go boom
August 14, 1945 - Japan surrenders
September 2, 1945 - Formal peace treaty signed

They were still occupying us territories and fighting they really did not surrender..

Oh and this user wins the thread good on you friend!

What happened to Japan after? The Yoshida Doctrine. Which made Japan into an economic power. See what a lil bit o freedom can do.


Well if they weren't playing their loli games on vita they would have gotten the memo out faster.

Actually Russia, China, I'm gonna say any Islamic state, old Rome, and all of Europe pretty much trump US for civilian murdering during war and non-war. The only real reason is, we're young. Every country commits atrocities, every country murders the innocent. That's how power is. You really have no clue how the world actually is, do you? The US has never been the most evil country ever, we've just been the youngest and therefore haven't reached out greatest potential.

i feel like the u.s. has a lot of bad karma coming its way and i dont really wanna be around for that shitstorm, im hoping ill be dead before the fallout apocalypse happens

I'm sorry your leaders didn't care enough to wage a war they couldn't possibly win and forcing are hand into having to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians

Seriously? We haven't done anything worse than any other country out there. I don't understand why people feel this way. Every country murders, every country commits atrocities. Every country has taken part in some sort of genocide in their history. Grow up. Quit being selfish and thinking that we're the worst when by far, we are kittens compared to the tigers out there.

Winners don't apologize.

apologize for the rape of nanking

And losers make movies to try to rewrite how they "won".


all i know china been amassing an army larger than any army in the world and i doubt russia is gonna be backing the u.s. if china decides to fuck shit up.. like i said i just hope im dead before that all happens because theres no doubt in my mind that it will happen

fuck you

Yeah, no.

oh ya and go suck a dick. net time you can just save yourself

Sorry, OP

Only if you apolizgize for killing people who actually matter


what abomination onto allah is this?

>caring aboit spelling on the enternat

Tis I shall never undersand.

> Google historian

Stop being a nigger

We are sorry - as a Christian nation, we forgive and seek forgiveness.

If it makes you feel any better the USA let Unit 731 die long and peaceful rich lives

whenever i read words that are misspelled i automatically assume the person is either retarded or too lazy to retype the word correctly, but mostly i think theyre retarded

The United States made the correct choice in their deployments of the bombs.
The casualties would have been much higher if Japan had to be taken by conventional forces.
Also.. Soviet forces wanted to "assist" with the fight. Japan would possibly have ended up like east/west Berlin.

I'm not even American and I can see the cold logic of nuking the cities.

Besides they were manufacturing military equipment in both cities and the U.S. air dropped warning pamphlets beforehand giving a list of potential targets and encouraging civilians to vacate.
It's their own fault for staying and getting vaporized.

I'm German and if I ever see or hear an american tourist joke about the nuking of japan in my proximity I'll make sure to teach them a lesson.

We just recently held a day of mourning for nagasaki where I live.

>Never Forget Pearl Harbor!!!!
>Fucking japanfags get over bombs already

Murican logic

Russia yes.

China no.

The rest maybe.

> not the natives

> around civil war civilians killing eachother eg kkk

Usa is young and off to a really great start with the natives, Latin America and iraqis


Without the atomic bombs, amazing anime like Fist of the North Star and Akira wouldn't have been made.

Yeah... like German has the fucking moral high ground about anything that happened during World War II.

Suck it.

> anime

Akira manga was insanely better than that POS movie fucking hated it.

Best manga I read

One was an unprovoked attack the other was retaliation

you babydicks wouldn't surrender, so we helped you.

We apologize that we didn't drop more, foad

Not really.

During all the world wars the countries are harassing eachother. We blew up some of their supply ships earlier and we were pissed about them taking over the islands.

War is war

fuck all those slants, they should be happy they got to die for their glorious emperor

Personally I would start another WW if just to kill an american patriot.
The nuking of Japan was an atrocity no matter what we did.

First post, best post.

world is a tiny place, looking back on medievil ages is retarded, whats actually important today is definetly to be able to adap to almost any environment, like politicly or anyhow in life, public just tears you apart in most cases

>war is war
So still nothing to apologize for nigger

>Teach them a lesson.

Sure you are.

>no matter what
Just kys chinkfaggot. Id rape you first then kill you in ww3

Hitler loved the way America treated the natives he was obsessed with cowboys.

You shitpost here pro Hitler then change your mind, stop being gay

War... war never changes.

Any bad karma we'll just nuke it ya faggot douchebag

> nothing to apologize for

But Obama already did so nothing to argue about nigger

I'm German but stand with my allies you faggot.
You Americans are all talk and drones, but one on one you piss and shit yourselves.

Agreed, do whatever you must to ensure your opponents destruction. Apologize for nothing.

>Says the loser.

We didn't exactly drop those on accident. What were we supposed to apologize for again?

Reading comprehension isn't one of your skills, is it, ball licker? I was responding to the German fucknut who was acting all high and mighty about America's actions during World War II. Nothing in anything I said was pro-Hitler, dumbass.

nah bruh, i aint never piss or shit myself ever, well, cept that one time but that one dont count cuz i was fucked up on all kinds of shit at the time

> apologize for nothing

Obama already apologized for you how does that make you feel?

Obama is a nigger who rigged an election. The fuck do i care about his monkey ass for?

i have no strong feelings one way or the other

Apologies are for cucks. Own your decisions man

>Agreed, do whatever you must to ensure your opponents destruction. Apologize for nothing.
You're fucking cringy
>Says the loser
lol you only won because you were more. You still pissed and shat yourselves, your shit and blood was all over the battlefield.
>what is russia???

Say something like >japs deserved it< when I'm nearby and I'll literally kill you ou boasting fag

Lol America apologized

Look at the kraut projecting because his ancesters shat everywhere when they lost.